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Applies to: Email Performance Report, Email Link Performance Report, Engagement Stream Performance Report, Landing Page Performance Report, Program Performance Report, Sales Insight Performance Report When you create a report in the Analytics area, by default the report will only show reporting for the current workspace. This is a article attached image Once the report is created, under the Setup tab, you can add filters to filter by asset. For example, Filter Assets in an Email Report. If you filter for the workspace, it will show reporting for all assets in the workspace, similar to the default view without a filter: This is a article attached image To add reporting across all workspaces, use Enable Global Reporting in the report settings within the Setup tab. Note: Global Reporting is only available in your instance's default workspace.
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Issue You are seeing a discrepancy in email activities (Sent, Delivered, Open, etc.) when comparing the RCE Email Analysis report and Email Performance Report, when looking at the same email and date range.   Root Cause Here are some of the most common reasons for a discrepancy between the RCE and Email Performance Report (EPR): Deleted/Merged Leads: If you have leads that received emails and then were deleted or merged in Marketo, their individual email activities will be included in EPR. RCE will not count deleted or loser leads from a merge Re-sent Emails: If you re-send the same email to the same lead using the same smart campaign, EPR will only show the 1st send occurrence. RCE will show all email activities for a lead. Delivered & Soft Bounce: There are situations where a lead will log a Delivered activity and then shortly after, a Soft Bounce activity. In these situations, EPR will show this lead as a Soft Bounce count, whereas RCE will show this lead as a Delivered count. If you are still seeing a discrepancy between the reports that cannot be explained with the above, reach out to Marketo Support to help advise.
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Issue Email Link Performance report on the same email shows more clicks compared to clicks in the Email Performance Report. Solution Email Performance Report clicks shows the total number of leads who has clicked any link in that email. This count is independent of any links and how many times a lead has clicked any link on that email. Email Link Performance shows the number of unique people who clicked each link. It shows the number of leads who clicked that particular link. The same lead could’ve clicked another link. So in the total it would be counted as 2 leads in the report but in reality both are same leads. This is the reason why you see Email Link Performance report shows more clicks compared to clicks in the Email Performance Report    
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Issue When using Email Insights or other email tracking in Marketo, the device metrics do not always show the proper device that was used to open the email. Marketo tracks opens of emails through a single pixel on the email that when images are loaded it tracks it as an opened email. However your stats don't always show the proper information or client.     Solution Due to the way the pixel is tracked it pulls Email Client version data much in the same way as a web browser obtains what browser visited. The "User Agent" as it is called is a widely adopted standard that email clients use to ID themselves. These strings/ID's are determined by the developer of the Email client. Some email clients have the same string for different operating systems (Gmail for Example). Due to the user agent string, some situations may not always give accurate stats on the device or provider. Inaccurate data is less common with most major email apps and programs. The accuracy of data on some mobile platforms can be harder to differentiate due to the limited user agent data provided by the Email Application program.
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Issue Issue Description "${button-link}" appears on the Email Link Performance report in place of the URL the buttons point to.     Solution Issue Resolution To stop this "${button-link}" from appearing on the reports, edit the text version of the emails to replace the "${button-link}" with the URL the button points to. This occurs because the text version of the email didn't get edited to provide a valid button link. The "${button-link}" value is part of HTML templates and if the setting 'Copy HTML to Text version of email' is checked then those values get copied across. From there, if the text version doesn't get edited or reviewed after that copy over happens, tracked links for "http://${button-link}?mkt_tok=..." will be sent out for those leads that get the text version of the email in place of the URL the button points to. The next question after hearing this solution is often, "If this is just for the text version, who is reading the text version of emails?", and the answer is that it's probably automated link scanners or security software visiting the link and triggering the click to show on reports. 
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Issue You receive a page with the error "Cannot get email content" when visiting View as Webpage link in email. Solution The view as webpage link is tied to the original email asset when it was sent.   Occasionally customers will say they're receiving an error message when visiting the link like so: This is a article attached image   There are multiple reasons this can happen:   The email was a sample send of a draft of an email that no longer exists. It was discarded, or approved. The email asset was deleted You tried to use the view as webpage token from MSI. Root Cause This issue occurs when the visit webpage link is trying to refer to an email or email version that no longer exists either because it was deleted, replaced or approved.
