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Issue Issue Description When syncing records between Marketo and Dynamics, an error is received of "Marketo is unable to update the following records in Microsoft Dynamics" due to "A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists".   Solution Issue Resolution The reason for that error is due to custom de-duplication rules set up in Dynamics, specifically when Marketo inserts a lead record or updates lead and contact records. There are a couple ways this issue can be addressed: 1) Your team can review the custom de-dupe rules in Dynamics and open them up so Marketo can insert/update records. We recommend this step first! 2) There is a Support tool that will allow suppression of the de-duplication rules set up in Dynamics for the sync user. With this tool, the sync user will be able to insert leads for the first time or updating a lead or contact. This process isn't typically recommended as a first step because it can lead to duplicate records being created, but if you'd like the suppression enabled, please reach out to Marketo support with the details of your request. Who This Solution Applies To Dynamics Users
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Issue Issue Description When you update fields for the sales owner in SFDC, the information is not updated in Marketo. You are also blocking updates from SFDC for the affected fields.   Solution Issue Resolution Due to how the SFDC User object is mapped in Marketo, if a field is blocked from updating from SFDC, this will also prevent Sales Owner info from syncing over. You'll need to remove the "Block Updates From" logic for that field.   
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Issue Issue Description After merging Person Records in Marketo, the Marketo Custom Object that was present on one of the duplicate records is now missing.     Solution Issue Resolution Marketo Custom Objects (CO) Records are linked with Person Records by a set link field value. We will see CO records disconnect from merged duplicate person records when the record linked with the CO record is merged into the winning Marketo person record. For example, Person Record B is linked with a CO record. Person Record B is merged with Person Record A, and Record A is designated as the 'winner' of any conflicts and remains after the merge. The CO record is now disconnected.  The solution is that the CO record needs to be reconnected to the intended remaining person record after the merge. The solution can be applied before or after the merge.  Before the merge:  The person records need to be reconciled so that the one remaining after the merge has the link field value, and the CO record needs to be reimported into the Marketo instance. The CO record should now be reassociated with the person record.  After the merge: Confirm the remaining person record has the appropriate link field value, and then reimport the CO record into Marketo. The CO record should now be reassociated with the person record.    Who This Solution Applies To Clients with Marketo Custom Objects
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This document provides an overview of the recent import service issue that impacted a subset of customers across our data centers beginning on April 24, 2019. All customers that were impacted were emailed details of the incident on May 15, 2019. If you are unsure if your instance was impacted, please reach out to Marketo support at Start time: London data center, April 24, 2019, 4:30 PM PDT Sydney data center, April 26, 2019, 2:00 PM PDT San Jose and Ashburn data centers, April 26, 2019, 5:30 PM PDT How to identify what data center your instance is located in: You can deduce the server locations by looking at the URL of your instance. The CNAME=the pod or server your instance is on. The example above indicates that this instance is in our Ashburn data center. The abbreviations for all our data centers are as follows. lon = London sn = Sydney sj = San Jose ab = Ashburn End time: Patch was pushed May 8, 2019, 4:25 PM PDT Service affected: During the impacted timeframe, customers may have noticed that the Email Invalid field for records was inaccurately set to False during list imports. If a record had the Email Invalid field set to True, and a list without the Email Invalid column was imported containing that record, the Email Invalid value would subsequently revert to False. Please note that your list import would not have been impacted if your list contains the Email Invalid column. No other fields were impacted by this issue, including Unsubscribe, Marketing Suspended, Blacklisted, etc. When working as expected, the Email Invalid field is set to True when a certain type of hard bounce occurs such as when the recipient doesn’t exist. Emailing invalid email addresses could trigger another bounce that would revert the Email Invalid field to true if the correct bounce information is returned to our mail systems. For additional information on hard bounces and their classifications, visit our Marketo Docs, resources. What happened: This issue originated from a patch deployed during a recent release. The patch was designed to update the database schema for valid email addresses that are imported through a list. This did not produce the correct behavior and inadvertently caused the Email Invalid field to be set to False. Remediation: Once the cause was identified, our team developed and deployed a patch on May 8, 2019, to revert the changes that introduced this issue. To correct the data that was affected during the impacted timeframe, our team is scoping and designing a bulk data fix process with the highest urgency. We expect this process to take two weeks to complete, with an anticipated end date of May 28, 2019. You can also choose to manually fix the affected data by creating the smart campaign outlined below. If this option is chosen, the data fix being done by our team will not interfere with the corrected values. Email Invalid Data Fix Smart Campaign: Smart List: *Change the date range based on the data center your instance is located in. Sources to copy and paste into the Source multiple value chooser menu: List import Web service API Untrusted List import Web service API - Import to list Flow: Schedule: Uncommon Use Cases to be aware of: 1. The Webservice API source includes BOTH (a) Bulk API Import WITHOUT a "listId" parameter in the REST call and (b) Regular API calls. If a customer uses Regular API Calls ex. ( to update the Email Invalid field to False (during the impacted timeframe) making the lead Marketable, the manual fix above would accidentally set the Email Invalid field back to True making the lead NOT Marketable again. 2. If a customer has a real use case which updated a subset of the affected leads to Email Invalid is False, the manual smart campaign data fix will incorrectly mark them as Email Invalid is True. Note that Marketo does not generate a Change Data Value activity if a field value hasn’t changed. An example sequence of events is provided below; The list import issue inadvertently changed a lead's Email Invalid field from True to False. A Change Data Value activity in the lead's activity log would have been generated. If a customer finds that the lead has a valid email address from another source and updates the leads Email Invalid field to False (No Change Data Value will be generated since no change to the value was made), the data fix will identify such leads as problematic, and reset their Email Invalid field back to True. In summary, there is a chance this process will mark a Marketable lead as Unmarketable via the Email Invalid field. If you have additional questions or experience any issues, please contact Marketo support at, or through any of the methods listed here.
