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Issue Issue Description The custom object you created in SalesForce isn't showing up in the tree in Salesforce Objects Sync, or isn't showing up at the right level in the tree.   Solution Issue Resolution Make sure the Custom object has a lookup or Master-Detail relationship to the Lead, Contact, or Account object. Also ensure that the lookup field is visible to the Marketo Sync User  
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  Before you can enable custom field groups for reporting in the Model Performance Analysis (Leads) Area of Revenue Cycle Explorer, you must categorize standard   or custom fields (only applies to lead and company attributes) into groups for reporting via the Field Organizer in Marketo Lead Management.   Here’s How Custom Grouping of Fields Works   The Field Organizer is accessible from the Lead Database in Marketo Lead Management:    Navigate to Lead Database > New > New Field Organizer.   When you select a standard or custom field from the Field drop-down in the New Field Organizer dialog box, the system maps the Marketo Lead Management data   type associated with the field you want to group with one of three available editors in the Field Organizer: string, integer, or date.    The next three sections describe how to create a custom field group for a string, integer, or date type. Refer to the appropriate section below.   Create Custom Field Group – String Editor    To create a custom field group using the Field Organizer string editor:    1.       From Marketing Activities, click New and select New Field Organizer. The New Field Organizer dialog box displays.    2.       Select a standard or custom field from the Field drop-down with a data type that maps to the string editor (see table in previous section).             “Billing State” will be the field used in this example. 3.       Click Create. The new custom group displays in the Lead Database tree represented as Field Name > Field Name Group           (example: Billing State > Billing State Group).           Since you are creating a custom group for a “string” field, the string editor displays in the Settings tab, which opens by default.           All of the data values for the selected field populate in the canvas. 4.       Double-click the notepad icon next to the new custom group name in the string editor to customize the name.           For example, you might rename Billing State Group to Region. Type the desired new name in the modifiable text field and click away to auto-save. 5.       By default, all data values are placed in the “Other” sub-group. To categorize the data values, click Add Group to create a sub-group           and enter the name of the group in the modifiable text field that displays. You can add up to ten sub-groups to categorize the data values.           Each sub-group that is created is assigned an ID number: 0, 1, 2, etc In this example, we will create Regional groups, such as Western (0), Eastern (1), and Southern (2). To delete a sub-group, simply click the red “X” next to the sub-group name. If there are any data values in the group, the data values will be moved to the default group of “Other.” 6.       You can add data values to a sub-group in one of two ways:           a.       Highlight a data value(s) in the canvas  and drag and drop the data value(s) into the appropriate sub-group, OR           b.      Highlight a data value(s) in the canvas and enter the sub-group ID number on your keypad. This shortcut moves the data value(s)                    into the appropriate sub-group To remove a data value from a sub-group, reassign the data value to the default group of “Other.” 7.       Repeat the above step until all data values are assigned to the desired sub-groups as needed. 8.       Use the filter option in the upper left corner directly above the canvas to select and view the data values in one of more sub-groups. The data values based on              your filter selection display in the canvas. Once the groups are defined, you can Enable the custom field group for reporting in Model Performance Analysis (Leads) via the Revenue Cycle Analytics tab in Marketo Lead Management. Create Custom Field Group – Integer Editor To create a custom field group using the Field Organizer integer editor: 1.       From Marketing Activities, click New and select New Field Organizer. The New Field Organizer dialog box displays. 2.       Select a standard or custom field from the Field drop-down with a data type that maps to the integer editor           (see table in beginning of article). “Annual Revenue” will be the field used in this example. 