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Issue When comparing the Engagement Score on the Engagement Dashboard, the scores do not match with the Email Insight Engagement Scores. Environment Engagement Program Email Insight Solution The Engagement Score from the Engagement Dashbaord will hold the most accurate information as this is direct information, rather than for example with RCA/RCE and Email insights where the data source is different. If you want to see Engagement Score over a period of time more accurately, use the Engagement Stream performance report: Engagement Stream Performance Report | Adobe Marketo Root Cause The Engagement Score on the Engagement Dashbaord only calculates the last 3 casest, it is also important to remember that the engagement score only includes emails that were cast more than 72 hours ago. As per this documentation: The Engagement Dashboard | Adobe Marketo In comparison, the Email Insight Engagement Score is calculated over a period of time that is set by the user but the data can still be mismatching, this is due to the fact that the data source is not the same from the Engagement Dashboard.
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Issue When looking at Email Insight it is only showing the first email activity (Send, Delivered, Click or Open), even though the email has been sent several times in the past few days/weeks/months. Environment Email Insight Solution Use different Smart Campaign to send the email if you want to track statistics of the email. Root Cause Email insights will only track the first email activity associated with the email if using the same campaign. this is the same as Email Performance report in terms of this note. Multiple sends from the same campaign to the same person are counted only once.
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Issue Smart campaign email tab's count for soft bounced and delivered activities does not match the number of soft bounced and delivered activities in smart campaign results tab Example: Email tab shows 5 soft bounces, whereas, results show 6 soft bounce activities Email tab shows 10 delivered, whereas, results show 13 delivered activities Solution The email tab on a smart campaign is an Email Performance Report so it is calculated based on documented rules at Email Performance Report | Adobe Marketo   Root Cause There was one lead that opened the email, so the lead was not counted as soft bounced on the email performance report and was counted as email opened based on email performance report rule #4 "If the email is Opened, bounces are ignored." There were three leads that had soft bounce activity also had a delivered email activity. Based on email performance report rule #1 "Each email activity record is set to one, and only one, of the following: Delivered, Hard Bounced, Soft Bounced, or Pending." - in this case, soft bounce takes precedence over delivered email activity so the three leads were not counted as delivered on the report but were counted as soft bounce. Environment Smart campaign Email tab Smart campaign results Email performance report
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Issue Email Performance Report shows different results than same audience as a smart list Solution Create a filter for the report for field Email address is not empty. Root Cause An email performance report includes activities for all people, including those that have been deleted since the email was sent. Sometimes, you want to see activities only for active people. In that case, you need to filter deleted people out of your report. Use the Smart List tab to create a smart list for the report. If you aren't filtering on any specific field, set the Email Address filter to: is not empty.
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Issue An email link performance report is configured to find people who have clicked in a link in these emails that does not contain 'unsubscribe', however, it still shows links within the email that contains 'unsubscribe'. Solution To exclude certain links from reporting, export the results and remove the links in excel. Root Cause This would be expected as the smart list does not exclude unsubscribe links or specific links from displaying in the report, the unsubscribe links will still appear if any of the people clicked on other links in the emails. Example 1 An email is sent to two leads named Bob and Mary Bob clicks on the unsubscribe link Mary clicks on the unsubscribe link and another link The email link performance report is configured to report on the email and filter people who have clicked on a link in the email that does not contain 'unsubscribe' The email link performance report will show all the links that Mary clicked on as Mary qualified for the smart list. The links that will be displayed include the unsubscribe link as well as the other link. Example 2 An email is sent to two leads named Bob and Mary Bob clicks on the unsubscribe link Mary clicks on another link The email link performance report is configured to report on the email and filter people who have clicked on a link in the email that does not contain 'unsubscribe' The email link performance report will show the link that Mary clicked on as Mary qualified for the smart list. There will be no unsubscribe link displayed in the report as Mary did not click on the unsubscribe link. Environment Email Link Performance Report Analytics Smart List
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Note: Once you have migrated to Admin Console, you can manage your support cases through the feature provided in the Admin Console Platform. To learn more, visit: Once you have submitted a case to Marketo support, we provide a simple way of staying connected to your case and the cases submitted from your company through the Marketo Support Portal. You can access the support portal through your Marketo instance by selecting Community in the top right corner: This is a article attached image You can also access the support portal directly at and login with your Marketo credentials (login and password). This will not work for users with SSO.   Once you are in the support portal you can Create a Case for Marketo Support or you can also review any cases that are open and being worked on by support or review your case history. Navigate to My Case management: This is a article attached image From the My Cases navigation you can access the following case views: This is a article attached image My Recent Cases* - Cases that you have opened in the past 30 days All Company Recent Cases* - Cases that any authorized support contact has opened in the past 30 days My Open Cases – Cases created by you that are being triaged by Support and pending Support’s response and are more than 30 days old My Closed Cases – Cases that were created by you and are now closed My Awaiting Fix Cases – Cases that were created by you where Marketo is developing a fix which will be implemented at a later date All Company Closed Cases – Cases that were created by you or your colleagues that are now closed All Company Open Cases - All open cases submitted for the account Company Awaiting Fix Cases – Cases that were created by you or your colleagues where Marketo is developing a fix which will be implemented at a later date Management Escalations - Escalations opened by you or your colleagues  Survey Cases - Surveys that are available for you to fill out after a case is closed *Cases that have been opened for more than 30 days will move from Recent cases to Open cases   To view specific case details, click a case number. This is a article attached image From the Case Details, you can perform the following: Close your Case - Select the "My Case is Resolved" button to close your case Add Comments - Provide additional comments to support or respond to a Support question Add Attachment - Provide any screenshots or documents that will help illustrate the issue you are reporting   If your case has been closed there are two options available to you.   Reopen - You can reopen your case if you are not satisfied with the case resolution by adding a comment in the case. Case Survey - Once your case has closed, please consider offering feedback on the level of Support you received.
