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Issue Description You are sending password reset links, but not receiving those emails, or you are trying to login with what you thought was the correct login without having success. Issue Resolution By default, the Marketo login is an email address.  If you needed to reset password for a User, you enter the login which happens to be the email address associated. However, there is a feature that separates the login and email address, where the login could be, but the associated email address for this login is  If this feature is enabled and you needed to reset a password, you would still enter the login ( and the reset password email would be sent to the associated email address ( If you would like the feature that allows for separate login and email addresses, please contact Marketo Support.
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Issue How to test Facebook lead generation form functionality without viewing the advertisement on Facebook Solution Use the lead ads testing tool by clicking on the link -  to create a test lead. You should use this tool with a valid Facebook Ad Account. Login to Facebook with the same account you used to set up the integration with Marketo. Select the Page and Form you want to create a test lead from. Ensure the Marketo app (APP ID 1480829408843427) is diplayed on "WEBHOOK SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SELECTED PAGE" section. Click on the "Create Lead" button. In the "WEBHOOK SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SELECTED PAGE" Click on "Track Status" button which updates real time until you get a response from Marketo. If you do not have the "WEBHOOK SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SELECTED PAGE" in Facebook, complete the following: Go into the Facebook Lead Ad Launchpoint service in Marketo and unselect all the pages. Finish the setup and save. Do not delete the Launchpoint service but de-select the pages Go back into the Facebook Lead Ad Launchpoint service and re-select the list of pages. Finish the setup and save. This will kick in the code that registers the webhooks on the pages again. It is important to go through step 1 first or the code will not re-register the page. Try creating a lead using the lead ad testing tool. In Marketo, the email address "" should be created.    
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Issue When testing an approved Landing Page test group, the browser is rerouted to the fallback/homepage instead. Solution All Test Group Assets in the section must be approved. If all assets are approved and there is still rerouting, please contact Support.
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  Marketo calls direct complaints received from email recipient Abuse Reports.  For more information about Abuse Reports review the links below: Why do people report abuse? What Is the Difference between an Abuse Report and a Feedback Loop Complaint? Abuse Reports: What They Are and How to Avoid Them   For additional articles reviewing compliance concerns refer to the articles below: What is a Blocklist? Feedback Loops (FBL) Finding Leads that are Auto Unsubscribed for Email Spam Complaints / Feedback Loop (FBL)  
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Due to the way Excel handles CSV files with unicode data, you may need to follow these steps for importing the file into Marketo as UTF-8 data: Set up your Excel spreadsheet properly for your import (for example, removing unnecessary columns) Select all the data in the spreadsheet. Copy it to the clipboard (control-c in Windows, command-c in OS X) Paste the data into a text editor -- Notepad in Windows, TextEdit in OS XSave the file. In the "Save As" dialog, pick the UTF-8 option in the Encoding section at the bottom of the dialog In TextEdit, set the file to text only using Format -> Make Plain Text before pasting Save the file. In the "Save As" dialog, pick the UTF-8 option in the Encoding section at the bottom of the dialog Import the file into Marketo as a "Tab-separated values" file Your unicode characters should import correctly.
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With Marketo's newly released Customer Engagement engine, you can now easily nurture and engage your leads. Not only does the Customer Engagement engine automatically and intelligently deliver the right content to the right person, at the right time, but you now no longer have to manually create or maintain complex workflows. View this webinar to If you are looking to convert your “traffic cop” nurture program to the Customer Engagement engine.  Cheryl Chavez, the Director of Product Management at Marketo will cover the best practices and steps for converting your campaigns. View the training here: Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue The URL for the landing page shows as "https" even though you do not have SSL set up on your Marketo instance, causing the browser to display a "Not Secure" warning.   Solution This can happen if the primary domain and DNS are SSL secure, but Marketo is not.  For instance, if your primary domain is "" (SSL secure) then the DNS, which is also SSL secure, will push down the "https" transfer protocol down to all the CNAMEs on that DNS.  This will force the Marketo landing page using the CNAME to use "https" in the URL, even though it is not secure. There are two ways to resolve this: Work with your IT department to see if there is a non-SSL option for your DNS Purchase SSL for your Marketo instance so that both your primary domain and your Marketo pages are SSL secure. If you would like to add SSL to your Marketo instance, please contact your Account Manager to see about adding that to your subscription.     