3.       Click Create. The new custom group displays in the Lead Database tree represented as Field Name > Field Name Group           (example: Annual Revenue > Annual Revenue Group). Since you are creating a custom group for an “integer” field, the integer editor           displays in the Settings tab, which opens by default. 4.       Double-click the default custom group name above the integer editor to customize the name. For example, you might rename           Annual Revenue Group to Annual Revenue by Size. Type the desired new name in the modifiable text field and click Save. The integer editor allows you create multiple sub-groups to define each sub-group by size. In this example, three groups will be created for Small, Medium, and Enterprise businesses. 5.       To add your first group, enter a name in the Group Name field (example: Small) and enter a max value in the Group Range field (example: 200000). 6.       Click Add Group. An empty group entry displays below the group just entered. You can add up to ten sub-groups to categorize the data values.           Note that each Group Range entry builds upon the previous entry. If you leave the last Group Range entry blank for the last custom           sub-group you create, a maximum data value is not set. The example below shows an entry for Small, Medium, and Enterprise businesses. To delete a sub-group, simply click the red X next to the sub-group name. 7.       Once all the sub-groups are defined, return to the summary tab to view a summary of all sub-groups defined for that field. Once the groups are defined, you can Enable the custom field group for reporting in Model Performance Analysis (Leads) via the Revenue Cycle Analytics tab in Marketo Lead Management. Create Custom Field Group – Date Editor To create a custom field group using the Field Organizer date editor: 1.       From Marketing Activities, click New and select New Field Organizer. The New Field Organizer dialog box displays. 2.       Select a standard or custom field from the Field drop-down with a data type that maps to the date editor           (see table in beginning of article). “Acquisition Date” will be the field used in this example. 3.       Click Create. The new custom group displays in the Lead Database tree represented as Field Name > Field Name Group           (example: Acquisition Date > Acquisition Date Group). Since you are creating a custom group for a “date” field, the date editor           displays in the Settings tab, which opens by default. 4.       Double-click the default custom group name above the date editor to customize the name. For example, you might rename           Acquisition Date Group to Acquisition Date Categories. Type the desired new name in the modifiable text field and click Save. The date editor allows you create multiple sub-groups and define each sub-group by date. In this example, two groups will be created: Q1-11 Leads and Q2-11 Leads. 5.       To add your first group, enter a name in the Group Name field (example: Q1-11 Leads) and enter a date in the date field that represents           the date the lead was acquired on or before (example: 3/31/2011 for that last day of Q1-11). 6.       Click Add Group. An empty group entry displays below the group just entered. You can add up to ten sub-groups to categorize the data values.           Note that each Group Range entry builds upon the previous entry. If you leave the last Group Range entry blank for the last custom sub-group you create,           an end date value is not set. The example below shows an entry for Q1-11 Leads and Q2-11 Leads. To delete a sub-group, simply click the red X next to the sub-group name. 7.       Once all the sub-groups are defined, return to the summary tab to view a summary of all sub-groups defined for that field. Once the groups are defined, you can Enable the custom field group for reporting in Model Performance Analysis (Leads) via the Revenue Cycle Analytics tab in Marketo Lead Management.
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Issue Your SFDC team wants to enable the SFDC feature associating contacts to multiple accounts.       Solution If a contact is associated with multiple accounts in SFDC, the Company Name field will contain that primary account name – and Marketo will have no visibility into the fact that the contact is also associated with other accounts. One way to do this in Marketo is actually to create a purposeful duplicate of the contact- one associated with the first account, the other associated with the second account and so on. At this time, there are not any plans to enable people in Marketo to be associated with multiple accounts.