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In your email link performance reports, you may see a "malformed link."     This occurs when invalid or empty URLs are present in an email asset.   These links are transformed into a branded tracking link and if clicked will appear on this report.    In the email editor, check for empty links or tokens that do not populate a full link. 
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Issue How page views and form fills are counted in the statistics section of a Marketo Landing Page asset. Solution How they're calculated When viewing the Landing Page asset in either Design Studio or Marketing Activities, the statistics section provides information regarding page views and form fill outs, if the page has a form located on it.  The page views are a cumulative total indicating how many times the page was loaded, regardless if the visitor was a known record in the database. This means anonymous people can record a view here, due to Munchkin tracking on the page. This section provides a total number of views, not unique visits. This means that a person can load this page multiple times and each visit will be tallied in this section. The form fills section (x Filled out Form (x%)), indicates how many times a visitor filled the form out on the page, if it has one. This total is also counted in the same way the views section is, meaning it's a total number of submissions. Therefore, if a record in your database fills out the form more than once on a page, it will be counted toward the total.   Difference between calculations The difference between these two metrics is that the page views will keep a historical record of visits to the page. This means the total will not change if you happen to delete a bunch of records that visited the page in question - the total persists regardless if the record is no longer in the database. With that said, the forms section does not. This area is tied specifically to the existence of that known record in your database. This means that, once a record who filled the form out is removed from your database, the submissions they performed will be subtracted from the total.
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Issue When I go to the Support area of Nation, I do not have full access to all the areas and tools.   Solution Our system is specific about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it. The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 Step 2   Step 3 Step 4   If you experience issues, please email
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Issue Issue Description You are unable to check any emails to select in the Email Filter section in the Setup tab of your report ( when Global Reporting is enabled (   Solution Issue Resolution When using the Global Reporting feature in a report, you can only view a report for all emails across workspaces. You cannot filter the report to include only certain emails.  
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Issue Naming conventions of email in email performance report Solution Email reports will use an email's full label including the program it exists in. Although asset names cannot duplicate within Programs, they can be duplicated within the whole Instance and Email Performance Reports have access to emails from an entire instance. For example if you had two newsletter programs, both with an email named "October Newsletter" the full program name can help differentiate between the two. NL-2018-10-Technology Program.October Newsletter NL-2018-10-Industry Program.October Newsletter The email report will always display with the full email name including the program it was created in to avoid this confusion. Even within a specific Program Report, you can access all emails within the Instance.
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Issue A newly created Program is not showing up in Program Cost Analysis Report.     Solution The Program Cost Analysis Report takes a little time to show new Programs that have just been created. It doesn't do much good to show a success metric before a program has had a chance to succeed so it needs time in order for data to be collected.   If you don't see the program in the report within 48 hours, check these things: If there is a view filter in place The program is active and approved   If all that looks good contact Support for additional troubleshooting.
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Issue You are considering archiving or deleting old programs, and you are wondering how that will affect reporting on membership of leads.     Solution If you delete a Marketo Program, the membership data will be lost. Technically, in the Lead record Activity Log, there will not be an activity for "no longer in program," but any and all reporting will not be able to report from deleted programs.  Keep in mind that Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs. Archiving Programs keeps program membership data. This means that Analytics reporting, including Revenue Explorer, will be able to see archived programs and the related data. However, smart lists will no longer be able to reference the archived program. For example, say the smart list was: "Member of Program, program is [name]". In this situation, the smart list wouldn't be able to locate the program.    
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Issue You sent an email using a Smart Campaign and the email performance report for the email shows more Sent than there are members in the Smart Campaign     Solution The email may have been sent by more than one campaign.  You can determine this by looking at the "Used By" info on the email's summary page, to see which campaigns sent the email.  In this case, you can use the Campaign Email Performance Report to view the email's performance within the specific campaign.
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