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Issue Description You are testing a new Trigger campaign, and your test records are meeting the Filters, but the campaign is still not triggering from the testing.   Issue Resolution A likely reason that Marketo records do not process through Trigger Campaigns (with >1 Filters) when the record is performs the Trigger Action is because the record does not meet the Filter criteria.   Records must have the Filter attributes established prior to the Trigger Action occurring.   For Trigger Campaigns that are not triggering records because there is a delay in the Filter Attributes having the necessary data, Support will generally recommend a daily recurring Batch Campaign with the same Flow to catch and process those records that fall through the cracks, but there's another suggestion I could give you: turning filters into Remove from Flow flowsteps!   Trigger Campaigns happen real time, but occasionally, a daily batch campaign is too long of a wait. But the purpose of this alternative workaround is to allow the attribute data be written on the records, but not to wait so long for the daily Batch Campaign to run.       For example:   You have a Trigger Campaign, with filters: [attribute] is True   1) Then you can take this Filter, remove it from the Smart List and turn it into a Remove from Flow flowstep with a choice:   Remove from Flow: if [attribute] is False, then Remove from This Campaign.     2) This Remove from Flow flowstep will need to follow a Wait Step. The Wait Step needs to be long enough to allow the necessary Filter Attribute data to be written on the Marketo Record. So if the Filter Attribute Data comes through to the record about 45 minutes after the Trigger Action, then the first Flow Step should be Wait 1 hour.   There's a 1:1 ratio for number of filters turned to number of Remove from Flow flowsteps. If there were 4 filters it would be turned into 4 flowsteps with the negative logic (shown in the above example) to then filter out records.   3) Finally, after the Remove from Flow flowsteps, the same Flow Steps will be used to carry out the desired actions on the record.     It's a little complex, but it's a nice middle ground between Trigger, and Daily Recurring Batch.   Who This Solution Applies To Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You are seeing updates in Microsoft Dynamics to a field named Birthmark but do not see the field in your Marketo instance.   Issue Resolution The Birthmark field indicates whether the lead was created in Marketo or MS Dynamics.  If the Birthmark field is blank, the lead would be a CRM-created record.   If the Birthmark field contains the value 'mkto', then the record was created in Marketo.   Who This Solution Applies To Microsoft Dynamic Users Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue When right clicking an image in an email to enable Content AI, the option is greyed out when following:     Solution The image element in your email is likely defined as an <img class="mktoImg"> element. Content AI requires the ability to add a clickable link to the element which can only be done if the image element is defined via a <div class="mktoImg">. Email Syntax:
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Issue Revenue Cycle Explorer Data is not accurate comparing to Smart lists or other areas of Marketo.   Solution The data inside of Revenue Cycle Explorer (RCE) can be different from Marketo and can raise concern. However there is a couple reasons the data may not match 100%!   The data date range is within last 24 hours. Revenue Cycle Explorer utilizes an proccess which replicates the data to a dedicated Database just for running RCE reports. This proccess runs during the middle of the night to replicate the data, so the most recent the data would be is from the night before or early morning!   The data measure is looking at different data type or defining it in a different manner. The name of a measure is only part of the story. While 2 measures may have the same name, the way the data is calculated can be different between the two! You can find a deeper confirmation of what exactly is being measured or detailed by one of two ways. Right click on the Measure or Attribute & choose Properties. The Properties window will give you an additional data under Description. A alternate option is if you already have the Measure or Attribute on the report, you can right clic on it and choose "Tell me about..." and it will provide an explanation of the Measure or Attribute and how we are calculating it. Mouse over the Measure or Attribute, this will show an hover text showing the details of what and how its being measured or analyzed. OR   Revenue Cycle Explorer will see all leads and does not filter out leads by work-space visibility. So leads from other workspaces may show in your analytics if not filtered out!   Deleted leads still can show for up to 24 hours, due to the afformentioned data replication cycle.   There are other reasons data may be different, feel free to reach out to Marketo Support for further details or investigation!  