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Overview Marketo launched the new Email Editor 2.0 with the Spring ’16 release. Email Editor 2.0 is fully backward compatible with Email 1.0 emails and Email 1.0 email templates and also provides a large number of added capabilities. For this reason, after June 18th Email Editor 1.0 and Email Template Editor 1.0 will no longer be available within the Marketo application. All Marketo subscriptions that have yet to enable Email Editor 2.0 will be seamlessly transitioned to Email 2.0 on this date. Note: This change is not tied to a Marketo Release. What are some benefits of using Email Editor 2.0? With Email 2.0, you will enjoy a more modern experience and even more capabilities when editing emails in Marketo. Here’s what you’ll see in your Marketo Engagement Platform: Modules: Defined at the template level, modules are sections that group content elements (images, text, etc.) you can add to your email assets. You can also clone the modules within your email asset, or place them in the most convenient location. Learn more about modules here: Add Modules to Your Email Variables: Email Editor 2.0 allows you to define variables within the email templates that you can reuse within the template or within email assets built based on the template. If necessary, users can modify the variable’s value when building emails. Variables come in several types like String, Color, Image, etc. We are confident variables will help you reduce errors and easily customize emails. Visit: Email Template Syntax - Variables for an in-depth review of email variables. Enhanced Editing Experience: The new Email Editor 2.0 also comes with an improved Email Previewer, which will allow you to see how your email would look like on a desktop and on a mobile device; a new Email Template Picker, so you can easily identify and select the template to start building emails, and a collection of fully responsive “Starter Templates” free of charge. For more information, please see our Email 2.0 Spring '16: Overview recorded session. Deprecation Details The ability to use the Legacy Email Editor 1.0 will be removed from the UI on June 18, 2019. Any emails created or edited after June 18, 2019 will automatically open the new Email Editor 2.0 version. Note that the Marketo APIs (Direct Writes & Clone Programs) will issue warning notifications to help you identify assets still needing to be upgraded to Email 2.0. Any 1.0 assets will still be usable in campaigns! They will simply be converted to the New 2.0 version the next time they are edited and approved (steps on how to do this are outlined below). While the UI will remove the option for users to create templates in the legacy editor, the APIs supporting the Legacy editors will not be removed from Marketo until the January 2020 release. Any assets that are not converted to the New Editor after January will not be usable and unavailable for conversion.  After deprecation, attempts to write to or clone Email 1.0 assets will result in errors instead of warnings. Recommendation We recommend that your team enables 2.0 and gets familiar with the newest email editor prior to the June 18, 2019 UI deprecation date, to not only ensure they’re comfortable continuing to build and edit assets in Marketo, but also take advantage of the enhancements and added features mentioned above.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) How do I know which email editor I’m using? There are 2 ways to figure that out: 1. In the Email section within Admin, select the ‘Edit Email Editor Settings’ option. The application will display a dialog window and indicate the email editor configured for your Marketo subscription, as in the image below: 2. Edit an email asset and see what the editor looks like: Here’s the Legacy Email Editor: Here’s Email Editor 2.0: As a reminder, after June 18, 2019, any emails you created in Email Editor 1.0 will remain in your subscription and still function. However, you won’t be able to create any new emails with Email Editor 1.0. How do I convert my assets from using Email Editor 1.0 to 2.0? These steps below will guide you through converting any assets using Email Editor 1.0 to 2.0: 1. Confirm that you have enabled the New Editor (2.0) in your admin settings by navigating to the Admin Panel > Emails > Email Editor Settings > Select “New” > Save If you already are using the New Email Editor (2.0), then disregard this step 2. After identifying which assets require the conversion, please navigate to the asset in the Tree in Design Studio (or Marketing Activities if the asset lives in a program) 3. Right-Click on the Email and click on “Edit Draft” 4. The screen should now display the editor in the New Editor (2.0) 5. Make changes, if any are needed, and click “Approve and Close” 6. Now this email has been converted and you are free to use this email with Editor 2.0!
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Issue You see a popup that says 'Limited Access' when you attempt to edit or delete an asset in the Design Studio, even though you should have the required permissions/privileges for the workspace it is located in.   Solution When an asset is shared from one workspace to another, only the original copy can be edited or otherwise modified, even if you have permissions for every workspace it appears in. If you attempt to alter the asset inside one of the folders it has been shared to, you will see a popup informing you that you don't have sufficient privileges to do so. To edit the asset, make sure you are working with the original copy of that asset, located within the workspace where it was first created. Who This Solution Applies To People using Workspaces
