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Issue: You have a Salesforce lead field that is not currently in Marketo but you want to have in it Marketo for use.   Solution: Login to Salesforce as a System Administrator user. Identify the Salesforce profile that is being used by the Marketo sync user by clicking on Setup -> Manage Users -> Users Once you have identified the Salesforce profile being used by the Marketo sync user, you will need to make the Salesforce field visible to the Salesforce profile of the Marketo sync user. You do this via "Field-Level Security" setting for the field in Salesforce. In Salesforce:  Click on Your name at the top right of the screen -> Setup -> App Setup -> Customize ->   Click the Salesforce object the field is under. i.e. Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities -> Fields Click on the Field Label hyperlink Click on the "Set Field-Level security" button -> check the "Visible" checkbox next to the Salesforce profile that is being used by the Marketo sync user.   Only the "Visible" checkbox must be checked. The "Read Only" checkbox must be checked. In the following screenshot below, notice the different checkbox options for the "Backup User" Salesforce field. However, only 1 option combination will work correctly - i.e. the option with only the "Visible" checkbox checked.     Some standard Salesforce fields even though you have correctly followed the instructions above, simply do not sync to Marketo. One example of this is the "Rating" field on the Account object.
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By default, required fields on Marketo forms show a red asterisk to indicate that they're required. Here's how you can remove or change it.   Please ensure that you have access to an experienced Web developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting code. Removing the asterisk The following CSS will remove the asterisk from your code. You can add this to one landing page by dragging in a Custom HTML element and pasting this in, or you can add it to your landing page template so it affects all your forms. <style type="text/css">   form.lpeRegForm li.mktFormReq label {     background: none !important;   } </style >   Changing the asterisk To change the required symbol, you need an image that you'd like to display instead of the asterisk. It needs to be 16x16px, and ideally you should make the background transparent. Create that image, then upload it to Marketo. Get the URL for that image, then add this CSS to your landing pages: <style type="text/css">   form.lpeRegForm li.mktFormReq label {     background:url('[image URL goes here]') no-repeat scroll right 0 transparent;   } </style>
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Here's how you can use tokens and URL parameters to automatically assign leads to Salesforce campaigns after filling out a form.  These tokens work in all of the Salesforce campaign flow steps: Add to Salesforce Campaign Change Status in Salesforce Campaign Remove from Salesforce campaign Get the Salesforce campaign ID and status You need two things to begin this process -- the name or ID of the Salesforce campaign you want to sync to and a valid status in that campaign.  You can get the ID for the campaign by opening that campaign in Salesforce and copying the last 15 characters from the URL.  Here's an example campaign URL; the ID is highlighted: To get the valid statuses, click on "Advanced Setup" on the campaign's page The status should be listed there: Create new fields First, you need to create two new fields -- "SFDC Campaign ID" and "SFDC Campaign Status" -- both of type "string".  You can create these on your lead and contact records in Salesforce, or contact Marketo support to add those custom fields in your Marketo account. Create or edit the form After you create those fields, the next step is to incorporate them into your forms.  Create a new form or edit an existing form, then drag those two fields into your form.  Make them both hidden fields and set them to populate from a URL.  If you're unfamiliar with them, this article on hidden fields has details on how they work. Making a Field Hidden on a Form When setting the values for those fields, use a real Salesforce campaign ID and status as the default value.  Here's how you might edit the settings for those fields: SFDC Campaign ID: Default Value: [a real Salesforce campaign ID or name] Populate from: URL Parameter Parameter name: campaignID SFDC Campaign Status: Default Value: [a real Salesforce campaign status for the campaign you chose] Populate from: URL Parameter Parameter name: status And here's what your form might look like when done: Now you have a form that automatically add leads to the default Salesforce campaign you selected and that you can override with URL parameters. Create a Smart Campaign Next, you need to create a campaign that will add these leads to the selected (or default) Salesforce campaign.  We'll trigger this campaign to launch whenever someone fills out your form: In the flow, first you need to sync the lead to Salesforce so that you can add it to a campaign. Then you can add it to the Salesforce campaign using the values in the SFDC Campaign ID and SFDC Campaign Status fields.  To do this, use the tokens for those fields in your flow step:  {{Lead.SFDC Campaign ID}} for the campaign name and {{Lead.SFDC Campaign Status}} for the status.  If you type "{{" in the fields, the auto-suggest will help you enter that text correctly: Your finished flow should look like this: Finally, in the schedule tab set this campaign to run every time and activate it. Launch your landing page If you modified a form already in use, you can now go to that landing page, fill out the form, and watch as your lead gets synced to the Salesforce campaign you chose.  