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Included in this article   Overview Why This Happens How to Fix it Overview Lead Partitions are used to put leads into different groups or "buckets". You can set up the lead partitions however you like, but sometimes you'll need to move a lead from one partition to another. The Product Doc here shows how to move the lead to the other partition, but what if the other partition doesn't show up as able to be selected?   Why This Happens When setting up the workspace, you can assign lead partitions to those workspaces to limit which partitions are accessible. You'll need a campaign flow step to move the lead to the new partition, but if the campaign is being run from within a workspace that doesn't have permission to access that partition, then it can't "see" the partition at all and it won't show up as being able to be chosen.   How to Fix it To fix this, you'll need to assign the lead partitions to the workspace. This will allow the workspace to "see" that lead partition.     1. Under Admin, click on Workspaces & Partitions.       2. Select your Workspace and click Edit Workspace.         3. Edit the workspace to add the partitions and choose the lead partition you want to move the leads to. Then click the save button.           You should now see the lead partition in the selection field to move the leads.   You can find more information about Workspaces and Partitions here Understanding Workspaces and Lead Partitions - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
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Included in this article Overview The configuration changes between Marketo and Salesforce will stop the sync to the 16 affected fields. If you recreate those fields in SFDC, the backfill process will update those newly created fields with the current values housed in Marketo. With these existing values being backfilled into the newly recreated fields, Salesforce will see it as a regular data value change, which can cause other actions to occur from things like Apex Triggers, Workflows and 3 rd Party Apps from the AppExchange. While the backfill process is still running, you could also see inaccurate data in SFDC reports. This doc will show you what to look for and how to prevent issues they could cause. Effects Inside of Salesforce Marketo is entering the existing field values into the newly recreated fields inside of SFDC. While Marketo views this as just “catching up” the values between Marketo and SFDC, Salesforce will view it differently. As soon as the new fields are recreated in SFDC, the Marketo fields are remapped to those new fields. The backfill process begins and the sync is cut off to the older existing fields, so they immediately stop updating. This results in two important things to be aware of: Everything in SFDC referencing the older original fields will be referencing old data that is no longer updating. The backfilled values entered into the newly recreated fields will be seen by SFDC as brand new values, not the existing values that they are in Marketo. Visibility Rules SFDC has the ability to restrict access to Leads and Contacts for specific users and roles. Some customers will use this ability to restrict the Marketo Sync User from being able to access certain groups of Leads and Contacts in order to keep them from being able to sync to Marketo. Restricting visibility to Leads and Contacts prevents the backfill The backfill process uses the Marketo sync user ID to connect with SFDC. If the SFDC sync user has no visibility to a group of Leads and Contacts, there is no way for the backfill process to update those leads. Resolution Evaluate your business need first. If you need to keep these Leads and Contacts from syncing with Marketo even when considering this configuration change, don't open up the visibility to them for the sync user. Neither the backfill process or normal sync cycle will see them and no data will be synced with those leads. If you want all fields to be updated for these Leads and Contacts, allow the sync user visibility to access them before creating the new fields and starting the backfill process. That will allow the backfill to run and push the Marketo field values into the newly recreated fields in SFDC. You can still remove visibility to the Leads and Contacts later if you want. If you have already recreated the new fields in SFDC and initiated the backfill process without allowing visibility to the Leads and Contacts for the sync user, the data is not lost. If you decide to allow the sync user access to the Leads and Contacts later on, then any resync of the record will also update these affected fields. Areas Affected Anything in your SFDC instance that references these fields will be affected. For most customers, this won’t be anything to worry about, but for some, it can be a much bigger issue where actions are performed when they shouldn’t be. There are some key places where you will notice the trouble if it does happen. Workflows Salesforce Workflows allow you automate actions within SFDC and can be set to run based on any number of criteria. If your workflow rules reference the older original fields, when the sync to these fields is stopped, these workflows will be based off of field values that are not updating any more. If your workflow rules have already been updated to be based on the new fields, the data value change to the fields from the backfill process can cause the workflow to react differently than it should. Existing values already accounted for will be seen as new values and could re-trigger your workflow. More information on SFDC Workflows can be found here: Workflow Rules - Apex Triggers Apex Triggers let you take specific actions before or after record changes and can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks the same way that workflows can. If your apex trigger is set to trigger off of value changes in the original fields, since the sync to these fields is stopped, none of these triggers will fire. If your apex trigger is triggering off of the newly recreated fields, the data value change to the fields from the backfill process can cause the apex trigger to fire when it shouldn’t since existing values will appear to be new values. More information on Apex Triggers can be found here: Salesforce Developers - Triggers AppExchange Apps If your