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Overview GoToWebinar is changing their authentication protocol used for API access. Their legacy protocol, OAuth v1.0, will no longer be used after January 31, 2019, and all services accessing GoToWebinar (Marketo) will be required to use the new authentication protocol, OAuth v2.0. Marketo has already updated our system to utilize the new OAuth v2.0 authentication protocol for new login authentication. All newly initiated service authentications between Marketo and GoToWebinar will use OAuth v2.0. However, all existing GoToWebinar services currently logged in and in use now must be reauthenticated manually. All customers who use GoToWebinar must reauthenticate each of the logins for these services in your Marketo instance by navigating to Admin > LaunchPoint. Any API calls still using OAuth v1.0 after January 31 will fail. This will result in statuses not being shared between Marketo and GoToWebinar and will prevent users from syncing Event programs with a GoToWebinar event. FAQ Why is this change happening? GoToWebinar is strengthening their security protocols for API login access to their services. This requires using an upgraded version of the login protocols, known as OAuth v2.0. Is this a Marketo change or a GoToWebinar change? This change is being implemented by GoToWebinar to strengthen their security protocols. Marketo has upgraded our system to allow a seamless transition, but the protocol change is being made by GoToWebinar. When does this take effect? The new protocol version OAuth v2.0 is active and in place now. GoToWebinar has placed an announcement on their status page stating that the deprecation of the legacy OAuth v1.0 is scheduled for January 31, 2019. All connections between Marketo and GoToWebinar that are still using the legacy OAuth v1.0 protocol will be refused by GoToWebinar after that date. This includes new access requests as well as those currently active and in use. What do I need to do? Reauthenticate your GoToWebinar services with a fresh login from within your Marketo instance before January 31, 2019. Why do I have to do it myself? Marketo has made the changes necessary to utilize OAuth v2.0 for new authentication logins being made moving forward. However, all logins already in use were initiated on the older protocol, OAuth v1.0. Marketo doesn’t know your personal login credentials, so you need to do the reauthentication directly. Is there a different procedure for how to enter the credentials inside the Marketo UI? No. The update Marketo made was on the back end, so there is nothing different to how you enter the info. The UI is the exact same as it was. What happens if I don’t reauthenticate the login before January 31, 2019? All connections between Marketo and your GoToWebinar services will be refused by GoToWebinar on their end. If I miss the deadline and the connection is shut off, how will I know? You’ll find error messages in your Marketo instance where the services are used. See the section below for “Symptoms of a disconnected service” to know what to look for. If I miss the deadline and the connection is shut off, how do I get it working again? Reauthenticate your login credentials in Admin > LaunchPoint. See the “Customer Action Needed” section below for step by step directions. Customer Action Needed All customers who use GoToWebinar must reauthenticate the login credentials for each user. This must be done before January 31, 2019 to avoid experiencing disruption of your services. 1. Navigate to Admin 2. Click LaunchPoint to open the list of Installed Services 3. Click and open the GoToWebinar service to edit it 4. Click the Log into GoToWebinar button. 5. In the GoToWebinar Sign In pop-up window, enter your GoToWebinar email and password and click Sign In. 6. After the window closes, click Save DONE! By reauthenticating the login, you’ve ensured that the service is using the new OAuth v2.0 protocols. Symptoms of Disconnected Service Here is a list of what to expect if the integration with GoToWebinar is disconnected due to the deprecation of OAuth v1.0 on January 31, 2019. 1. The service listing in Admin > LaunchPoint will have a status of Failed along with a few details. A. Reauthenticating your login credentials will resolve these errors. 2. Event programs that have not yet synced with GoToWebinar will be unable to sync and will return errors. A. Reauthenticating your login credentials will resolve these errors. B. For reference, here is the documentation on how to sync an Event Program to GoToWebinar. 3. Existing programs which were synced with GoToWebinar prior to the deprecation will show no difference. However, if anyone is added to the program with a ‘Registered’ status, Marketo will attempt to push this record to GoToWebinar and will fail due to the deprecation of the OAuth v1.0 protocol. This will give the record a status of ‘Registration Error’. If this occurs, this data is not lost. A. Reauthenticate the GoToWebinar service B. Manually refresh the webinar attendance. Navigate to the Event Actions menu of your Event Program and select Refresh from Webinar Provider 4. Records that were already registered with GoToWebinar before the service stopped will still be able to receive the correct {{member.webinar url}} token. That data for the token will already be in Marketo, so reminder emails will still have the right links to the actual webinar even if the service was stopped after they were registered. The attendee report won’t be able to come down from GoToWebinar with the connection cut off, but at least your leads will still have the link to get to the webinar. 5. If the service is no longer active and an existing webinar completes, normally this would record attendance information and sync this back to Marketo and change the status of program members. However, if the service is inactive, this will fail silently, and no status change will occur. Manually refreshing from webinar provider will also silently fail if done while the service is still inactive. The notification will show that there are no updates. A. Reauthenticate the GoToWebinar service B. Manually refresh the webinar attendance. Navigate to the Event Actions menu of your Event Program and select Refresh from Webinar Provider C. Now that the credentials were reauthenticated and the service is back online, the manual refresh will work properly. How to Get Additional Help Feel free to ask questions in the comments section of this documentation. Our Support team will be monitoring the comments to help answer your questions. You can also Contact Marketo Support at any time.