If this is a new form, create and approve a new landing page which uses that form.  After filling out the form, you should see the lead added to the default Salesforce campaign specified in your form: Use URL parameters to override the default campaign and status.  For our forms, the campaign is set by the "campaignID" URL parameter and the status by the "status" URL parameter.  For example, this URL: will assign the lead to the Salesforce campaign "701A00000009K3l" (the Salesforce internal ID) with the status "Responded."  If either value has spaces or special characters, make sure that you URL encode them before adding them to your URL. Using tokens in other Salesforce campaign flow steps These tokens work in all of the Salesforce campaign flow steps -- Add, Remove, and Change Status in SFDC campaign.  Follow the same directions as above but substitute the appropriate flow step in place of the Add to SFDC Campaign step. Diagnosing errors If your leads are not syncing to your Salesforce campaigns, first go to the Activity Log for that lead and double click the line that has the failed flow step. The information that appears will help you figure out what the problem might be. The most common errors you'll encounter are: Spelling errors in your tokens -- use the autosuggest to help Using an SFDC campaign ID or name that doesn't exist -- check the spelling of the campaign or ID The lead doesn't exist in salesforce -- sync the lead to Salesforce before adding him/her to your campaign Using a status that doesn't exist for that campaign -- change the status to one that does exist for the campaign, or add a new status to the campaign in Salesforce
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Issue Marketo Forms embedded on non-Marketo web page do not show up when using Firefox private browsing.   Solution Marketo forms and Munchkin tracking are inserted into non-Marketo pages via Javascript. If the browser privacy settings block the script from executing, Marketo forms and tracking will not work.  Marketo is not able to override a customer's browser security settings. The alternatives are as follows: Create a non-Marketo form on the web page Use a backend form submission to push the info in the form into Marketo. Instructions for doing so can be found here:  
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Issue What BCC options are there for email sends? Solution Marketo support can enable BCC on request.  If an email address is to be BCC'd on a batch email send, they'll get 1 BCC for every 1 email Marketo sends. (10k email sends = 10k BCC emails). This can be useful for archiving and compliance purposes, but should not be used for simple campaign confirmation. If you just want to make sure the email went out as scheduled, the easiest way is to create yourself as record in the database, and include yourself in the batch send. Only one BCC address is supported at this time, if multiple BCC recipients are required then it is recommended to create an alias which will forward the messages. This setting is applied to the entire instance, and will affect all emails sends from all Campaigns and Programs while enabled.  Every email sent while this feature is enabled will result in a corresponding BCC email. CAUTION: Dedicated email address setup for the BCC email traffic must be able to handle high volumes of email. Discuss with your IT Team or email service provider to verify their Email Server can handle the estimated volume of incoming email. If the Email Server is not well equipped this feature can cause your Email Server to backlog, become unavailable temporarily, or reject the BCC emails. If the request is for a single email send, we recommend using the following CC process: Email CC | Adobe Marketo Engage  
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Issue You want to edit a campaign flow after initiating the run, but there are already members running through the flow in the wait steps. Solution Generally speaking, it is best to not edit the flow of a campaign after activating/initiating. Example: Let's say that a particular campaign has 3 flow steps: Change program status Wait 2 days Send email And you would like to add a new step in between 1&2, so the new flow would be Change program status Change score Wait 2 days Send email If you add a new Flow step above a wait step, the wait step shifts down. However, currently there are leads waiting the designated 2 days (Flow step #2). (It's helpful to think about wait steps like buckets. Once a lead enters the flow step, the wait duration is calculated, and the lead waits there in that flow step bucket for that amount of time.)   If the campaign was initiated, and a lead entered Flow step #2 and began waiting 2 days, and then you add an additional step above, the Wait 2 days becomes Flow step #3. Now when the leads are done waiting 2 days in Flow Step #2 bucket, then they exit and progress to #3. Even though the actual wait step shifts from #2 to #3, the lead records are still in Step #2 bucket, and they do not shift from #2 to #3, meaning they are now waiting an additional 2 days.   Solution: The solution here is to create a new campaign with the desired flow steps for the same membership (same Smart List), and then run a "Remove from Flow" single action by clicking the following in the old campaign (the one you wanted to edit):   View Campaign Members > Select All > Person Actions > Special > Remove from Flow. In the Run Action dialog box, click on "is" and change to "this campaign". Click "Run Now". After removing these members, they will not progress further into the old campaign flow, and now the new campaign is ready to be activated/initiated.    