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Here are a few strategies for finding and handling your competitors if they get to your website or in your lead database. Finding your competitors The best ways to find your competitors are form fill-outs and inferred data.  You can use filters of these fields to find matching leads already in your lead database.  Use the Data Value Changes trigger with these fields to catch these leads as they enter your system. Inferred company This is the best way to spot anonymous competitors visiting your web site.  Try using the Inferred Company field to see if Marketo identified them by their IP address information. Email address There's a chance your competitors use their company email address when filling out your form.  Search for the domains of your competitors using the Email Address filter with the "contains" operator. Company name Like email address, this is a straightforward way to catch your competitors as they enter their information in your forms. Handling competitors You have a few choices for handling your competitors once you find them. Blacklist them Changing these leads' Blacklisted flag to true will ensure that they don't receive any more emails from you.  This is a good way to keep those leads in your database and ensure that they're not part of your email campaigns. This campaign will spot those leads and blacklist them should they appear: Smart List: Trigger on Data Value Changes where Email Address contains [your competitors domains] Flow: Change Data Value -- Blacklisted to true Send an alert You may find it useful to get alerted when your competitors visit your website.  Try this campaign: Smart List: Trigger on "Visit Web Page" Filter on "Inferred Company contains [your competitors]" Flow: Send Alert with an email that includes a Send Alert Info token. Schedule: Change the Qualification Rules to 1 per day But don't delete them Deleting these leads was probably your first reaction, but you probably shouldn't.  Instead, look at their Activity Log to find out what pages and offers they were viewing.  Also if they return to your site, their subsequent activity will be added to that activity log (as opposed to added to a new, anonymous lead).
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Issue A Smart List created to track Opened Email activity does not match the Opened count on an Email Performance report   Solution Smart Lists specifically track "Open Email" activities in the activity log. "Open Email" is logged when a single-pixel tracking image is downloaded into the email, but some email clients do not download images by default, so it is technically possible for an email to record a clicked link activity without logging an open.  Email Performance Reports have a backfill logic to compensate for this. Rule #1:  Each email activity record is set to one, and only one, of the following: Delivered, Hard Bounced, Soft Bounced, or Pending. Rule #2:  If the email record shows Opened, then it is counted as Delivered. Rule #3:  If the email record shows Clicked Email or Unsubscribed, then it is Opened and therefore counted as Delivered. Rule #4:  If the email is Opened, then bounces are ignored. If the email has not been opened, Hard Bounced "wins" if the email record also shows Soft Bounced or Delivered. NOTE:  As a result of this logic , a metric could potentially count an event (e.g. Delivered) that doesn’t have a corresponding activity log item. This can cause discrepancies in the results when compared to smart lists using email filters.    
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Issue What is the shortest wait step time duration value that can be used in wait step? Solution Wait times can be set to days, hours, minutes, or seconds. Just type in "30 seconds" or "1 minute" etc.
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Issue You want to use a Marketo Form in an email. Solution Forms cannot be used in email. Forms rely on using scripts to be able to pull and send data, but email clients will usually scrub or prevent the execution of scripting languages such as Javascript for security reasons. Note: Including scripts in your email can increase the chances of your email being classified as spam as well.    