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Issue Authorized support admin unable to find a contact to add as authorized support contact.   Solution The contact will need to have logged in to the community ( at least once for their profile to be created and recognized in the system. "In order to appear on the list of available contacts, the user must have clicked Community (while logged into Marketo) at least once." Once the contact has logged in to the community, the authorized support admin should be able to see the contact to be added as an authorized support contact.  
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Issue You would like to reposition the submit button for your Marketo form Solution When editing a Marketo Form, the initial section with the fields displayed will have the submit button at the bottom. You are able to click and drag the button to reposition where you wish the button to be.    
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Issue Issue Description You deactivated a trigger campaign but it appears to be still processing leads.     Solution Issue Resolution If you deactivate a trigger campaign, all leads that were already in the flow at the time the campaign was deactivated will continue to be processed. Deactivating a trigger campaign will only prevent any new leads from qualifying for the campaign and going through the flow steps.  To remove existing leads from the flow, do the following.   Create a new batch Smart Campaign with a "Member of Smart Campaign" filter and specify the deactivated campaign. Add a flow step "Remove from Flow" and specify the deactivated campaign. Run the batch campaign.   This should remove all existing leads from the trigger campaign so they will not continue to process through the flow.
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Issue Description Does the email address assigned to the API user need to be an email address maintained by an actual person? Issue Resolution The email address assigned to an API user does not need to be an existing email address or an actual person. It is used as an identifier for the API user. Generally, customers name the API user according to the integration the API user is being used for (e.g. This is useful for tracking where API calls are coming from when there are multiple integrations configured with Marketo via the API
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Issue You have an Email Program or Smart Campaign with an expected audience size, but when it is run, only a small number of leads are sent the email.  For example, in an Email Program with 250 people in the audience, only 15 people were sent the email.   Solution There are several things we need to check to determine why this happened. The easiest way to start is to create a separate Smart List with the exact filters as the program or campaign. Check the number of leads in this recreated Smart List. Does it have the same number of leads as the original Email Program or Smart Campaign audience? Email Program audiences do not automatically refresh and update when the Smart List is changed, so if you did not refresh the Audience before sending the email, it may be displaying an out-of-date number. This is a particular risk if your program or campaign Smart List references another Smart List. If that secondary Smart List is changed, it will affect your program or campaign audience without you being aware of it. This is one reason why we recommend avoiding nested Smart Lists. Use your testing Smart List to determine how many leads you have that may have been excluded from the send: Leads that are unsubscribed, marketing suspended, blacklisted, or flagged as invalid Leads that with no email address (sometimes due to a mistake in a list upload) Leads that have a duplicate email address in the program or campaign audience. If there are duplicate leads in the Smart List for an email send, Marketo will send to the first one and skip the rest Look in the View Results/Campaign Results for your program/campaign to see if any leads were skipped due to Communication Limits. Add up the number of leads that may have been skipped for these various reasons and see if that accounts for the missing audience members. If it doesn't, Check the Audit Trail to see if the Smart List has been changed between now and the time the emails were sent.  If you still can't figure out why your email went out to fewer people than expected, open a support case and include the results of the above troubleshooting, and Marketo Support will investigate further.