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Overview: GoToWebinar will be conducting scheduled maintenance on Saturday, February 20 from 06:00 AM UTC - 10:00 AM UTC and Sunday, February 21 from 02:00 AM UTC - 06:00 AM UTC. During the maintenance window, users will not be able to start or join GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, or GoToTraining sessions.   Affected Marketo Engage Services: During the impacted timeframe, customer-facing webinars and APIs will be unavailable for Marketo Engage customers. Since APIs will be unavailable, Marketo Engage will not be able to sync, refresh, or transition records to “Registered” in GoToWebinar.   To identify and resolve these errors, you can create a smart list that filters on any program with a New Status of “Registration Error” for the necessary channels as shown below.     You can then navigate to the People tab, view the record details to see the Status Change event which failed for the record, and create a smart campaign to update the Program Status to “Registered”.   If you have additional questions or experience any issues, please contact Marketo Engage support at, or through any of the methods listed here.
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Issue Description Using the option to create a new Salesforce Campaign within the program sync feature, the Salesforce Campaign does not have the same status selection that the Marketo Program has. Issue Resolution Only after adding members to the Marketo Program will Marketo then sync the membership over and update the status selections will be updated to match.
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Issue Issue Description You want to invite one user to your two (or more) Marketo instances.     Solution Issue Resolution All Marketo subscriptions come with the optional Universal ID feature. To setup users with the same "login" in both production and sandbox subscriptions (or Prod and Prod, or Sandbox and Sandbox) we will want to take these steps:  1. Create a new user in the "1st instance" (first is arbitrary, it is whichever instance you want to start with, and if a user already exists in this instance you can jump to step 3)  2. User is created: lets say for example the user "login" is: with "email": and password: 12345GoodPassword  3. We will then want to go into the second instance and invite a user with the same "login": (you can use a different email or the same)  4. When that user receives the second invite they will want to set their password to be exactly the same as the password in the first instance: 12345GoodPassword  Please note: If after following these steps you want to reset your password, you can do so and would want to do so for both instances. To do so, you would want to input your "Login" after selecting the forgot password option. That will initiate the sending of an email to the email address you specified as your "email".  Who This Solution Applies To Marketo Users with Universal ID active  
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Issue You are experiencing slow processing of campaigns, smart lists, and reports.     Solution There are three key components that can slow down an instance: Number of trigger campaigns: Trigger campaigns are always on, always listening.  If there are 50 campaigns triggering at the same time, all the 50 triggers will be in queue, slowing down your processing and routing inside Marketo. Solution: Reduce the number of Triggers. Convert some of the triggers to batches: Batches also run all the flow steps for every lead at once, instead of serially, which reduces total processing time.   Complexity of smart lists: The more complex a smart list, the harder it is for the system to figure it out, which increases backend processing and even creates campaign failures from timeouts. Solution: Reduce the number of nested smart lists called in a smart list. Whenever you ask Marketo to call another Smart List, it has to wait until all of the other smart lists finish, before putting together the final counts. Instead of Marketo looking for the list and running it, just put the filters in the trigger itself.   Volume of Leads: With regular cleaning and good systems design, it is fairly easy to keep your system running fast. Reduce the number of leads that can flow through with filters. Clean up the inactive leads at regular intervals.    
