Be able to see all triggers that are requesting a campaign with the "Campaign is Requested Marketo Flow Action" step in Smart List

Be able to see all triggers that are requesting a campaign with the "Campaign is Requested Marketo Flow Action" step in Smart List

Similar to how you can see what any given smart campaign, landing page, email, etc. is being used by, I would like to be able to see, for any active trigger with the "Campaign is Requested" step in its smart list, what campaigns are actually requesting it.  This would make troubleshooting this kind of trigger campaign much easier in many cases, I would think.  Thanks!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni
Nate -

Do you have campaign inspector enabled? There you can filter by campaigns that have a "Campaign is Requested" trigger. I don't think you can get into how the campaign is requested (web service api vs. marketo flow action), but it's close enough!
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Not applicable
Hi Val, thanks I do have Campaign Inspector. For me though it's not just knowing what triggers I have that can be requested; the missing link is knowing what campaigns are requesting the 'requestable' triggers (for lack of better way to put it).  

Really, I would like to know what actions can lead to these subsequent flows being kicked off and in a growing Marketo instance Request campaigns can make things very complicated, especially without an easy way to trace a requested campaign back to what is requesting it (and in theory there could even be multiple requesters of one requested campaign).

Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it