AppExchange app references the older original fields, then when the data stops syncing to them, that app will be working off of out of date values. If your AppExchange app references the newly recreated fields, the entry of new values from the backfill process can initiate actions when they aren’t supposed to be performed or had already been performed previously. More information on AppExchange apps can be found here: Reports Salesforce reporting can pull data from multiple locations. If your reports are referencing these affected fields, the reports could show incorrect data. If your reports reference the original fields, then when the sync to those fields is stopped, your reports will no longer display current data. If your reports pull values from the newly recreated fields, there are two variations of what you will see. First, if the backfill process is still going on, not all records will have updated yet, so the reports aren’t yet up to date (but will be soon). Second, if the backfill process has completed, then your field values in these new fields will be up to date and your reports will all be accurate, so there is no longer any issue. When the backfill process has completed, an instance notification will be posted in Marketo to let you know that it has finished. More information on Salesforce reports can be found here: Getting Started with Reports and Dashboards Unit | Salesforce Formula Fields Salesforce formula fields work the same way that Marketo's formula fields do -- they take two (or more) other fields and combine them together to derive a new third value for the formula field's own value. Since the formula field has to reference other different fields, if one of the other fields referenced is one of these affected fields, your resulting formula field value could have incorrect data. If your formula field references the original fields, then when the mapping to those fields is changed, the values your formula field is calculating from will be out of date, resulting in an out of date formula field value as well. If your formula field is referencing the newly recreated fields, then it's possible that they are pulling data from fields that haven't fully been backfilled yet. As with the other places where the fields are in use, as soon as the backfill process is completed, there is no more issue and all data will be up to date. Examples of the Behaviors and Solutions Let’s say you have something in place (a workflow, apex trigger or AppExchange package) that will assign leads to specific sales reps when a lead’s score reaches a threshold of 35. Scenario 1: Not changed yet to reference the newly recreated fields, but backfill process is running. Lead records could reach a lead score of 35 while the backfill is still in process, but since the mapping of the Marketo lead score field has already been switched to the newly recreated field, that data value change activity won’t be recorded against the original existing field. Therefore, your process to assign the lead reaching a score of 35 would not be initiated. Solution: Take note of when you first recreated your fields in SFDC and kicked off the backfill process. Then take note of when the backfill process completes (you’ll get an instance notification in Marketo when it finishes). Set your workflow to compare the values between the old lead score field and the newly recreated lead score field to identify leads whose scores are different between the two fields (so you’ll find the ones who had a score change during the backfill process that wasn’t seen) and also search for leads whose score in the newly created lead score field is over 35. This will identify all leads who had a score change during the backfill process and hit the threshold but weren’t seen. Then have the workflow assign the leads to your sales rep. Scenario 2: After having changed to reference the newly recreated fields. The values being backfilled into the new fields will be seen as new values. So if a lead already has a score of 40 (already met the threshold of 35 sometime in the past), that existing score of 40 will be misinterpreted as a lead reaching the lead score threshold for the first time, resulting in the lead being reassigned in error. Solution: Create a workflow that compares the value in the original lead score field to the value in the newly recreated lead score field. If the scores are equal, then you know the lead had already hit the threshold in the past and this new time was in error, so your workflow can undo the action taken before. If the scores are different and the score in the newly recreated field is over 35, then you know the lead hit the threshold for the first time and was a valid candidate for the change in lead owner. Reporting Changes: The backfill process pushes data at the rate of 10,000 records per hour. Take the number of know leads in your database and divide it by 10,000 to get the approximate number of hours the backfill will take. This is the length of time when your reports could be off. Reporting from the original fields will only have data that is current up to the time when the fields were recreated and the mapping was changed over to those new fields. Reporting from the newly recreated fields won’t give a complete picture until the backfill process is completed. Solution: Run your reports from within Marketo while the backfill process is still running. There will be no discrepancies from any data within Marketo and Marketo is the source for all of this data anyway. Report Subscriptions can be set up to send the info to anyone who needs it. Preventing These Issues There are a couple of ways to approach this. The quickest way to avoid the issue is to not update workflows, apex triggers or AppExchange apps to point to the newly recreated fields until after the backfill process is complete. Also keep in mind that your formula fields could be getting used within these other places as well. This solution may or may not work for your company and your situation. You'll need to take a close look at your processes to see whether this solution works for you. After setting them to reference the newly recreated fields, disable or turn off the workflows, apex triggers and AppExchange apps so they can’t take any action. If you have formula fields using these new fields, you can also evaluate where your formula fields are used to check what