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Issue Description You come across a few leads who failed to sync to SFDC and would like to have the list of leads who faced the same issue. Issue Resolution Unfortunately Marketo doesn't have a specific type of filter to leads who failed to sync to SFDC. However if they are new leads who haven’t synced to SFDC, then you can filter them by using the filters "Person was created" and "SFDC Type" with condition "is empty".     If you want to find the list of leads (previously synced to SFDC) who failed to sync among a particular group of leads, you can filter by following the below steps.   1. Create a new Boolean type field in SFDC namely "Sync Error?" and with the default value as "true". 2. Wait for the filed to sync into Marketo. 3. Create a smart campaign to select those group of records and the flow steps to change the value of the Boolean field "Sync Error?" to ”False" and then "Sync person to SFDC". 4. Once the campaign has finished running, you will be to pull a report on SFDC on the list of leads who have the value "True" for the field "Sync Error?". It means that the value was not updated to SFDC as the record failed to sync. With this list you will be able to select the records and resolve the sync issue.   You can also create a smart list of leads who were never able to sync with the following filters: Lead was synced to SFDC : Assign to : is not empty SFDC Type: is Empty   I would also suggest that you refer the below list of ideas to improve the visibility of sync errors.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with Salesforce Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You are following the SSO setup instructions provided by Azure to configure your IDP ( However, you are getting the error message: " Error processing SAML message. Request was ill-formed in some way. " To troubleshoot that message you are collecting the SAML assertion being passed to Marketo to identify potential issues with it (as described here: ). However, when trying to capture the SAML, you are not able to find any SAML in the network tracer even after arriving at the error message.    Solution Confirm the field "Sign on URL" is empty as it is only intended to be used for service provider initiated single sign-on, which is not supported by Marketo.  Disclaimer: Marketo does not support 3rd party products such as Azure Active Directory and cannot configure your IDP on your behalf. This document is intended to assist Azure users in configuring their IDP, but no guarantees are made that this information is accurate.    
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Issue You try to send a sample of an email and receive a notice that the send sample failed.     Solution There are two token-related reasons that Send Sample may fail: You may have an invalid value for a token in your email. If there is an incorrect token value, the send sample will not work. Example: If you have the token for first name written like this {{lead.FirstName:default=Hello}}, when you try to approve the email Marketo will let you know that the token value is incorrect. The correct token value is  {{lead.First Name:default=Hello}}. For this example if you change the token value to {{lead.First Name:default=Hello}}, Marketo will allow you to approve the email and it will allow you to do a send sample. You may have a token in the From or Reply-To line that is not populating with an email address Example: If you have a token in the Reply-To like this one, {{lead.Email Address:default=edit me}}, then the Send Sample using the default will have "edit me" in the Reply-To, which is not an email address.  Marketo cannot send an email without a Reply-To email address, so the Send Sample will fail.   If any of the above does not apply, run the following tests and provide the information to Marketo Support Clone the email in question and test to send as a sample Create a new email and test to send as a sample Send the email via a live campaign or a single flow step to a test lead
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Wait steps allow you to “pause” a lead’s progression through a campaign’s flow.  This article will explain how this is accomplished, and help guide you around some common pitfalls when using wait steps.   When a lead encounters a wait step in your campaign’s flow it is “stamped” with the information contained in that step.  Think of it like a rubber stamp marking each lead with the time it should resume its movement through the flow.  The stamp also marks the lead with the next step in the flow, so it knows what to look for when its wait time is up. In the example below, leads will be sent an email from Step #1 then stamped by Flow Step #2 with “Resume on January 30 th at 10 AM.  Look for Step #3” which will then set aside these leads.  They don’t leave the flow, but they’re no longer still in Flow Step #2 either. Next, we’ll look at some situations you might run into when using Wait Steps.  It’s best to think through your flow and make any changes before you initiate your campaign, but here’s what to do if you need to make changes to an active flow.   Keep in mind that in a batch campaign all leads will move through the flow together, so they would all reach the wait step together and would all be stamped with the same information.  In a trigger campaign though, leads are more likely to have triggered the campaign at different times, and will be in different places along the flow. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Summary Leads/Forms are not appearing in Marketo but are appearing in Linkedin Issue Troubleshooting LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms issues - Leads/ Forms are not appearing in Marketo but are appearing in LinkedIn Solution Most of the time this issue is caused by insufficient permissions for the user specified in the LaunchPoint Service under "Admin > LaunchPoint." This article mentions what is required for LinkedIn lead gen forms to work on LinkedIn for the user, this is not for Marketo but it makes a great reference.  For Marketo, we require full permissions for the integration to work.  - Campaign Manager OR Account Manager (The integration user will only be able to have one of these permissions) - Company Page Admin  - Lead Gen Forms Manager  Ensure that the user has all 3 permissions. If you made some changes to the permission, re-authorize LaunchPoint service and, try again. I would also recommend deleting and re-creating the LaunchPoint service. It is recommended every time you make changes to the permission so that the connection works without any issue. You could see the form in Marketo after this step.   If any one of the permissions is added later, I recommend creating a test lead on the form referring the document - The leads that fill out the form after this step would be found on Marketo. You could List Import the other leads that filled out the form.  If you are still facing the issue after verifying the above steps, please raise a support ticket with Marketo. We could verify whether the issue is with Marketo or the Integration itself. 
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Issue Note: If you have been migrated to Admin Console, refer to the Admin Console Overview page at When I go to the Support area of Nation, my access to the Portal is incorrect.     Solution Our system is particular about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it.   The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 This is a article attached image Step 2 This is a article attached image   Step 3 This is a article attached image Step 4 This is a article attached image   If you experience issues, please email
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Issue You want to set up a DKIM key on one of your domains or subdomains, but another service has a DKIM key already set up on the selector/domain combo.   Solution Beginning October 2023, Marketo has upgraded it's DKIM feature to allow for a Custom Selector for DKIM Keys.  Most Users will be able to utilize the prior default selector, m1, as their DKIM Key.  However, if another integration is already utilizing the m1 selector, a custom value can be used. Common ones seen are "m2", "a1", "mkto", etc. It can be longer, but shorter is generally better   Afterwards, you'll be able to validate DKIM  as detailed in documentation:  
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Issue You see email clicks in a lead's activity history but no corresponding web page visits to the Munchkin-tracked page. The clicks happen immediately upon delivery of the email, or sometimes even before the delivery is logged. Solution Issue Resolution This is usually caused by email security software on the receiving email server. The security software tests the links to make sure they are not malicious and this causes Marketo to log a click activity for the email. Because the security software does not actually open the web page in the browser, there is no web page visit logged.   Your emails are more likely to be link tested if your sender reputation is low. For more information on link testing, see the following documents. Understanding a Spike in Click Activity Cracking the Inbox Code: Barracuda    
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Issue How to use tokens to personalize some of the information displayed in a Marketo form.     Solution It is possible to use Marketo tokens in the following form elements: Field Labels - Edit a Field Label in a Form Hint Text - Add Hint Text to a Form Field Tooltip Instructions - Add Tooltip Instructions to a Form Field Fieldset Text - Add a FieldSet to a Form Rich Text boxes - Add Rich Text to a Form
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If you want to put a Marketo form your own website but would like to keep progressive profiling and prefill, this solution is for you. Note These instructions apply to Forms 1.0 only.  These will not work in Forms 2.0. Learn how to: Create a Form Create a Landing Page Add Your Form to Your Landing Page Add The Iframe to Your Web Site Create a Form 1.1   Create a Marketo form with all the fields you would like to have on your page, see Create a Basic Form for details. Create a Landing Page 2.1   Create a Marketo landing page using the blank template, see Create a Landing Page for details. Add Your Form to Your Landing Page 3.1   Add the form you created above to the landing page, see Add a form to a Landing Page for details. 3.2   Select your form in the landing page editor. 3.3   Set Top and Left to 0 in the Property Sheet. 3.4   Drag the corner of the form box out ever so slightly (just a few pixels). 3.5   Now write down the height and width from the Property Sheet, you will use these values later for your iframe. Reminder Approve the landing page. Add The Iframe to Your Web Site 4.1   Update the URL in the code below with the URL of the approved landing page that has your form on it as well as the height and width. <iframe src="" width="289" height="192" frameborder=”0”></iframe> 4.2  Add the code to your website and it should start working immediately.
