Communication Limits Should NOT apply to Marketo Admins


Communication Limits Should NOT apply to Marketo Admins

I run through all the flows I create before I execute a campaign, with the communciaton limits I have set in place to protect my database, I do not get all the emails.
I think Marketo ADMINS should be excluded from Communication Limits.
Actually anyone identified as a Marketo User should be excluded from the Communication Limits rule.
(Thanks for the comment Michelle).

Level 10

Agreed, this should extend to every one with a user in the instance.


Level 8 - Champion

Also - if Marketo can find a way to filter out Marketo users from RCA reports, that would be great.  Agreed that campaign testing is difficult if internal testers are forced into communication limits.

Level 4

Completely agree - great idea. I don't know how many new test leads I have now created... Even when I set 'ignore communication limits' it hasn't always worked

Level 1

Agreed a basic seed list as other ESP have would be a great function. I have some demanding teams that would rather jeopardize the communication limit for all just to have their Seed list emails. Make this function please.

Not applicable

I agree! I also think the Lead Owners should be excluded. That way the sales team is able to receive everything.

Not applicable

There is clearly a real demand for this feature, any updates on roadmap for making this happen?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

A flexible feature that allows you to create lists ofusers or data ("test" lists) to be excluded from all Comms Limits would be ideal. Create the smart list centrally in the database and have the ability to select that smart list from the admin.

Level 2

We use Marketo for a lot of our internal emails and it would be nice to have a separate limit for specific group (ie internal employees)

Level 10

Hi Erica,

many ideas are relate to this. Many of them are listed here: Just do it! Marketo so-called minor missing features


Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas