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Issue You are seeing a discrepancy in email activities (Sent, Delivered, Open, etc.) when comparing the RCE Email Analysis report and Email Performance Report, when looking at the same email and date range.   Root Cause Here are some of the most common reasons for a discrepancy between the RCE and Email Performance Report (EPR): Deleted/Merged Leads: If you have leads that received emails and then were deleted or merged in Marketo, their individual email activities will be included in EPR. RCE will not count deleted or loser leads from a merge Re-sent Emails: If you re-send the same email to the same lead using the same smart campaign, EPR will only show the 1st send occurrence. RCE will show all email activities for a lead. Delivered & Soft Bounce: There are situations where a lead will log a Delivered activity and then shortly after, a Soft Bounce activity. In these situations, EPR will show this lead as a Soft Bounce count, whereas RCE will show this lead as a Delivered count. If you are still seeing a discrepancy between the reports that cannot be explained with the above, reach out to Marketo Support to help advise.
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In your email link performance reports, you may see a "malformed link."     This occurs when invalid or empty URLs are present in an email asset.   These links are transformed into a branded tracking link and if clicked will appear on this report.    In the email editor, check for empty links or tokens that do not populate a full link. 
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Issue When comparing the Engagement Score on the Engagement Dashboard, the scores do not match with the Email Insight Engagement Scores. Environment Engagement Program Email Insight Solution The Engagement Score from the Engagement Dashbaord will hold the most accurate information as this is direct information, rather than for example with RCA/RCE and Email insights where the data source is different. If you want to see Engagement Score over a period of time more accurately, use the Engagement Stream performance report: Engagement Stream Performance Report | Adobe Marketo Root Cause The Engagement Score on the Engagement Dashbaord only calculates the last 3 casest, it is also important to remember that the engagement score only includes emails that were cast more than 72 hours ago. As per this documentation: The Engagement Dashboard | Adobe Marketo In comparison, the Email Insight Engagement Score is calculated over a period of time that is set by the user but the data can still be mismatching, this is due to the fact that the data source is not the same from the Engagement Dashboard.
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Issue When looking at Email Insight it is only showing the first email activity (Send, Delivered, Click or Open), even though the email has been sent several times in the past few days/weeks/months. Environment Email Insight Solution Use different Smart Campaign to send the email if you want to track statistics of the email. Root Cause Email insights will only track the first email activity associated with the email if using the same campaign. this is the same as Email Performance report in terms of this note. Multiple sends from the same campaign to the same person are counted only once.
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Issue Smart campaign email tab's count for soft bounced and delivered activities does not match the number of soft bounced and delivered activities in smart campaign results tab Example: Email tab shows 5 soft bounces, whereas, results show 6 soft bounce activities Email tab shows 10 delivered, whereas, results show 13 delivered activities Solution The email tab on a smart campaign is an Email Performance Report so it is calculated based on documented rules at Email Performance Report | Adobe Marketo   Root Cause There was one lead that opened the email, so the lead was not counted as soft bounced on the email performance report and was counted as email opened based on email performance report rule #4 "If the email is Opened, bounces are ignored." There were three leads that had soft bounce activity also had a delivered email activity. Based on email performance report rule #1 "Each email activity record is set to one, and only one, of the following: Delivered, Hard Bounced, Soft Bounced, or Pending." - in this case, soft bounce takes precedence over delivered email activity so the three leads were not counted as delivered on the report but were counted as soft bounce. Environment Smart campaign Email tab Smart campaign results Email performance report
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Issue Email Performance Report shows different results than same audience as a smart list Solution Create a filter for the report for field Email address is not empty. Root Cause An email performance report includes activities for all people, including those that have been deleted since the email was sent. Sometimes, you want to see activities only for active people. In that case, you need to filter deleted people out of your report. Use the Smart List tab to create a smart list for the report. If you aren't filtering on any specific field, set the Email Address filter to: is not empty.
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Issue The activity log is not recording the Open Email activity for an email send. Solution Issue Resolution Email opens are linked to an individual asset. If a record is sent the same email more than once, only the first open activity will be recorded. If you are not seeing opens record for a record, search the activity history to confirm whether or not the asset has been opened previously.  Also, Text-Only emails lack the tracking pixel used to determine whether an email is opened, so Text-Only emails will never show opens in the activity log.  In Email Performance Reports, Opens will be backfilled by the report's internal logic if the customer clicks a link in the Text-Only email.  Otherwise, opens will not be recorded.    
