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From the Marketo Email Use Policy: "...You may not send any Unsolicited Email by use or means of the Marketo Service. "Unsolicited Email" is defined as email sent to persons other than: persons with whom you have an existing business relationship, OR (ii) persons who have consented to the receipt of such email, including publishing or providing their email address in a manner from which consent to receive email of the type transmitted may be reasonably implied." The full text of the policy is here: An abuse report is a report that an individual sends to alleging that a Marketo customer sent unsolicited email. There are a number of reasons why someone might report abuse. Here are a few common reasons people report abuse to us: The person forgot they opted-in to the mailing The person received genuinely unsolicited email The person opted in, but the branding in the email was different than the branding on the opt in form so it was not clear the email they received was connected to their opt-in experience Someone signed up for your list with the wrong address, and the person who actually received your email felt it was abusive   For additional reference - Abuse Report Deep Dive  
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Help Us Help Worthy Non-Profits with the Gift of Marketo!  Marketo is pleased to support selected non-profit organizations by providing no-cost usage of our Marketo Lead Management product. We will provide Marketo Lead Management to up to 12 non-profits each year. We will make a selection from qualified applicants who meet our eligibility guidelines, and we encourage our current customers and partners to make nominations. Specifically, we are asking you to nominate an organization that meets the following criteria: Must be a recognized 501(c)(3) organization Must be nominated by a Marketo customer, and the nominated nonprofit must have an existing relationship with the Marketo customer– a vendor, board member, employee volunteer, etc Would use Marketo's integration with or use Marketo as a standalone application Must not receive any goods or services from the nominating company, employees or family members of employees in exchange for the nomination and/or the donation Additionally, to be eligible for the product donation, you as the Sponsor must assume primary responsibility for the training, usage and adoption of Marketo product by nominated non-profit. For more information regarding the responsibilities of a Sponsor, please refer to the Donation Application attached. Once an organization is accepted, we plan to renew the donation each year unless circumstances on either side necessitate termination. Download the attached application and nominate a worthy non-profit today! Download Attachments: Marketo PD Application.pdf
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Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer.  Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. With a change to the Munchkin javascript, you can send web tracking events like page visits or clicked links to multiple instances of Marketo. The code below is for sending Munchkin events to two or more Marketo accounts. If the events need to go to only one Marketo account, you can use the Munchkin tracking code as-is from the Munchkin Setup part of the Admin section. Note: Marketo tracks visitors to your website by domain (ex. ""). If your hosting this Munchkin script on a domain that's different than your primary domain (ex. ""), those visitors will appear as anonymous leads until they fill out a form on that other domain. Add a parameter to the mktoMunchkin call -- altIds -- and include an array of the additional Munchkin IDs where these web events should go, as in the example below. You can include any number of altIds in the array, each separated by commas. In the example below, replace the highlighted Munchkin IDs ("XXX-XXX-XXX", "YYY-YYY-YYY") with the Munchkin IDs from each Marketo account where the tracking information should be sent. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script>mktoMunchkin("XXX-XXX-XXX", { altIds: ['YYY-YYY-YYY', 'ZZZ-ZZZ-ZZZ'] });</script> Related Articles Adding Javascript Tracking Code to your Website (Munchkin)
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Have two form fields you want to merge into one? Try this jQuery script. In short, any time someone changes focus off one of the selected fields, the destination field will be updated. Build the form For example, say you want to populate a field called Full Name with the first and last name provided in the form. First, go to the Form Editor and add Full Name as a hidden field in the form. Next, open the landing page for editing, or create a new one and add the form to the page. Get the form IDs You'll need to get the IDs of the form fields. Go back to the Design Studio, preview the page, then view the source in your browser. You'll need to find the entries for the fields you want to retrieve the values from and set the concatenated value into. For example, if you're looking for the First Name field's id, it's FirstName: <label>First Name:</label><span class='mktInput'><input class='mktFormText mktFormString mktFReq' name="FirstName" id="First Name" type='text' value="" maxlength='255' tabIndex='1' /><span class='mktFormMsg'></span> Note: Marketo Technical Support is not equipped to troubleshoot custom javascript. It is recommend to work with an experienced developer when implementing custom javascript. Add custom Javascript In the Javascript below, replace the following: destinationField: id of the field where the appended value will go ("#FullName") joinFields: a list of the field ids it should read from ("#FirstName,#LastName") joinString: text that goes between each item (" ") Add the Javascript to your landing page as a Custom HTML element.  Test it to make sure it works correctly, then approve the page. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     // set no conflict mode for jquery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();     // jQuery selector of the field that receives the joined value   var destinationField = "#FullName";     // jQuery selectors of the fields to be joined together.     // Use "#ID option:selected" if it's a dropdown   var joinFields = "#FirstName,#LastName;     // the text that will be added between each item   var joinString = " "; $jQ(document).ready(function(){    // You may need to change the field types that trigger the concatenation    // depending on the input types you're using in the form   $jQ("input,select,option").blur( function () {     concatFields()   }); }); function concatFields() {   $jQ(destinationField).attr("value",      $jQ(joinFields).map(function(){        return $jQ(this).val();      }).get().join(joinString)   ); } </script>
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As part of the September 2012 release, Marketo exposed the ability to create a Webhook.  Webhooks are essentially HTTP callbacks that allow you to send a "payload" (i.e. xml, json) to a URL and include parameters. Here is a walk-through on how to create a Webhook that sends an SMS Message to a Marketo Lead using the Twilio messaging platform. Step 1 Sign up for a Twilio Account (  Be sure to follow the instructions on validating any numbers that will be used to send an SMS message. Step 2 Navigate to Admin in your Marketo Account Step 3 Select Treasure Chest from the left tree and click Edit in the Webhooks section Step 4 Check the box to Enable Webhooks Step 5 In the Admin menu, select  Webhook and click New Webhook Step 6 Enter the Webhook details as defined in the below screenshot.  A powerful feature of Webhooks is that you can include Tokens as part of the URL and/or Message for further customization. Note:  You will replace the [ACCOUNT_SID] & [AUTH_TOKEN] values with what is specified in your Twilio account. Step 7 Create a Program/Campaign in Marketo.  In the example below, a Program/Campaign was created with associated LandingPage/Form to send out an SMS text message when the lead fills out form. Step 8 See the activity appear in the Activity Tab for that lead in Marketo Step 9 Check SMS activity in your Twilio Account Log
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In late May 2011, the European e-Privacy directive went into effect in Europe. This directive legally mandates that websites tracking users with cookies must obtain explicit consent from the person before dropping the cookie. Marketing automation will become an even more powerful revenue engine when online participants feel safe about their data.  In addition to being given the option to opt-in to marketing and lead nurturing programs that are relevant to them, with the standardization of privacy protections, unsavory players will be cut out of the market. Businesses that are trusted will excel in this environment. What is a cookie? A cookie is a very small piece of software code that websites use to track visitors. What do these regulations mean? When asking permission, the website must be clear on what data is being tracked and how it will be used. A record of the permission confirmation action (e.g. clicking an agreement link) must be retained. What if I am based in the US? The regulations apply to all businesses and websites tracking European users. To be in compliance with the EU, American businesses must take reasonable measures to identify which website visitors are European and obtain their permission. The former EU’s commissioner for justice, Viviane Reding, is quoted as saying “Privacy standards for European citizens should apply independently of the area of the world in which their data is being processed,”. “To enforce the EU law, national privacy watchdogs shall be endowed with powers to investigate and engage in legal proceedings against non-EU data controllers whose services target EU customers.” In addition to this new cookie tracking regulation, US businesses servicing Europeans should also be Safe Harbor certified. Safe Harbor ensures that American businesses are compliant with the European Commission’s previous Directive on Data Protection. What if I am a multinational corporation? The regulations apply to all businesses and websites tracking European users. Is this really a law? The European e-Privacy directive is EU law. However, it is not yet national law for all EU members. With EU directives, member states are required to enact national laws implementing the directive. Most member states have not implemented national laws requiring explicit consent for cookies. The exceptions here are Germany, Italy, and the UK (see next question). The national legislatures do not always move at the schedule ordered by the EU directives. This process could very well take many years to cover all of Europe. Marketo will continue to watch developments and update this FAQ appropriately. Is explicit consent already law in any EU country now? Currently, there are several countries that have enacted this law. Germany has had rules on the book requiring explicit consent before tracking by cookies for some time now. Indeed, in many ways the EU e-Privacy directive is designed to harmonize EU member state laws with Germany’s privacy laws. Because Germany already requires explicit consent and other EU countries are starting too, Marketo recommends that businesses begin compliance implementation now. The UK Department of Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) is currently developing specific guidelines for compliance with this law. So, while the law went into effect on May 25, 2011, in the UK, the DCMS has stated that they will not be enforcing the law until an unspecified date in the future. Italy has also enacted laws to comply with the EU privacy directive. Marketo will continue to monitor developments and update this FAQ document appropriately. What happens if I am not compliant? This is a major transformation in privacy protections that businesses worldwide will be adapting. Most countries in Europe, like Britain, have not yet released specifics on regulations. Until specific regulations are created, there will not be details on the penalties. It is likely that over time, EU penalties for non-compliance will increase. What caused this change? Over a long period of time, the EU member states have had different privacy laws. It is a stated goal of the EU to have uniform and cohesive privacy regulations. Is the change good or bad? This change will be good for companies that are able to compete by online trust and privacy protection. With the new privacy protections, consumers and B2B buyers will be able to easily compare privacy practices of businesses they are evaluating to engage with. Businesses need to start competing on how much they are trusted with subscribers’ data. Businesses that are good at online trust will benefit. Marketo believes that initiatives that encourage trust will benefit the online marketing ecosystem over time. Who are the experts in this field? Who are the leaders in this information? I.e. where can I get more info or how can I stay on top of this topic? Many Marketo customers are experts in building online trust and competing on privacy. Marketo’s Privacy team is dedicated to Marketo customers and provides know-how on best practices compliance. The Online Trust Alliance (OTA - is a great non-profit working to foster trust in online ecosystems. The OTA is tapped into the developing privacy trends in the EU and Washington as is a great resource for member companies. MAAWG (Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group) is a regular gathering of the top experts in privacy and messaging abuse prevision. How can I become compliant? The key to compliance is explicit consent. Explicit consent means specific language on how you are marketing and tracking. Explicit consent also means that there must also be some kind of affirmative action (e.g. clicking) where the subscribers acknowledges their consent to marketing and tracking. A good example of this is where a subscriber provides consent by clicking which causes a pop-up box specifying what you will do with the subscriber’s personal data. It is important that you do not mix up consent wording with more general wording on your business policies. If you integrate consent language into your general, then highlight consent language and record the click making consent. Do I have to collect this explicit consent on the first page of my website? You can decide where to collect consent and then drop the cookie. Many websites will allow European visitors to browse some pages or sections of the website before “popping the question”. The idea in these cases is to enable the website visitor to see the value of the web content or services before asking for tracking permission. For example, you might want to pop the question after a European visitor has viewed a certain number of pages, spent a given amount of time on the site, or visited specific webpages. Are there exceptions to this requirement? The EU directive provides an exemption for cookies that are dropped to track shopping cart contents. Furthermore, in Germany, transaction messages or messages that are needed to do previously specified business are exempt from these opt-in requirements. It is likely that other EU counties will adopt similar exemptions for existing business relationships. What about my personal blog or our employees' personal blogs and web pages? The EU focus is currently on business compliance. It will be interesting to see how Europe approaches tracking and consent for personal web properties. How is going to affect users who visit websites? If you are in the US it probably will not affect you at most websites you visit. Europeans, on the other hand, will likely be asked for their permission often. Europeans will be better able to factor privacy protection into their business and purchase decisions. Is this likely to change in other places too? Will the US change its laws? US privacy regulations are almost certainly going to change over the next year. The FTC and the Commerce Dept have both launched major privacy initiatives. Some national US legislators have also proposed federal privacy laws. While the final version of US privacy rules are nowhere near finished, it is very likely that US privacy is changing. What are others saying about this? Different organizations are saying different things. For example, Yahoo is saying they are compliant already: What are the laws in the US? Are they different? The US does not currently have Federal baseline privacy laws. Many online tracking methods are not yet regulated in the US. This is changing, however, with major initiatives from the FTC, Commerce Dept, and legislators. How does this affect Google and Facebook? The EU has made statements indicating the Google and Facebook will be affected by this. Indeed, it sometimes seems that Google is every EU country's favorite example company to drag into court on privacy matters. Industry blog GigaOm summarized, some EU statements about “one senior European Union official making a broadside attack aimed at services such as Google and Facebook” here - Does this affect only my website? Do my landing pages, social media profiles, or blogs, matter too? The EU regulations speak to any tracking by cookies independent of the nature of the web property doing the tracking. (Although, any cookies dropped to track shopping basket contents are exempt and in Germany, business interacting with existing customers are also exempt.) Will this mean I get less targeted advertising? Europeans that decline to opt-in will likely see less targeted advertising. Does this mean that marketing automation or companies like Doubleclick, Omniture, and Quantcast will go out of business? The EU privacy regulations create more need for marketing automation and web analytics companies. As businesses need to implement more sophisticated privacy protocols and compete on trust, they will turn to their marketing automation solutions to make it happen. Will web analytics work in the EU anymore? Of course. Businesses will need web analytics for the EU subscribers that choose to opt-in. They will also need web analytics on subscribers they do not cookie for things like testing different action flows to obtain consent. Web analytic solutions are good at analyzing both known subscribers and unknown visitors. Can I get in trouble if my marketing automation, web analytics, or other software does not comply and I am still using it? It is unlikely that EU courts will excuse lack of technical capabilities. Good marketing automation solutions will make this easy for customers to implement in the ways they want.   Can I not allow my website visitors to see my content unless they accept cookies? Sure. Business can decide what content to show or services to offer based on whether a subscriber has opted-in for tracking. Indeed, smart businesses will intelligently use content and services to entice subscribers to opt-in.