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Issue You would like to include the subject lines of your emails in your email performance reporting     Solution In the Email Performance report in Analytics, you cannot not add the subject line to the report. However if your instance has access to Revenue Explorer then you can create a report that includes subject line. Within Revenue Explorer create a new Email Analysis report. Email Subject is listed under Email Attributes, you can either include Email Subject as either a row or a column.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer    
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Warning: This isn't for the faint of heart. If you really know your Javascript and are comfortable with your landing pages, then you might consider adding custom validation on top of Marketo's built-in validation: Adding custom validation to a Marketo form before submitting it The function Mkto.validateField processes the form fields and checks their values.  By changing that function, you can replace or remove Marketo's built-in form validation. Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Disabling Validation To disable Javascript validation outright, add this javascript to your landing page as a Custom HTML block or on your landing page template: <script type="text/javascript">   Mkto.validateField =  function(fld) { return true; } </script> Custom Validation If you want to do your own validation, open find the Mkto.validateField function. It does lots of validation including email addresses, required fields, and phone numbers.  If you want to do your own validating instead of Marketo's, replace the Mkto.validate function by using a dedicated Custom HTML block or by editing your landing page template: <script type="text/javascript"> Mkto.validateField =  function(fld) {     // code goes here.  return true if it's valid, false otherwise   return true; } </script> Instead, you really should keep the Marketo validation and instead add your own custom validation on top of that: Adding custom validation to a Marketo form before submitting it
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Issue What is the difference between Program Status Vs. Person Status? Solution Person Status is an attribute on a record and is an over all status for the record. An example would be a lead that has MQL or Marketing Qualified status. Program Status is the status a lead is in within a program. An example for an lead would be in a trade show or any event type program. This would have a program status of "Invited" or Registered. A single lead can have multiple program statuses, one for each program membership they have. A great way to look at it is, I have a Monthly membership to the Gym and a premium membership to the local warehouse club. I have multiple memberships and statuses for those memberships.. However my "Person Status" is different, I am for example licensed to drive in the state I live. My status is either licensed or not..        
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Issue There is a significant delay of several hours or days between when an update is made to a contact record in Dynamics and when the change shows on that record in Marketo. Solution To determine what may be causing this, follow these steps: Check under Admin > Microsoft Dynamics to make sure your sync is turned on. Take a look at the Admin > Sync Status tab as described here: If there is a backlog of updates or inserts showing here, this is likely what is causing the delay. Check the Sync Errors tab to see if there are any errors indicating issues with your sync. Find an example record that has a sync delay, and locate the GUID of the record in Dynamics. Check the Marketo Log to see if the update to that record was written to it. The logs can be found under Settings > Extensions or under Workplace (this can potentially be customized). Once the logs have been located, you'll want to click on each one individually, and it will show the current view. If not all of the columns are visible, edit the view and include all the column and save/publish that change. Once all of the columns are visible, click on the export option as a static sheet. Once you've exported the Marketo Log, do a search for the GUID in the file. If there is a record of the update on the date-time you made it, that means it was successfully written to the log. In this case, there is likely a backlog of updates to be made, particularly if a large update was made recently, so it may come in later. If there is no record of an update to that record, there is something on the Dynamics side preventing it from being written. You will want to work with Dynamics Support to narrow down the issue in this case.         Who This Solution Applies To Customers using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration
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