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Issue Issue Description User has 'Delete Marketing Asset' permission in Marketing Activities but is unable to delete a Smart List. The Limited Access message below is being returned: "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action"     Solution Issue Resolution In order for a user to have permission to delete a Smart List in Marketing Activities, the user would need to have access to Marketing Activities and have the 'Delete List' permission. see article for list of permissions:
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Explanation: In RTP the tracking is session-based, similar to most web analytics tools. A session starts with the first page view and ends 30 minutes after the last click on the website. For example: Scenario   RTP Result Visitor views 1 page on the website and leaves 1 visit & 1 page view Visitor views 2 pages on the website within 30 minutes and then leaves 1 visit / 2 page views Visitor views 1 page on the website, leaves, then returns 45 minutes later and views 1 page 2 visits / 2 page views
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Issue In Salesforce on the Account level for Marketo Sales Insight, it does not show all the activities of the associated contacts. Solution Marketo Sales Insight only shows certain activities depending on how recently they occurred on the account level. Interesting moments: last 60 days Web Visit: last 3 days Score Change: last 30 days Email: Everything If you wanted to check activities past these dates you would need to go to the contact level and check the history there. The reason behind this is because at scale if there were 100s of contacts under one account and all contacts are active and creating activities it would be difficult to sift through the activities and may cause performance issues due to the sheer amount of data being displayed which is why this limitation is in place.  
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Once you have the RTP tag installed onto your website, there are several steps that RTP goes through to actually display a Campaign on the web page. Below we describe the process from the tag being loaded to the Campaign being shown on the page. Beware, the details are somewhat technical, so tread with caution!   When the page with the RTP tag is loaded, the RTP script (rtp.js) is loaded. This script includes all of your individual tag configurations, and it triggers a sequence of actions:   First, information about the visitor is sent to the Marketo servers, including: Referral site Search terms and the visitor's IP address. Using this IP address, several things about the visitor can be deduced relatively accurately: Location (country, state, city, zip code) Organization name (if applicable) Organization group (Enterprise, SMB, Fortune 100, etc.) If the visitor is a known lead in your Marketo lead database, RTP will pull values for all of the default Marketo fields and custom fields.   Next, RTP will check if the visitor qualifies for any of your pre-defined Segments based on this information about the visitor. If the visitor does match a Segment that's attached to a Campaign, that Campaign will be loaded on the page being visited.   Finally, once the Campaign has loaded on the page, the visitor's browser takes note that the visitor has seen the campaign. This allows for Campaigns that are not sticky to be only loaded once per visitor.
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Included in this article   Overview Description Event listeners Assets from URL Patterns Created content API - Event Sending Function Overview The Content Recommendation Engine will recommend content that your visitors will like, but there must be content to recommend first. You can manually upload all assets and pieces of content you want to use, but you can also let RTP automatically discover what content is already out there, published on your website currently. This process of identifying those assets is called Asset Discovery, or Content Discovery. This doc will show you how the Asset Discovery process works.   For documentation on how to enable Asset Discovery please see Enabling Content Discovery - Marketo Docs - Product Docs     Description Event listeners The asset discovery process is an event listener. It runs on every page that has the RTP script running on it and waits for visitors to click on links that count as content assets. Once it identifies a click on a content asset, it checks if this is a click on an asset. By default, RTP defines content assets as any external pages or files like PDF, PPT, PPTX, MP4, OGG, WEBM or YouTube. As these pieces of content are discovered, they are added to the list of content pieces that the CRE can recommend to visitors.   Assets from URL Patterns Asset discovery automatically identifies assets on your web pages, but you can also manually configure assets based off of URL patterns so that HTML pages with URLs that match these patterns will be auto-discovered as assets. Once the URL patterns are configured, the pages will be identified as individual assets that the CRE can recommend.   Created content Users can manually add new content in RTP with the directions in the documentation here: Create New Content - Marketo Docs - Product Docs When the content is created, you specify the content URL.     API - Event Sending Function In some cases, the download (submit) button is not a direct link to the asset itself but to a JavaScript that opens the asset. When this is the done, the asset discovery events must be coded into the JavaScript on the page and use an API call. This API calls only work if the RTP script is loaded on the page.   An example of the code would be: rtp('send', 'view','/case_study1.pdf');   The Event Sending Function documentation can be found here: RTP JavaScript API » Marketo Developers  
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Overview These instructions will show you how to add a filter to Segments that will prevent a visitor from seeing the same campaign twice. When done this way, each visitor will only see the associated Campaign once and won't see it again.     1. Locate and select the User Context API filter (in the API category).     2. Select "Campaigns - Viewed" from the "Select field to add" drop down.   3. Select "is not" and insert the Campaign ID.     Where to find the Campaign ID The Campaign ID is the identifier used by RTP to specify which Campaign you are referencing. It can be found in the URL for the campaign once you've navigated to it. Look for the number in the end of the URL, just after "reactionId=".             4. Click the plus sign to add a second field to the filter. Choose "Campaigns - Viewed" as the second field, same as the first.   5. Select OR from the AND/OR field. 6. Select "is empty" for the second Campaigns Viewed filter option. S     Finally please make sure that the campaign is not marked as "Sticky", as this will make it appear every time.   You're all set! This segment will now only match visitors who have not seen the campaign yet.