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Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced Web developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting code. The listOperation SOAP API call allows for the ability to interact with static lists (My Lists) in the Lead Database. The supported operations are adding a lead to list (ADDTOLIST), checking if a lead is a member of the list (ISMEMBEROFLIST), and removing a lead from a list (REMOVEFROMLIST) Note, there is no operation to create a new list (or delete) via the SOAP API. The list must be created beforehand in the Lead Database. In the examples, the list is named "Static List". Example 1 - Request: Adding multiple leads into the list <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:mkt = "">     <soapenv:Header>         <mkt:AuthenticationHeader>          <mktowsUserId>[User Id]</mktowsUserId>          <requestSignature>[Signature]</requestSignature>          <requestTimestamp>[yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-00:00]</requestTimestamp>         </mkt:AuthenticationHeader>     </soapenv:Header>     <soapenv:Body>         <mkt:paramsListOperation>             <listOperation>ADDTOLIST</listOperation>             <listKey>                 <keyType>MKTOLISTNAME</keyType>                 <keyValue>Static List</keyValue>             </listKey>             <listMemberList>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>213</keyValue>                 </leadKey>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>215</keyValue>                 </leadKey>             </listMemberList>         </mkt:paramsListOperation>     </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Example 1 - Response: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">    <SOAP-ENV:Body>       <ns1:successListOperation>          <result>             <success>true</success>             <statusList xsi:nil="true"/>          </result>       </ns1:successListOperation>    </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Example 2 - Request: Check to see if leads are a part of list. One lead (Lead ID #213) is and the other (Lead ID #70) is not  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:mkt = "">     <soapenv:Header>         <mkt:AuthenticationHeader>          <mktowsUserId>[User Id]</mktowsUserId>          <requestSignature>[Signature]</requestSignature>          <requestTimestamp>[yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-00:00]</requestTimestamp>         </mkt:AuthenticationHeader>     </soapenv:Header>     <soapenv:Body>         <mkt:paramsListOperation>             <listOperation>ISMEMBEROFLIST</listOperation>             <listKey>                 <keyType>MKTOLISTNAME</keyType>                 <keyValue>Static List</keyValue>             </listKey>             <listMemberList>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>213</keyValue>                 </leadKey>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>70</keyValue>                 </leadKey>             </listMemberList>         </mkt:paramsListOperation>     </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Example 2 - Response: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">    <SOAP-ENV:Body>       <ns1:successListOperation>          <result>             <success>false</success>             <statusList>                <leadStatus>                   <leadKey>                      <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                      <keyValue>213</keyValue>                   </leadKey>                   <status>true</status>                </leadStatus>                <leadStatus>                   <leadKey>                      <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                      <keyValue>70</keyValue>                   </leadKey>                   <status>false</status>                </leadStatus>             </statusList>          </result>       </ns1:successListOperation>    </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Example 3 - Request: Similar to Example 2, but all leads are valid  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:mkt = "">     <soapenv:Header>         <mkt:AuthenticationHeader>          <mktowsUserId>[User Id]</mktowsUserId>          <requestSignature>[Signature]</requestSignature>          <requestTimestamp>[yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-00:00]</requestTimestamp>         </mkt:AuthenticationHeader>     </soapenv:Header>     <soapenv:Body>         <mkt:paramsListOperation>             <listOperation>ISMEMBEROFLIST</listOperation>             <listKey>                 <keyType>MKTOLISTNAME</keyType>                 <keyValue>Static List</keyValue>             </listKey>             <listMemberList>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>213</keyValue>                 </leadKey>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>215</keyValue>                 </leadKey>             </listMemberList>         </mkt:paramsListOperation>     </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Example 3 - Response:  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">    <SOAP-ENV:Body>       <ns1:successListOperation>          <result>             <success>true</success>             <statusList xsi:nil="true"/>          </result>       </ns1:successListOperation>    </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Example 4 - Request: Remove leads from the list. One lead (Lead ID #213) is a member of the list, the other (Lead ID #70) is not  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:mkt = "">     <soapenv:Header>         <mkt:AuthenticationHeader>          <mktowsUserId>[User Id]</mktowsUserId>          <requestSignature>[Signature]</requestSignature>          <requestTimestamp>[yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-00:00]</requestTimestamp>         </mkt:AuthenticationHeader>     </soapenv:Header>     <soapenv:Body>         <mkt:paramsListOperation>             <listOperation>REMOVEFROMLIST</listOperation>             <listKey>                 <keyType>MKTOLISTNAME</keyType>                 <keyValue>Static List</keyValue>             </listKey>             <listMemberList>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>213</keyValue>                 </leadKey>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>70</keyValue>                 </leadKey>             </listMemberList>         </mkt:paramsListOperation>     </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Request 4 - Response:  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">    <SOAP-ENV:Body>       <ns1:successListOperation>          <result>             <success>false</success>             <statusList>                <leadStatus>                   <leadKey>                      <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                      <keyValue>213</keyValue>                   </leadKey>                   <status>true</status>                </leadStatus>                <leadStatus>                   <leadKey>                      <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                      <keyValue>70</keyValue>                   </leadKey>                   <status>false</status>                </leadStatus>             </statusList>          </result>       </ns1:successListOperation>    </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Example 5 - Request: Similar to Example 4, but all leads are valid  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:mkt = "">     <soapenv:Header>         <mkt:AuthenticationHeader>          <mktowsUserId>[User Id]</mktowsUserId>          <requestSignature>[Signature]</requestSignature>          <requestTimestamp>[yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-00:00]</requestTimestamp>         </mkt:AuthenticationHeader>     </soapenv:Header>     <soapenv:Body>         <mkt:paramsListOperation>             <listOperation>REMOVEFROMLIST</listOperation>             <listKey>                 <keyType>MKTOLISTNAME</keyType>                 <keyValue>Static List</keyValue>             </listKey>             <listMemberList>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>213</keyValue>                 </leadKey>                 <leadKey>                     <keyType>IDNUM</keyType>                     <keyValue>215</keyValue>                 </leadKey>             </listMemberList>         </mkt:paramsListOperation>     </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Example 5 - Response:  <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">    <SOAP-ENV:Body>       <ns1:successListOperation>          <result>             <success>true</success>             <statusList xsi:nil="true"/>          </result>       </ns1:successListOperation>    </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Related Learning Resources Marketo SOAP API Reference
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If you didn't "Grant access to all users” for “Choose security level” during the install of Marketo Sales Insight please follow the steps below.   1.  Grant access to all visualforce pages in the package to all required user profiles. 2.  Login to Salesforce 3.  Navigate to setup->develop->pages. 4. Click on security next to the required visualforce page that have mkto_si   Your users should now be able to access Marketo Sales Insight.
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Marketo recommends keeping the FT (First Touch) and MT (Multi-Touch) in separate reports .   Though they are attribution metrics, FT and MT use different measures to derive pipeline and revenue attribution.  One should not try to compare FT and MT metrics and having them in the same reports may cause confusion.   Step 1:  In RCE, Program Opportunity Analysis, identify the Program and Opportunity of interest.  If verifying FT, pull in relevant FT metrics. Ditto for MT. Also pull in Opportunity Closed and Opportunity Stage.  The combination will tell you if the status of opportunity (open, won, lost)  - which does affect attribution.   Step 2:  For the opportunity, find out the lead(s) associated to that opportunity and opportunity create/close date, status information. One way is to get this information is to do so in SFDC.  In SFDC, search for that Opportunity and scroll down to the Contact Role section to identify the associated leads (contact).  Other opportunity information should also be available. Another way is in RCE, Opportunity Analysis area.  Filter Opportunity Name to the opportunity of interest.  Pull in # of Opportunities and Lead Name.  You can also find out oppty create/closed date, status in this area.   Step 3:  Find out acquisition and success status/dates for the leads in the program In Marketing Activities, go to the program and click on Member. Search for the lead by name. The column Acquired By and Success will tell you if the lead is acquired by the program and/or achieved success, respectively. If the lead is acquired, to get Acquisition Date for this lead, in the lead grid, choose column Acquisition Date If the lead achieved success, to get Success date: Go to Lead details, click on Activity Log tab Search for program name and filter on activity type 'Change Status in Progression' Locate the FIRST success activity when a lead changed to a successful status.  RCA only counts the first success.  The activity date is the success date.   Step 4:  Evaluate if program is qualified for attribution for the program   The combination of Acquisition program/date, success status/date, opportunity create/close dates and opportunity status will help determine FT/MT attribution.  The rules of attributions is documented in Product Docs. With all the information gathered, you can now determine if the program is qualified for attribution for this opportunity.  Again, this technique is to verify if the program should get some attribution and doesn't necessarily give you the exact units and dollars.
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Issue Unsubscribes are no longer or only sometimes attributing to email assets after switching to a custom unsubscribe page, form, one click unsubscribe or not using the Marketo system default Unsubscribe field.   Solution There are a series of steps that must take place for Marketo to attribute unsubscribes to the email asset for reporting purposes.   The record must click a link in the email asset which contains the following querystring parameter on the link. This link may be to a Marketo landing page or a non Marketo landing page, either will work fine. Required parameter: ?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK## The record must submit a Marketo form. The system default Unsubscribed field must change from false to true via this form submission. (this can be changed back to false after the submission if you do not use this field for unsubscribes) If these actions do not occur as above, we may not attribute the unsubscribe to the email asset. Why are some being tracked? Those that are being tracked are almost always because of the record unsubscribing via the email host provided link (ex. GMail hosted emails) Are records unsubscribed even if it does not attribute to the email? Yes, as long as the field Unsubscribed is true on the record, we will not send the record a non-Operational email. If you would like a one click unsubscribe solution for your records, this is still possible through the use of the Forms 2.0 API and submitting the form in the background.    
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You or your users may be having problems with images not showing up in the body of an email. If images are that are embedded in the body of the email are not showing up in recent versions of Microsoft Outlook, then follow these steps: Outlook 2007 1.       Open Outlook. 2.       Click Tools -> Trust Center (Outlook 2007). 3.       Uncheck the box, ‘Don’t download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail messages or RSS items’. 4.       Click OK; restart Outlook and check that images appear. Outlook 2010 1.       Open Outlook. 2.       Click File -> Options -> Trust Center (Outlook 2010). 3.       Click ‘Trust Center Settings’. 4.       Uncheck the box, ‘Don’t download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail messages or RSS items’. 5.       Click OK; restart Outlook and check.
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If you have registered for Marketo Foundation Virtual or Classroom or other live training or workshop sessions, and have not yet received a confirmation or are having difficulty accessing a session, here are some things to check: Q: When did you register? A: Registration closes the Friday before the Monday class start, or when the class is full, whichever comes first. You will NOT be able to register the morning of a class; we recommend registering at least a week ahead of time. Q: Does Marketo send a “you cannot Register” note? A: The course catalog indicates that the course is full once all registrants are approved and all seats taken. You will not be Registered if the course is full. However, we often receive more registrations than available seats before we've approved all registrations. In that case, you will receive a message from us indicating that the course is full and a link to the next available class. Q: I've registered. How do I know my Registration is confirmed? A: You are only fully registered for a course once you have received your confirmation email. If you have not received your confirmation email within two business days of your registration, it is possible that you did not complete your registration (all required fields must be filled out, and the form fully submitted). If that is the case, please attempt to re-register. If your registration is accepted, you will receive your confirmation email within two business days. Q: Where is my confirmation email? A: If you have not received confirmation or reminder messages from GoToTraining within one business day of the start of your session, please check your email's spam and/or quarantine folders. The message will come from us, but the sender email is certain that this email address is on your approved senders list. Q: Do I get a different meeting link for each day of class? A: You'll use the same meeting link for all the sessions in that week. Q: Can I share the training meeting URL link with others in my organization? A: The link is unique to you. Please do not forward or share it. If someone else uses your session link before you do, you will be locked out and will be unable to attend that day's session. However, you can use a single access in a conference room setting if you wish to use the session as a group learning within your company. Note that if you choose this method, only the registrant will show in our records as having attended the course. Q: I have followed the link for my session, but it won't start. A: On occasion, the GoToTraining utility will freeze when it's loading. Make sure that you have java enabled on your browser. We find that Firefox is the most stable browser to use with GoToTraining. If your session does not fully load after a few minutes, you may need to restart it. If it still does not load completely, please contact GoToTraining support through their support site: Q: I need to attend my sessions over different weeks. How do I register? A: Currently, you'll need to register for each week you're interested in attending, even if only attending a portion of the course. Q: When is the next course? A: See for all upcoming dates for Marketo Foundation Build Workshop live online sessions. Q: I want to take the 5th module (on demand). Where is it? A: Module 5 is covered in two parts: Reporting: Modeler:
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Issue: You would like to change the position of the form button. (Typical case: You've just changed the button color of the form and now you want to change the position.) Please ensure that you have access to an experienced Web developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting code. Solution: Add css style using adding the margin-left property referencing  the button. The following code snippet can be a positive or negative number to shift the button left or right. Typically if you used the button solution, add the margin-left property as in the screen shot - or add the code below in a custom html block. Code snippet: <style> div.buttonSubmit input, div.buttonSubmit span { margin-left: 50px; } </style> Related Articles How to move the form button up or down using CSS Forms 1.0 - Change the Style of the Submit Button
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As part of your efforts to maintain a healthy inbox delivery rate, you should be monitoring your email bounce rates. If your hard bounce rate climbs above 5%, you should take a closer look at what’s going on. If your hard bounce rate hits 10% or more, you should be concerned about your data quality. If you have a high hard bounce rate, it is likely that you have a high number of invalid addresses. An invalid address is an address that has never existed or no longer exists, so mail will never be delivered to these addresses.  Marketo automatically stops sending to these addresses, so you do not need to worry about suspending or removing them. But having a high invalid address rate could cause you major delivery problems and reputation issues, and could indicate problematic data sources or list segmentation practices that should be reevaluated. A high invalid address rate can lead to outright blocking of your mail at major ISPs. Many ISPs monitor the number of invalid addresses being sent to at their domains by specific senders. Once a certain threshold is hit, those ISPs will block mail coming from the offending sender. ISPs behave this way because they view a high rate of invalid addresses as an indication of problematic data practices of the sender. At best, a high invalid address rate means you are not sending to an engaged, active audience. At worst, it means that you are sending to purchased or rented lists, which is a violation of Marketo’s Email Use and Anti-Spam Policy. Chances are, if you have a high invalid address rate, there are other issues with your data that could also contribute to. If you receive a notification that we have noticed a high invalid address rate associated with your mailings, you should ask yourself some questions about your list management practices. Below are some things to consider: - Have you recently added any new leads or lead sources? Purchased lists are often full of invalid addresses. We often find that purchased lists contain numerous addresses from domains that don’t even exist any more. While you can use purchased lists to bulk up the data you have for existing leads, you cannot use them to bulk up your lead database. -Have you recently targeted old or inactive leads? We strongly recommend that you never send to an address that you haven’t mailed to for over a one year. You should be mailing to your contacts at least every six months. This will help prevent high invalid address rates, and will also help keep you and your content fresh in your contacts’ minds. If you do have to send to older leads, you should break up your lists and send to your most recent and active contacts first. - Who are you targeting?  Some senders have more problems with high invalid address rates because of their target audiences. For example, targeting .edu domains often causes high invalid address rates because these are school addresses that have a higher turnover rate. B2B campaigns may sometimes have higher invalid address rates because of similar turnover rates at businesses. The best way to avoid high invalid address rates is to send to opted-in, engaged recipients. To help with this, a lot of senders clear out their inactive leads every six months or so. An inactive lead is a contact that has taken no action in the given time period— they haven't opened an email, clicked a link, visited your webpage, attended a webinar, and so forth. This can help with both your high invalid address rates and spam complaints. Inactive leads are a dangerous group to continue mailing to because their behavior proves that they do not want to interact with your mail, and will therefore likely complain to us or to their ISPs about it. We have a great resource on how to create a Smart List to remove inactive leads here. If you still need some help, please feel free to reach out to our Support team ( Additional resources: Dos and Don'ts of Effective Lead Generation Best Practices for Purchased Data
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Abuse Report An abuse report is when an email recipient forwards a complaint directly to  Marketo’s Privacy and Compliance Team processes all complaints to these addresses and will unsubscribe the complainer when possible.   Feedback Loop Complaint A feedback loop complaint is when an ISP forwards the complaints that originate from their users.  For example, when someone clicks the SPAM or JUNK button in their email client. ISPs that offer FBLs expect that subscribers like Marketo will mark the complainer as unsubscribed in the original database.  Marketo does process FBL complaints and marks the email address as unsubscribed.   Additional Information: Feedback Loops (FBL) Abuse Report Deep Dive Finding Leads that are Auto Unsubscribed for Email Spam Complaints / Feedback Loop (FBL) Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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