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Issue An email link performance report is configured to find people who have clicked in a link in these emails that does not contain 'unsubscribe', however, it still shows links within the email that contains 'unsubscribe'. Solution To exclude certain links from reporting, export the results and remove the links in excel. Root Cause This would be expected as the smart list does not exclude unsubscribe links or specific links from displaying in the report, the unsubscribe links will still appear if any of the people clicked on other links in the emails. Example 1 An email is sent to two leads named Bob and Mary Bob clicks on the unsubscribe link Mary clicks on the unsubscribe link and another link The email link performance report is configured to report on the email and filter people who have clicked on a link in the email that does not contain 'unsubscribe' The email link performance report will show all the links that Mary clicked on as Mary qualified for the smart list. The links that will be displayed include the unsubscribe link as well as the other link. Example 2 An email is sent to two leads named Bob and Mary Bob clicks on the unsubscribe link Mary clicks on another link The email link performance report is configured to report on the email and filter people who have clicked on a link in the email that does not contain 'unsubscribe' The email link performance report will show the link that Mary clicked on as Mary qualified for the smart list. There will be no unsubscribe link displayed in the report as Mary did not click on the unsubscribe link. Environment Email Link Performance Report Analytics Smart List
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  Welcome to Marketo Support This guide provides individual links that covers the following topics: Marketo Support Policies Service Level Agreement How to Contact Marketo Support How to Submit a Case Tips on Effective Case Submission Managing Authorized Support Contacts (Support Admins) Managing Your Cases How to Escalate    
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Marketo users can configure Marketo to manage, nurture, and measure leads that are created from Google AdWords. We offer 2 options, depending on what type of web page is linked to your Google AdWords ad. Option 1: Link Google Adwords Ad to a Marketo Landing Page with a Form   This solution does not require custom coding This solution does not require any additional cost Option 2: Link a Google Adwords Ad to Any Page on your Website This solution does require custom coding so that you can capture the PPC (pay per click) information when the lead comes back 'later' to fill out a form on your page Depending on whether you have resources internally to do the custom coding, this solution may or may not require additional cost Reporting Available (for both Option 1 and 2) Number of new leads acquired by Google Adwords Program Cost per new lead acquired by Google Adwords Program Number of leads acquired by keyword/search phrase Top 10 keywords/search phrases which acquired new leads Top 10 AdWords CampaignID which acquired new leads Number of Opportunities by keyword/search phrase Number of Opportunities by CampaignID Additional Reporting Available if you have Revenue Cycle Analytics/Explorer Conversion ratio of your Google Adwords Return to investment for your Google Adwords Top 10 keywords by month report which shows Average days to convert to opportunity Number of leads converted to opportunity Top 10 CampaignID’s by month report which shows Average days to convert to opportunity Number of leads converted to opportunity Program Channel report >> Google Adwords (custom channel) metrics by quarter New names, cost per new name Opportunity units, Pipeline generated, revenue, revenue to investment     Learn more:   Linking a Google Adwords Ad to a Marketo Landing Page with a Form Linking a Google Adwords Ad to Any Page on Your Website Google Adwords and Marketo FAQs  
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  Marketo Champions are customers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the Marketo Community, are experts in Marketo products, are avid contributors in the social world, and are loyal advocates of the Marketo brand. Benefits and perks our Champions receive include:   Access: Meetings with our product and marketing teams to give exclusive feedback Previews: Given early previews to products, features, and releases when available Publicity: Exclusive speaking opportunities at our annual Marketo Summit and other events Networking: Special networking events with Marketo executives and fellow Champions and semi-annual conference calls Ownership: Ownership of content and exclusive activities at our annual Marketo Summit that showcase your expertise and thought leadership Credibility: Special Champion badge on Marketo Community profiles, and profiled on Marketo's corporate website Sweet Swag: Champion-exclusive swag To find out more information and apply, click here. To view a complete list of current Champions, click here. Join the Marketo Elite Today!  
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Issue You are experiencing slow processing of campaigns, smart lists, and reports.     Solution There are three key components that can slow down an instance: Number of trigger campaigns: Trigger campaigns are always on, always listening.  If there are 50 campaigns triggering at the same time, all the 50 triggers will be in queue, slowing down your processing and routing inside Marketo. Solution: Reduce the number of Triggers. Convert some of the triggers to batches: Batches also run all the flow steps for every lead at once, instead of serially, which reduces total processing time.   Complexity of smart lists: The more complex a smart list, the harder it is for the system to figure it out, which increases backend processing and even creates campaign failures from timeouts. Solution: Reduce the number of nested smart lists called in a smart list. Whenever you ask Marketo to call another Smart List, it has to wait until all of the other smart lists finish, before putting together the final counts. Instead of Marketo looking for the list and running it, just put the filters in the trigger itself.   Volume of Leads: With regular cleaning and good systems design, it is fairly easy to keep your system running fast. Reduce the number of leads that can flow through with filters. Clean up the inactive leads at regular intervals.    