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Issue Description You want to know the difference between a field with the type of string and text area. Issue Resolution Both a string and text field will hold information that you can freely write in. The major difference between the two fields is how many characters you can put in these fields. A string field has a limit of 255 characters, whereas a text field has a character limit of 30,000 characters.   A string field is a good choice if you wanting to store data like address, names, or simple custom data. A text area field is a good choice when you want to store information from something like a comment box on a form or if you are importing a large block of text. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Best practices for trigger campaigns. Environment This applies to all Marketo users who are utilizing trigger campaigns in their marketing activities. Solution Marketo's trigger campaigns are designed to monitor every relevant activity, even if it doesn't immediately meet certain constraints or filters. For example, if there are 10 active Clicked Email Campaigns and 100 leads engage with an email, each lead will be evaluated 10 times to check if they qualify for a trigger. In this example that would lead to 1000 evaluations total. This happens even if they don't meet the criteria due to certain filters or constraints. To make your trigger evaluation process quicker and more efficient, follow these best practices: 1. Deactivate any trigger campaigns that are no longer needed. This reduces the number of active monitors that could potentially activate trigger event evaluations.    Note: Marketo automatically deactivates smart campaigns that have been dormant (no lead triggers them) for 6 months or more on a quarterly basis. However, you can manually deactivate campaigns whenever necessary. 2. Convert Trigger campaigns to Batch campaigns if immediate responses are not required. This is particularly useful for activities or campaigns that can run overnight. Batch campaigns operate on a separate component of Marketo's processors, meaning they won't impact the speed of Trigger qualifier processes.  
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If you want to set or get a form field value in Javascript, you'll first need to find it's ID in the form.  Then it's a simple matter of using jQuery to retrieve the value from the form. Get the field's ID First, get the HTML ID for the form field you want to edit.  In the Design Studio, select a landing page that contains the form and preview the page. View the source of that page and find the field you want.  The fastest way is to search for the label that you used when you created the form like "Email" or "First Name".   Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer.     Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Is this article helpful ? YesNo Search for the "id" attribute in the "input" tag for that field.  Below, the id is "FirstName". <label>First Name:</label><span class='mktInput'><input class='mktFormText mktFormString mktFReq' name="FirstName" id="FirstName" type='text' value="" maxlength='255' tabIndex='1' /><span class='mktFormMsg'></span> Setting a field value Write Javascript to change the value of that field.  This example uses the jQuery "attr" function to set a new value, though any javascript solution will work. Change the highlighted yellow bits below with the name of the field and the new value for that field.  Instead of "newValue", you can use any text string, Javascript variable, or Javascriptfunction that returns a string. <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     // use no conflict mode for jQuery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();       // when the page is ready, change FirstName and newValue   $jQ(document).ready(function() {     $jQ('#FirstName').attr('value','newValue');   }); </script> When you're done, add the javascript to your landing page by dragging in a Custom HTML element on the page, then paste in this code. Getting a field value Write Javascript to get the value of that field.  This example uses the jQuery "attr" function to accomplish that, though any javascript solution will work.  Change the yellow value to the ID of the field you want to read. <!-- jquery for changing the field values --> <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     // use no conflict mode for jQuery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();     $jQ(document).ready(function() {     var firstName = $jQ('#FirstName').attr('value');   }); </script> When you're done, add the javascript to your landing page by dragging in a Custom HTML element on the page, then paste in this code.
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