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Also see: RTP Javascript API   RTP asset discovery technology is discovering clicks on links that direct to files such as: PDF, YouTube, PPT etc. Also, it uses predefined URL patterns to count an HTML page as an asset (see: Enabling Asset Discovery - Marketo Docs - Marketo User Manual).   In some cases, the download (submit) button is not a direct link to the asset itself but to a javascript that opens the asset. When this is the case, it is required to code the asset discovery events in the page. The way to do it is by using the  rtp( 'send' , 'view')  API call. NOTE: this method can be used only with RTP API tag version This is how the code should look like:   rtp( 'send' , 'view' , '/case_study1.pdf' );      
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Issue Issue Description Unable to limit user access specific to certain programs or assets     Solution Customization of user roles for assets (such as landing pages, emails, etc.) or programs is currently unavailable. However, you can control user access by limiting their permissions to specific workspaces, provided that Workspaces are enabled for your Marketo instance. Configure Protocols for Marketo    
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Issue Issue Description You try to merge two records in Marketo and a System Error appears ‘Failed to merge leads [Lead ID]'       Solution Issue Resolution One of the reasons why the merge fails is the leads are part of a different account in SFDC. Even though it looks like they belong to the same account, you need to verify their account ID in SalesForce to see if they match. Another possible reason is due to lack of permissions on SFDC.    
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Issue Issue Description One (or several) of the emails in your Engagement Program stream with Recipient Time Zone enabled failed to send but there was no failure or error message. You edited the email(s) within 25 hours of the next scheduled cast.   Solution Issue Resolution Our Engagement Program documentations states that "We require you to schedule the first cast at least 25 hours in the future because there may be people who qualify for the cast in every time zone across the globe." ( This also applies to making edits to emails. If you edit an email in an Engagement Program stream with Recipient Time Zone enabled within 25 hours of the next scheduled cast. The pre-processing is disrupted and the email will fail to send. To avoid the issue please either  1) disable Recipient Time Zone 2) refrain from making edits to the Engagement Program streams or assets 25 hours before the next scheduled cast. Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Engagement Program with Recipient Time Zone enabled
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Issue Description The Email Dashboard is not displaying accurate data after sending an email via the Email Program. Issue Resolution Email dashboards can take up to 72 hours to fully propagate, if the data is still not accurate or updating after 72 hours please reach out to support for further troubleshooting.
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Issue Description Using a token in the Smart List of a Campaign yields unexpected results, an error, or the campaign to not trigger.  Issue Resolution Tokens cannot be used in the Smart List section of Smart Campaigns. Tokens can be used in the Smart Campaign Flow, in the following steps: Interesting Moments Change Data Value Salesforce Campaign Steps (add, remove, change status) Create Task
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Issue Issue Description How to determine which of your Marketo Workspaces is the original default workspace.   Solution Issue Resolution Determining your Default Workspace can easily be done, by following the detailed steps below:   [Login] to your Marketo Instance. Click [Admin]. Locate and Click [Workspaces & Partitions]. [Right-Click] on the Field Navigation Bar (It is Blue). From the [Drop-Down List], you'll see three options. Select [Columns]. While reviewing the Column Field options, make sure [ID] is selected. The [ID] with the value of "1" is your Default Workspace. [Note 1]: As a confirmation, the Default Workspace is unable to be deleted. [Note 2]: The ID Number of your Workspaces are provided in the order in which they were created. [Note 3]: The lowest ID number, is your oldest Workspace.  [Note 4]: The highest ID number, is your newest Workspace. Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Partitions and Workspaces
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Issue Description In sent emails, if the system token {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} is used, the link will load successfully on web browsers. However on the same browser session, after refreshing the page once, the link will return an error "Cannot get email content- Customer does not belong to any POD". Issue Resolution After Marketo's 2019 Q1 release, a security enhancement has been set for Marketo emails. When loaded on a browser, a View as Webpage Link will include the recipients' unique mkt_tok parameter. If recipients of the Marketo emails were sharing these links, this would mean that they are also sharing their unique/private mkt_tok with third parties. With this enhancement, the view as webpage link is only expected to load once and the mkt_tok value which is contained in the link will disappear after the page has loaded. With the removal of the mkt_token value on the link, hitting refresh will send a request to Marketo that does not contain the recipient's lead and email information, so there is no data for the link to return.
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Issue Note: If you have been migrated to Admin Console, refer to the Admin Console Overview page at When I go to the Support area of Nation, my access to the Portal is incorrect.     Solution Our system is particular about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it.   The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 This is a article attached image Step 2 This is a article attached image   Step 3 This is a article attached image Step 4 This is a article attached image   If you experience issues, please email
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Current Microsoft Dynamics Version New Microsoft Dynamics Version Requires a New Marketo Instance On-Premise 2016/365 (Version 😎 On-Premise (Version 9) No* On-Premise 2013, 2015, 2016/365 (Version 😎 Online (Version 9) Yes Online 2016 (Version 😎 Online (Version 9) No Migrating from any Microsoft Dynamics version (On-premise or online) to a custom integration will require a new Marketo instance since the Account and Opportunity tables are locked and there is no tool or solution to unlock them. *If a customer is moving to a new on-premise version they will need to move to a new Marketo instance if they plan to update GUIDs and Service Org URL. If the GUIDs and Service Org URL will both stay the same they can use the same Marketo instance.
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