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Issue Reporting on separate links in an email that both point to the same URL Solution When there are duplicate links in an email, the performance of those links will be consolidated into a single row in the Analytics report, so if there are three links that point to the same URL, there will only be a single line for that link on the Performance report. If you would like to differentiate between these duplicates, you can add URL Parameters. Example:   and In this example, Marketo Link Performance Reporting will show each individual link on Analytics Reporting, but both links will go to the same place.
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Issue In Marketo, is it possible to change the way assets are referenced in Program, Smart Campaigns, Smart Lists, Emails and Reports, or how they are labelled or shown through reporting?     Solution No, it is not possible. The naming convention of assets and how it is used in Marketo is apart of the design of the product. When assets are created within a Program the naming convention is in the format of ProgramName.AssetName This is to identify where the asset resides in which program. Otherwise, multiple assets created with the same name would be causing confusion to the system when referenced in any of our Smart Campaigns, Smart Lists and Reports.
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Issue You would like to understand the difference between "Send email" and "Delivered email" activity. Solution Send email activity confirms that the email which you have sent has been dispatched from Marketo to be delivered. Delivered email activity is recorded when the recipient email server responds that the email has been accepted for delivery. Delivered email activity doesn't actually mean that email has been delivered to lead's email inbox. For more information on what happens to the email once it reaches the recipient email server, check out this blog post:    
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  This is a article attached image Upon signing a contract with Marketo you are provisioned a Marketo instance and a Support Service. There are four different types of Support Services which are available to meet different customer support needs: Online (Legacy) Business or PREMIER SUPPORT BUSINESS (Legacy) Premier or PREMIER SUPPORT ENTERPRISE (Legacy) Elite or PREMIER SUPPORT ELITE Each Support Service has a different Service Level Target (SLT). An SLT is the amount of time Marketo Support targets to make first contact with you after a support case has been submitted. SLTs differ for each Support Service and priority level. Priority levels range from Priority P1 to Priority P4. Here are the SLTs and priority levels for each Support Service:   Priority Online (Legacy) Business PREMIER SUPPORT BUSINESS (Legacy) Premier PREMIER SUPPORT ENTERPRISE (Legacy) Elite PREMIER SUPPORT ELITE P1 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes P2 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1 hour 2 hours 30 minutes P3 6 hours 5 hours 4 hours 4 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1 hour P4 3 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day   Here are the descriptions for each priority level: Priority Description P1 Mission Critical: Core business function down or potential loss of mission critical data P2 Urgent: Major feature or workflow is not functioning. Mission critical workflow and majority of user community is not blocked P3 Important: Normal usability or task completion is impacted but functional, or workaround is available P4 Minor: Minor issue requiring a correction. Normal workflow is not impacted   Find more information About Support here!  
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Issue When I go to the Support area of Nation, I do not have full access to all the areas and tools.   Solution Our system is specific about how you need to access the Support Portal before we can authorize you to use it. The proper steps to take for us to authorize, and for you to submit cases, are as follows:   Log into your instance Click the Community tile (step 1 image) Click Support in the top banner (step 2 image) Click Submit a Case option (step 3 image) Choose from top options depending on what you need to do (step 4 image) Create a case, Manage authorized contacts, edit your Info   Simply going straight to the will not have the desired result. You must access the Support Portal from your instance by using these steps so that our system recognizes you properly. If this is your first time following these steps, your view of Step 3 will be different- not to worry, as that will be updated for you manually. Step 1 Step 2   Step 3 Step 4   If you experience issues, please email
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Issue Issue Description You are unable to check any emails to select in the Email Filter section in the Setup tab of your report ( when Global Reporting is enabled (   Solution Issue Resolution When using the Global Reporting feature in a report, you can only view a report for all emails across workspaces. You cannot filter the report to include only certain emails.  
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Issue Naming conventions of email in email performance report Solution Email reports will use an email's full label including the program it exists in. Although asset names cannot duplicate within Programs, they can be duplicated within the whole Instance and Email Performance Reports have access to emails from an entire instance. For example if you had two newsletter programs, both with an email named "October Newsletter" the full program name can help differentiate between the two. NL-2018-10-Technology Program.October Newsletter NL-2018-10-Industry Program.October Newsletter The email report will always display with the full email name including the program it was created in to avoid this confusion. Even within a specific Program Report, you can access all emails within the Instance.
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Issue A newly created Program is not showing up in Program Cost Analysis Report.     Solution The Program Cost Analysis Report takes a little time to show new Programs that have just been created. It doesn't do much good to show a success metric before a program has had a chance to succeed so it needs time in order for data to be collected.   If you don't see the program in the report within 48 hours, check these things: If there is a view filter in place The program is active and approved   If all that looks good contact Support for additional troubleshooting.
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