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With Marketo's Customer Engagement engine, you can now easily nurture and engage your leads. Not only does the Customer Engagement engine automatically and intelligently deliver the right content to the right person, at the right time, but you now no longer have to manually create or maintain complex workflows.   Join us for training on how to use this powerful new technology that truly reinvents the way marketers engage with their prospects and customers.   View the training here: Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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On your Marketo landing pages, if you want to retrieve a URL parameter via Javascript, here's how to do it. First, identify the URL parameters you want to capture. We'll use Google search parameters -- "utm_keyword" "utm_campaign" "utm_term" and "__kk". Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Below is the Javascript you'll need.  Add this to your landing page with a Custom HTML element or by editing a landing page template: <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script>   // to set cookies.  Uses noConflict just in case   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   var utm_keyword = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_keyword" });   var utm_source = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_source" });   var utm_term = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_term" });   var __kk = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "__kk" }); </script>
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What changes with a string/prefix change? Does Marketo support having both oldcustomerstring and newcustomerstring URLs functional after the move? Will my email links pointing to Marketo content continue to work after the string change? Will my images and files stored content continue to work for oldcustomerstring URL paths after the move? Will my email unsubscribe links continue to work? Will my images and files content links work if embedded on my own web page? I'm not using a custom landing page domain, will landing page URLs continue to work after the string change? I am using a custom landing page domain, will landing page URLs continue to work after the string change? Can I use the same hostname (i.e., for both my custom landing page domain and for email link tracking? I currently have a custom branded landing page domain. We are buying a new domain to replace the old domain. How do I set this up? I need to have both my old and new domains serve content for a period of time, is this possible? I'm seeing my account string in the SOAP API User ID field in the Admin area. Will this be updated as part of the string change? I'm seeing my old string in the Community portal when reading help articles. Will this be changed? Are there any other problems I could run into? Is this article helpful ? YesNo The example URLs contained in this article are intentionally non-functioning URLs used strictly for example purposes.
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Emails sent with the Send and Track button in the Marketo Outlook Add-in are tracked like emails sent through the Marketo web interface with a few caveats. Tracking multiple recipients If you Send and Track an email with multiple recipients, Marketo will log all click and open activities to the first recipient in the To... field.  Activity done by other email recipients will appear in the first recipient's activity log. New leads versus existing leads When you Send and Track an email and the recipient doesn't exist in Marketo, a new lead will automatically be created. Marketo will do its best to identify the name and company of the lead from the email. When that's not possible, "mktUnknown" will appear in those fields. (Some CRMs will reject leads without a last or company name.) See this article for more: Send and Track an Email with the Email Add-In for Outlook - Marketo Docs - Product Docs When you Send and Track an email to a lead that already exists in Marketo, the email activity will be appended to that lead's activity log. Tracking email sends When you Send and Track an email, the add-in informs Marketo about who sent the email, who it was sent to, and what it contained (subject and body text). This shows up in a user's activity log as a Send Sales Email event. Tracking email opens Emails sent via Send and Track include an invisible image embedded by the add-in; when the email is opened, the email client retrieves the image from our webserver, and an Open Sales Email event is added to that lead's activity log. Email open counts may not always be accurate. Some email clients block images which prevents tracking email opens. Also, some open counts may be inflated because a recipient may browse through their emails; each email view, however long or short, is counted as an open event. Decorating links When you Send and Track an email, each link in the email is wrapped so that Marketo is informed when a recipient clicks any of those links. These clicks appear as Click Sales Email events in the lead's activity log. Clicking a link also cookies the recipient's browser so his web activity on your Munchkin-enabled pages is tracked by Marketo.          
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Occasionally, you may open a form that you have never filled out before and suddenly; the form is already pre-filled with someone else’s information.  This is a result of someone else’s decorated/tracked link being passed to you. There are essentially five ways this this behavior usually happens: If that lead decides to forward that email information, they are willingly sending an email meant for them to someone else. Marketo tracked emails are intended as direct to lead only(forward to a friend is on the road map). The lead replies to a campaign with a sales rep that was in the from address and the sales rep clicks the link in the reply Fill-out form or click link took place on a computer other than what the lead owns, that computer will have that leads cookie. The Marketo user copies a link from an email already sent out(customer replies) that contains tracking on it and pasted it as a hyperlink in a new email, then used that email to send it to other leads. If the lead blogs about the decorated link. There are a few options on how to prevent this from happening: Commonly the issue pops up internally, where a lot of testing goes on, the remedy for this is to make sure you’re clearing browser cookies between tests. Don't copy links from email replies from customers into new Marketo emails. On campaigns that have promotional values like a free "iPad" consider removing the tracking for that link as it may be shared, to do this add a class to the link of "mktNoTrack". Additionally, you can Disable Prefill for a Form Field
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Issue Description Consider a scenario where you wanted to setup a campaign flow in such a way that their program status needs to be changed as “Influenced” if they are currently not a member of that program and the default choice is “do nothing” as seen in the below screenshot. However, you will be able to see that for records who isn’t member of program is getting assigned with default choice and not with the choice 1. Issue Resolution The flow step will change the program status to influenced only if they are member of program and have the status anything apart from "No show", if not default choice will be selected. The flow-step will not add the lead to the program and then change the program status when "Add choice" is used in the "Change program status" flow step. If there inst a choice added as shown in the below image, then the person will also be made a member of the program if they weren't already. Who This Solution Applies To
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You can now build reports that show you A/B test data. Here we go! 1.   Launch Revenue Explorer. 2.   Click New Report. 3.   Select the Email Analysis area and click OK. 4.   Find and right click Program Channel, then click Filter. 5.   Find and add Email Send or Email Blast, then click OK. 6.   Double click the Program Channel yellow dot to add it as a column. 7.   Double click the Program Name (yellow dot) 8.   Double Click Email Name (yellow dot) 9.   Double click Opened (blue dot) And that's all she wrote! Check out your awesome report. See how you can see which subject line worked best? Depending on what type of A/B test was done, you can see Subject Line, From Address, Send Time and Whole Email data appended in the Email Name. Deep Dive: Reporting / Revenue Cycle Analytics
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Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Summary: Say you want to validate a custom field before someone submits a Marketo form on a Marketo landing page, then let Marketo do it's standard validation. You can do that by overriding the formSubmit function in Javascript.  You can override it with a Custom HTML element for a single page; you can also add this Javascript to your landing page template so it affects many landing pages. First, build a Javascript function to execute your custom validation (formIsValid() in the example below).  It should return a value of "true" if the fields validate. If not, return false. Open the landing page for editing and drag a Custom HTML element onto the web page.  Paste in this Javascript and add your custom validation to the formIsValid() function. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" language="Javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">      // set no conflict mode for jquery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   function myFormIsValid() {     var thisIsValid = true;     // Put your custom validation here.     // If anything goes wrong, set thisIsValid to false.         // for example, show an error message if the email contains "bob"     if ($jQ("#Email[value*=bob]").length > 0) {        Mkto.setError($jQ("#Email ~ span").prev()[0],"No Bobs allowed!");        thisIsValid = false;     } else {        Mkto.clearError($jQ("#Email ~ span").prev()[0] );     }     return thisIsValid;   }   function formSubmit(elt) {     if (!myFormIsValid()) {        return false;     }     return Mkto.formSubmit(elt);   } </script> Here's another example that checks if a required checkbox, such as a terms of service agreement, is filled before submitting: <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" language="Javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">      // set no conflict mode for jquery var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); function myFormIsValid() {     var thisIsValid = true;       // show a message if they fail to check the box     if ($jQ("#TermsOfServiceAgreement").attr('checked') != true) {        Mkto.setError($jQ("#TermsOfServiceAgreement ~ span").prev()[0],"Please agree to the terms above.");        thisIsValid = false;     } else {        Mkto.clearError($jQ("#TermsOfServiceAgreement ~ span").prev()[0]);     }     return thisIsValid; } function formSubmit(elt) {     if (!myFormIsValid()) {        return false;     }     return Mkto.formSubmit(elt); } </script> Follow these instructions if you want to retrieve the form fields via Javascript: Setting or Getting a Form Field Value via Javascript on a Landing Page The example above also shows you how to set an error field If you want to set or clear an error message on a field, you can use these two functions in your validation function. Note: These only work on form fields from the Marketo form designer. Replace the highlighted yellow bits below: Email -- the ID of the field where you want to show an error error message -- the text you want to display for this error           // error -- highlight the field           Mkto.setError($jQ("#Email ~ span").prev()[0], "error message");           // no error -- clear the field           Mkto.setError($jQ("#Email ~ span").prev()[0]);
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These directions show you how to create a profile with access to Sales Insight while removing access for your other profiles.  These instructions assume you've already installed the Sales Insight AppExchange package.   Create a new profile If you have a dedicated profile for your Sales Insight users, you can skip this step.Otherwise, you should create a new one now.  Go to the Setup page and pick Administration Setup -> Manage Users -> Profiles in the menu.  Then click the New button at the top of the page: This is a article attached image   Next, pick a profile to clone and give the new profile a name.  Click Save when you're done: This is a article attached image Edit profile permissions Go back to your Profiles list.  For each profile, you'll need to edit it by clicking its Edit link: This is a article attached image On the edit page, you'll need to change a few settings.  For profiles allowed access Sales Insight: In Custom App Settings check Marketo to make the Marketo app visible In Tab Settings, change the Marketo tabs to Default On In Custom Object Permissions, check Read, Create, Edit, and Delete on Marketo Sales Insight Config if the user should have access to the config settings For those that should not have access to Sales Insight: In Custom App Settings uncheck Marketo to hide the Marketo app In Tab Settings, change the Marketo tabs to Tab Hidden In Custom Object Permissions, uncheck Read, Create, Edit, and Delete on Marketo Sales Insight Config   Click Save when you're done with each one.   Changing views Next, you'll need to create a new view for your Sales Insight profile. These instructions describe how to set up the Lead page; repeat the steps to set up your Contact, Opportunity, and Account page layouts. Go to the Setup page, then pick App Setup -> Customize -> Leads -> Page Layouts and click the New button. This is a article attached image   Clone your layout of choice and give the layout an appropriate name like Sales Insight Layout.  Click Save when you're done.   This is a article attached image Follow the instructions in the Installation guide for configuring the lead detail page.Installing the Marketo Sales Insight AppExchange packageGo back to the Page Layouts section and click the Page Layout Assignment button.   This is a article attached image   Click Edit Assignment This is a article attached image   Select your Sales Insight profile, then select your sales insight layout from the Page Layout to Use pulldown.Click Save when you're done.   This is a article attached image Repeat these steps for your Contacts, Opportunities, and Accounts page layouts.   Other Changes   Here are some other places where Sales Insight items could appear.  You'll have to remove them outright since you can't use Profiles to limit access to them: Remove Sales Insight buttons from Search Layouts for Contacts, Leads, and Accounts Remove Sales Insight columns from Contact and Lead lists
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  Marketo's Email Delivery & Compliance Team often recommends that our customers send a reconfirmation message to a set of their inactive leads. This process is used as both a proactive strategy to ensure good delivery rates and as a response to blocklisting issues. For more information on this overall strategy search our Resource Articles for Blocklist Remediation. At its most basic a reconfirmation message request a lead takes an action to stay on your mailing list.  If they don't take that action they will be automatically removed from the mailing list. These types of messages don't usually get a high response rate because you are sending the reconfirmation message to people who have already shown to be disengaged from your marketing. However there are instances where some reconfirmation messages get a more enthusiastic response than others so we've put together some tips for making the most out of reconfirmation. Instead of marketing your company itself think of it as though you are marketing ENGAGEMENT with your company. While these ideas are similar, they aren’t quite the same. You want to frame this message with a sense of urgency to click a link. You also want to make it as easy as possible for someone to open the message and just click a link so they continue to stay engaged with your marketing.   Subject Line We recommend that you frame the subject line very clearly with something about “not missing out” or “staying informed”. The subject should create a compelling and specific call to action.  Some senders use an offer in the reconfirmation message to encourage action. Highlight this in the subject line if this is your approach. Examples We’ve Missed You!  Take Action continue receiving our offers! Last Opportunity to Stay Informed (Action Required) Free shipping plus save 15% on next purchase   From Address While you can use any From Address, we recommend that your From: label clearly identifies your company rather than using a lead owner name. A disengaged recipient is more likely to recognize “Your Company” than “Bob Smith”.   Email Content In the body of the message your call to action should be immediate and clear. Put the reconfirmation at the top of the message content. Some usability studies have suggested that two choices may be more successful than a single choice so consider a bolder reconfirmation link at the top and a smaller link or button lower to unsubscribe. The main priority is getting someone to stick around for more of your mailings. You may also wish to make a short value statement about the fantastic information that someone can expect to receive by staying on your list! There are a couple of reasons for these recommendations. The first has to do with making things easy for the blocklist operator. If during the resolution process they can look at the mail received by their spamtraps and immediately tell from the subject line that the message is a reconfirmation pass it will make it much easier for them to consider the data quality issue resolved because their spamtraps will not activate the reconfirmation link. Some of the less automated blocklists will not list a sender for a reconfirmation message that hits their traps so it's important that your cleanup action look like what it is. The second reason behind this advice is that many people just scan their messages and don’t read all the way to the bottom; if someone has to read through a long value proposition before realizing that they must click a link to continue to be subscribed to your email program you may lose more subscribers than intended. The faster and easier it is to click that link the more people you’ll retain! A lot of people scan over marketing offers and think about them for a while before taking an action. You want to interrupt that process and make it clear that action is required now whether or not they’re ready to make a purchase!   Examples of simple reconfirmation email templates More examples can be found in this other Community Resource “A Creative Re-Engagement Email Campaign” Email #1 Subject Line: Action Required to stay subscribed to COMPANY   [First Name]:   You previously expressed interest in receiving valuable information and/or offers from COMPANY that are specific to your field.  We’d like your permission to continue sending you relevant information via email so that you can stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends/topics of interest.   Please click “YES” below to continue receiving research and trends in your area of interest.  COMPANY subscribers receive exclusive benefits, including the latest research briefs, white papers and/or compelling offers or discounts for future purchases.   Please update your Communication Preference by [DATE/TIME] or this could be your last chance to receive any future research.  It only takes a moment to click one of the choices below.   YES, I would like to stay subscribed to the valuable information from COMPANY.   NO, I no longer wish to receive valuable and insightful offers from COMPANY.   Sincerely, COMPANY   ————–   Email #2   Subject Line: Your Subscription to COMPANY Industry Newsletter Expires Soon   [First Name]:   Our records show that you expressed interest in receiving industry information from COMPANY on [INSERT DATE].  Records indicate you have not read an email in [variable time frame], we do not want to bother you with emails you do no wish to receive so we want to confirm that you would like to remain subscribed to the COMPANY email program.   If you wish to be removed, you don’t have to do anything further.  However, if you do want to continue receiving email from COMPANY, please click the link to let us know:   YES, I would like to stay informed and continue receiving email from COMPANY.   Sincerely, COMPANY   ————–   Email #3   Subject Line: Your Subscription to COMPANY Has Expired   [First Name]:   Thank you for your previous interest in receiving valuable content from COMPANY.  Your subscription has now expired and you will no longer receive any future emails.   If in the future you would like to continue to receive email from COMPANY please click the link to sign up:   YES, I would like to receive email from COMPANY.   Sincerely, COMPANY     Other Resources Marketo Community Resource “A Creative Re-Engagement Email Campaign”    
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Say you have a landing page with a form. You can dynamically change the form's follow up page based on values in the form by following these instructions. Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. On a Marketo landing page, the follow up page is stored in two form fields -- returnURL and retURL.  You can change them with jQuery by adding a custom HTML block in to your landing page: <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     // set no conflict mode for jquery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   $jQ(document).ready(function(){     // set the new follow up page     $jQ("input[name='returnURL']").attr('value','');     $jQ("input[name='retURL']").attr('value','');   }); </script> To change this based on a value submitted in a form, you need to find the id of the field to read from.  You can find that ID by previewing the web page, viewing the source code for the page, then finding the label for the form field in the HTML.  In this example, it's TimeToPurchase: <label>Time To Purchase:</label><span class='mktInput'><input class='mktFormText mktFormString' name="TimeToPurchase" id="TimeToPurchase" type='text' value="" maxlength='255' tabIndex='1' /> Next, use a jQuery hook to change returnURL and retURL when the form is submitted.  We'll also use jQuery to read the form field values. Drag in a Custom HTML block onto your page, then paste in the following Javascript.  You must change the following for it to work correctly: TimeToPurchase: to the ID of the field you're reading from (leave in the #) URL: all the URL assignments to the locations where you want the user to go If you need to check for additional values, add extra "case...break;" statements to the switch. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"> var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); function changeFollowupURL(){      // first, set the default follow up page   var URL = '';      // override the default based on form values      // Replace this with your own rules for setting the new URL   switch ($jQ("#TimeToPurchase").attr("value")) {     case "6 months":       URL = '';       break;     case "1 year":       URL = '';       break;   }     // set the new follow up page   $jQ("input[name='returnURL']").attr('value',URL);   $jQ("input[name='retURL']").attr('value',URL);   return true; } // catch when a form is submitted, change the followup URL function formSubmit(elt) {   changeFollowupURL();   return Mkto.formSubmit(elt); } </script> The Javascript needed to read the value from the form field may be different depending on the type of the input (text box, select box, check box, etc.).  See the jQuery selectors documentation for other methods of getting those values, and Setting or Getting a Form Field Value via Javascript on a Landing Page for more on how to get the IDs of the fields.
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Issue You are moving from the on-premise Dynamics solution to the online Dynamics and want to know what changes will be needed in Marketo to accommodate this.    Solution Due to architectural differences between on-premise and online, a new instance will need to be provisioned so that the online version can be properly integrated. This is true even when the GUIDs remain the same between the two versions of Dynamics.  Who This Solution Applies To Dynamics Users, Microsoft Dynamics CRM
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The Google Apps antispam system uses a unique means of allowlisting. Customers on shared IPs should allowlist Marketo's entire sending ranges, because we sometimes need to move customers between IPs for technical reasons. The way to allowlist a range in Google Apps is to configure a manual IP block with a pass through.   G Suite enables you to specify an IP address or range of addresses within a domain, and allow messages from those addresses only. This feature is sometimes referred to as IP lock. In G Suite, you set up this feature in the Content compliance setting. IP lock is a method that readily enables an administrator to simultaneously whitelist all incoming traffic from a particular domain while equally preventing spoofing by manually defining the allowed IP ranges. The following instructions are particularly useful with domains that do not have an SPF record and/or use third party applications to legitimately spoof their address. Setting up IP lock with the Content compliance setting includes three separate procedures: Adding the domain, defining the allowed IP range, and setting the correct disposition and NDR.   See this page of Google documentation for more information: Enforce 'IP lock' in G Suite - G Suite Administrator Help Instead of using a CIDR range, this interface asks for the first and last IPs in the given range. Here are ours: - - - - - - - - - - - -   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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As you know, Marketo issued a security patch on 4/6/16 in order to strengthen token encryption within email links. At Marketo, security is a top priority and we will continue to invest in changes that make the platform more robust. In reference to this patch, Marketo Support has been answering several common questions that are documented here for your reference. Please find this information below and, as always, contact Marketo Support if you still have any unanswered questions. Are all email links impacted by this patch? No, the vast majority of links within emails are not impacted in any way. By default, Marketo converts all email links to shortened tracking links. These links were not impacted by this patch. These links should continue to function as expected, regardless of when your email was sent. Note: This also applies to any links that contain the “mktNoTrack” or “mktNoTok” class. These links were also not impacted by this patch. Which links were impacted? The only links that were impacted were links that contain pre-generated mkt_tok values. There are three ways these type of links can be present in your email: 1.  You use one of the following system tokens in your email: {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} {{system.unsubscribeLink}} {{system.forwardToFriendLink}} 2.  You use the “Include View as Web Page” option in the Email Editor and your Admin > Email defaults for “View as Web Page Text” explicitly includes an mkt_tok value like this:  mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK## 3.  You use Marketo’s default functionality to auto-insert “Unsubscribe” footers at the bottom your emails and your Admin > Email defaults for “Unsubscribe Text” explicitly includes an mkt_tok value like this:  mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK## How will behavior change for these links? 1.  System Tokens For emails sent out prior to 4/6/16: {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} - Any pre-patch emails that contain {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} links will now direct users to a page indicating that the lead-specific email cannot be rendered. Users will, however, have the option to instead see a generic view of the email (no lead tokens, dynamic content, etc.). {{system.forwardToFriendLink}} - Any pre-patch emails that contain the {{system.forwardToFriendLink}} link will no longer function. Currently, users will see an error message on click. {{system.unsubscribeLink}} – Any pre-patch emails that contain the {{system.unsubscribeLink}} link will continue to function and point users to your unsubscribe page. However, the unsubscribe form will not support prefill for this visit. Note: For all of the above system tokens, any emails sent out post-patch are not impacted. 2.  “View as Webpage” - If you implement a “View as Webpage” experience in your emails by using Marketo defaults, selecting “Include View as Web Page” from the Email Editor, then you will see the following behavior: “View as Webpage" links inserted into the HTML side of emails are not impacted. These links should continue to function as expected, regardless of when your email was sent. “View as Webpage" links inserted into TEXT side will behave similarly to {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}}. For emails that were sent prior to 4/6/16, these links will direct users to a page indicating that the lead-specific email cannot be rendered. Users will have the option to instead see a generic view of the email (no lead tokens, dynamic content, etc.). Note: any emails sent out post-patch are not impacted. 3.  “Unsubscribe” - If you implement an “Unsubscribe” experience in your emails by using Marketo’s defaults, then you still see the following behavior: “Unsubscribe" links inserted into the HTML side of emails are not impacted. These links should continue to function as expected, regardless of when your email was sent. “Unsubscribe" links inserted into TEXT side will behave similarly to {{system.unsubscribeLink}}. For emails that were sent prior to 4/6/16, these links will continue to function and point users to your unsubscribe page. However, the unsubscribe form will not support prefill for this visit. Note: any emails sent out post-patch are not impact
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