needs to be updated or switched off that uses those. Then, when the backfill process is completed, re-enable them to turn them back on again. As with the previous solution, you'll need to take a close look at your processes to see whether this solution works for you. API Access All editions of Salesforce require API access for any integration to work. Professional Edition API calls were previously included as part of the integration while Enterprise and Unlimited editions required API access purchased by the customer from Salesforce. As part of this configuration change, Professional edition customers will now be required to purchase API access from Salesforce in order to continue syncing between Marketo and Salesforce. This includes the newly recreated fields as well as the rest of the integration. Salesforce Professional Edition Salesforce Professional Edition will require API access to be purchased from Salesforce to continue syncing after January 31st. This includes all components of the Marketo > Salesforce sync. MSI utilizes API calls to communicate with Marketo, so even if you are only using MSI, it will still require API access with Salesforce. Salesforce Enterprise & Unlimited Editions Enterprise and Unlimited Editions of Salesforce have already required API access to be purchased. The requirement to get API access will not have any new impact for Enterprise and Unlimited Editions of Salesforce. Where to Go for More Information Recap Summary Now that the changes have been completed, and the deprecation date has passed, this doc will give you the overview of what has happened: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Recap Summary Frequently Asked Questions Check out our FAQ for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Frequently Asked Questions​ Discussion thread We've created this discussion thread in the community to address any questions you may have. This discussion thread will be monitored by the Marketo team to ensure you get answers to your questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion Release Schedule The release is being staggered over the course of 6 months. This doc will give you exact details so you can know precisely when your Marketo instance will be updated. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Release Schedule Under the Hood Documentation This doc will give you all of the nitty gritty details of exactly what is happening. If you're looking for in depth technical details, this is the go-to doc to check out! Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Under The Hood Recreating Affected Fields There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Contact Marketo Support If you would prefer to talk to someone live, please contact Marketo Support over any of the channel listed here: Contact Marketo Support
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There are a lot of different pieces and activities involved when building a campaign or generating leads.  Here are some really important self help content that every Customer Account Manager agrees customers should pay attention to in order to ensure your continued growth using Marketo.   Reached your Database Limit Delete a Lead Delete a Lead in Salesforce Find and Merge Duplicates Bounced Email Address   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Problem/Issue: You created a new custom field in Salesforce and see that Marketo synced to it successfully the first time. You later decide to change the name and/or type in Salesforce.  After making the change, you checked Marketo to confirm the change, but can no longer find the custom field; or, you find that the field name and type did not change.   Resolution: Once a new field name and type is picked up by Marketo during the first sync, Marketo keeps the original properties.  A manual change is required in Marketo in order to properly sync to the right field/type.         
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The Marketo Sales Insight for Sales Training Package is designed to enable the Sales team to use Marketo Sales Insight quickly. During the live in-person or live-virtual training sessions, a Marketo expert will teach your Sales team the core features of Marketo Sales Insight as deployed in your organization. By sharing best practices and tips from a Marketo Sales Rep’s perspective, the Marketo expert will evangelize how MSI will help your Sales team to close more business faster.  The package includes access to a Marketo expert during post-training, private Instructor Office Hour session. Learning Objectives: Learn to use Marketo Sales Insight to prioritize, focus on, and interact with the hottest leads and opportunities. In this custom training session, learn to use your Marketo Sales Insight deployment to do the following:     Focus on your Best Bets and Watch List     Monitor Interesting Moments that really matter to sales people     Sell smarter using Marketo emails and Smart Campaign   What you get:      Live in-person or live-virtual training session led by a Marketo expert.     Private Instructor Office Hour review session led by Marketo experts after the training.     Customized training Content topics tailored to your MSI deployment. Scheduling – dates and times are set by you. Location – Training can be done at your specified location. Budget – Costs are eliminated for travel expenses and additional time away from the office. This is a fee-based on-site training package.  Is this article helpful ? YesNo For more information: If you are interested in this training package, please contact
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Issue A lead met the trigger criteria but failed to trigger a Smart Campaign Solution When a trigger campaign Smart List contains both triggers and filters, the filters criteria must be satisfied before or at the exact moment the trigger fires.  To determine whether this is the case for a particular lead: Look at the Smart List to determine what filter criteria need to be satisfied. Open the lead's activity history and see when the activity occurred that should have triggered the campaign. Go through the lead's activity history and determine when the values were set for each of the filter criteria. If one of the values was set after the trigger fired, the lead would not have qualified in time to go through the Smart Campaign.    
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For those in highly regulated industries, your company may additionally require that you securely encrypt the Marketo tracking links embedded in Marketo emails. Remember that Marketo takes the URLs you place inside of emails and shortens them using the "Branded Tracking Link" domain (this is another CNAME you set up in Marketo under Admin--> Email). These tracking links are how Marketo enables you to track engagement with your emails. Overview & FAQ - Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Tracking Links What's Changing Marketo has discontinued the Secured Page Services: SSL for Tracking Links service and its manual certificate renewal process. This is being replaced with the Marketo Secured Domains for Tracking Links product which provides all needed certificates and manages renewals automatically. Action Required To secure your email tracking links, contact your Marketo Customer Success Manager to add the Secured Domains for Tracking Links product to your subscription. Once you’ve purchased Secured Domains for Tracking Links for your instance: An automated message will be sent to the Support Admin on your account They will need to respond to the message with the Munchkin ID of the instance needing Tracking Links set up. Responding to this case will auto generate a Support Case for a Marketo technical support engineer to help complete the process. Marketo will then have certificates generated to cover all the domains and subdomains that you’ve set up in your instance. Within 3-business days, we will create a secure server endpoint. Please plan accordingly for this 72-hour turn-around-time. Do I need Secured Domains for Tracking Links? Secured Domains for Tracking Links ensure that tracking links can be served securely for domains which have implemented HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security). HSTS is a web server directive which forces all subsequent requests for resources on that domain to be loaded through HTTPS. If you have implemented HSTS at your site on any domain that you are choosing for either your Landing Page CNAME or your branded email tracking links domain, you will need Secured Domains for Tracking Links and/or Secured Domains for Landing Pages. How is the new Secured Domains for Tracking Links Better? With Marketo’s new Secured Domains for Tracking Links product, you no longer have to provide renewal/updated certificates to Marketo. We’ll procure any necessary certificates and manage their renewals automatically – giving you a more secure and convenient solution for securing your links in emails! Do I have to upgrade? An upgrade is required. Marketo no longer supports the legacy Secured Page Services: SSL for Tracking Links certificate renewal process. Will my tracking links automatically convert to HTTPS? You will not see tracking links in your Marketo emails changed to HTTPS (they will remain prefixed HTTP). However, when an end user clicks the link, if HSTS is enabled for the domain in the link being clicked and the browser is aware, the request will be automatically changed to HTTPS by the browser and served securely via HTTPS before re-directing to the destination of the link.   This means that no insecure connection occurs because the browser recognizes the HSTS security policy.  HSTS preload is required for this to work.   If a tracking link top level domain is not on the HSTS preload list, then link clicks will be insecure until the browser becomes aware of the HSTS policy on the target domain by visiting the site. Will my old links in emails continue to work? Links in emails will continue to function normally. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You need to revert a data value change for a field on multiple leads. Issue Resolution There is no way through the UI to "undo" a data value change (unless it was a boolean field, in which case there are only two possible values.) You can certainly use a Smart List to identify whose values have changed, but there no way to go back to the old value (unless it's stored elsewhere in another field or through another data store, along with the API). However, you can use the API to extract the data value change activity from the activity log, which would include the old and new values, extract the original values, then use the API to rewrite the old values back to the lead record.!/Activities/getLeadChangesU… Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Included in this article Questions What is the architectural change Marketo is making? Today, we have two packages in the Salesforce AppExchange: The Marketo Lead Management (MLM) Package The Marketo Sales Insight (MSI) Package When installed, the MLM package auto creates a set of fields in Salesforce. Marketo populates these fields with data as a part of our regular sync. The MLM package is not currently required for syncing. However, it has been a prerequisite to install before you install the MSI package. The MLM package has reached the end of life and is going to be retired. The MSI package will no longer be dependent on the MLM package and our customers will be able to directly install the MSI package. As a result, Marketo will stop updating the fields created by the MLM package. The configuration change will begin on August 15th and will be staggered out over the next 6 months. If some or all of the fields created by the MLM package are important to your organization, you can recreate them by following the instructions here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce How will the primary Salesforce integration affected? It won't be. Marketo continues to invest in and create value for customers through our strategic partnership with  Because of this, we’re excited to share some news with you on our continued commitment to our partnership. Please see the documentation here for more information: Marketo Continues Best-In-Class Integration with Salesforce for Customers We never installed the MLM package. Does this change affect us? No, it does not. Do I need to uninstall the MLM package from my Salesforce instance? No. Marketo will simply not update the fields created by this package. If you prefer to uninstall the MLM package, that’s fine too. There will be no impact to the data in those fields. If I do uninstall the MLM package, should I do that before or after recreating the new fields? It's best to recreate the new fields prior to uninstalling the MLM package. What should I be aware of before making these changes? We've prepared lots of documentation (found at the bottom of the doc here) that should be reviewed prior to making the configuration changes here. Some customers may have other dependencies on the affected fields, (such as Workflows, ApexTriggers, other AppExchange packages, Formula Fields, or Reports), so these should be evaluated before making the changes. Check out our documentation here for more detailed information: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Is there any data loss? No, the fields in the MLM package consist of marketing data that will continue to exist in your Marketo instance. If you would still like to have them in Salesforce, you can create new fields, and Marketo will sync the data to Salesforce. Instructions to create these new fields are documented here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce  What if I do nothing? Both MSI and your sync will continue to work. However, once the sync of data is shut down on January 31st, 2017, Marketo will no longer be able to update the fields that were created by the MLM package. This can result in stale data in Salesforce, as data for these fields will continue to change in Marketo, but will not be pushed to Salesforce. Do we need to create all the fields? We only care about Lead Score. Since we are sun setting the MLM package, there is no longer an “all or nothing” proposition. You can create just the fields you want in Salesforce. Can we create a few fields now, and a few later? Yes, you can create some of the fields now, and some later when/if you need it. What happens once we create these new fields? Once you create these new fields, Marketo will automatically recognize these fields in the next sync cycle and map them to the appropriate Marketo fields. Marketo then starts a background process independent of the regular sync to update Salesforce with values from Marketo. For example: You create a new field in Salesforce for Lead Score on the lead and the contact. The API name for this field per our instructions is mkto71_Lead_Score__c In the next sync cycle, Marketo detects that this field has been created and automatically maps it to the Lead Score field in Marketo. A background process is kicked off automatically to start populating these new fields in Salesforce with the appropriate Lead Score from Marketo. Once the “backfill” is done, a notification is sent to the Notification Center letting you know that this process is complete.  Think of the backfill process as an initial sync where we push data for these fields into Salesforce.    How long will it take for Marketo to complete this “backfill”? It is tough to give an exact timeframe. To a large extent it depends on the number of records Marketo needs to update in Salesforce. As a rule of thumb we expect to update at roughly the rate of 10K records per hour. Will this affect my Salesforce sync backlog? The backfill process is separate from our regular sync queues and will not be affected by any backlog there may be in your instance. However, when Salesforce is updated with data during the backfill, it will change the SysModStamp of the records updated. This in turn will require our regular sync to check if any of the other fields have changed on these records. This check is done as a part of the regular sync and could have an impact on your backlog for a short period of time.  For a particular field eg: Lead Score, do we need to create it both on the Lead and the Contact? While not absolutely required, it is highly recommended that for any field that you need, it is created on both the Lead and the Contact. Don’t forget to setup the conversion mapping in Salesforce too. Is there any change to MSI? Your MSI package has already been patched to remove the dependencies it has on the MLM package. This will allow you to uninstall the MLM package if you want to. Additionally, if you currently use the “Debug Mode” setting in Sales Insight Config (very rare), the mouse over on Stars in the Best Bets sections will no longer show the Lead Score. I have some other questions not covered here. How do I get them answered? Discussion thread We've created this discussion thread in the community to address any questions you may have. This discussion thread will be monitored by the Marketo team to ensure you get answers to your questions: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion Recap Summary Now that the changes have been completed, and the deprecation date has passed, this doc will give you the overview of what has happened: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Recap Summary Overview Documentation This doc will give you a high level overview of what the configuration changes are and what to expect moving forward: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Overview  Release Schedule The release is being staggered over the course of 6 months. This doc will give you exact details so you can know precisely when your Marketo instance will be updated: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Release Schedule Under the Hood Documentation This doc will give you all of the nitty gritty details of exactly what is happening. If you're looking for in depth technical details, this is the go-to doc to check out! Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Under The Hood Recreating Affected Fields There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Preventing Problems In Salesforce Recreating the new fields in Salesforce can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, Reports and AppExchange apps behave differently. They'll need to be updated and this doc will show you what to watch out for: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Contact Marketo Support If you would prefer to talk to someone live, please contact Marketo Support over any of the channel listed here: Contact Marketo Support
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Issue Is it possible to delete Interesting Moments? Solution Interesting Moments cannot be deleted or updated. You can upvote the idea here:    
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Included in this article   Overview Testing Overview One of the most important steps in setting up new segments in RTP is testing it to make sure that it's working properly. This article will show how you can test known lead targeting in RTP.     Testing 1. Fill out a Marketo form on your webiste using a brand new email address that doesn't exist in this Marketo instance yet. 2. Go to the Lead Database and locate the new lead 3. Create a segment in RTP that targets known leads with the new email address: 4. Wait 5-10 minutes and refresh the webpage 5. Check if you matched the segment. You can check this by finding the lead under "Leads" and then select the lead to see what Segments it matches on the right:      
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Using URL parameters are an important way to organize your web analytics and tracking.   With Marketo Web Personalization, when a web visitor clicks on a personalized Web Campaign we add a parameter to the URL. This parameter is "?iesrc=ctr". Having this parameter allows you to report on your web analytics to see and compare all the clicks on Web Personalization campaigns and overall performance of your personalization strategy.   The Marketo Predictive Content application also includes a URL parameter every time a visitor clicks on predictive content (from the bar, rich media or email). The URL parameter used here is "?iesrc=rcmd".   You can also add your own UTM parameters to the URL link you have in your Web Personalization Campaign or your Predictive Content piece.   The most common URL parameter tools we see customers using is the Google Analytics tool.   In their words "This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. See: Campaign URL Builder — Google Analytics Demos & Tools". Make sure to follow the best practices: Best Practices for creating Custom Campaigns - Analytics Help    
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Issue Description When you copy the URL for an Image asset in Design Studio and put it in your email or Landing Page, the image won't load. Other images with the same dimensions work. Issue Resolution The issue may be that there is a space in the URL. When you replace that space with a %20, the image works.
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Issue Issue Description Universal ID is working on some instances but not others. The user gets the login invite but then when they try to sign in, they end up back in another instance without access to the new instance.     Solution Issue Resolution All Marketo subscriptions have Universal ID enabled, so this issue may be a difference in password restrictions. If an instance has different password security requirements than the other instances and the password doesn't meet those restrictions, you can end up in this situation. Verify if the password settings match the other instances, and if not, then change the settings and send an invite again. For more information on Password Settings: Change your Password Security Settings - Marketo Docs - Product Docs  
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Issue Issue Description You may see this warning message on your website, "The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See for more information.     Solution Issue Resolution Marketo's security and operations team are aware of the plans for Chrome to distrust Symantec issued certificates and we are working on the replacement project before this happens.
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Issue Issue Description Links in Interesting Moments viewed in Salesforce Sales Insight section are not clickable. Trying alternative methods of inserting links, such as in <a> tags, still results in being unable to click these links within Salesforce.     Solution Issue Resolution There are no current methods for inserting links into Interesting Moments so the link is clickable within Salesforce record's Sales Insight section.    Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Sales Insight for Salesforce
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