Communication Limits Should NOT apply to Marketo Admins


Communication Limits Should NOT apply to Marketo Admins

I run through all the flows I create before I execute a campaign, with the communciaton limits I have set in place to protect my database, I do not get all the emails.
I think Marketo ADMINS should be excluded from Communication Limits.
Actually anyone identified as a Marketo User should be excluded from the Communication Limits rule.
(Thanks for the comment Michelle).

Not applicable
I'd like to expand this to anyone with a Marketo account in your instance. A lot of our marketing managers have this problem, but they aren't admins.
Not applicable
I experience the same issue. Once even my email address was blocked for some reason. Yes, there should be no communication limit for Marketo Users. Alternatively, if Marketo can come up with an innovative way to test all the flows using a virtual email address or something, it would be great!
Not applicable
Being excluded would save me the headache of creating dozens of gmail accounts for testing.
Not applicable
Perhaps we could set-up a "Member of List" exclusion filter in the Admin, where the communication limits are managed.
Not applicable
Yes definitely need this! We send out multiple emails to a number of brands per week. Our internal staff, marketing managers and digital team are not getting all emails.
Level 3
Adding an additional post that this is needed. Has there been any development on this feature?
Not applicable

For testing purposes you can just set the campaign to ignore limits, but the other example I as well have issues with.

We have an internal seed list which we like to attach to our email blasts obviously having multiple product lines and emails that list quickly reaches its communication limits inevitably i get the questions "why didn't i receive the email that was sent today?" then i have to explain the whole communication limits feature and how it works.

Only way i found around this (and this is not efficient at all) is to create/clone a separate email program just for the seed list and set it to ignore com limits then I'm assured our internal seed list will receive each email, but who wants to do that for every email. 😃

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

I'm amazed this still has not been enabled by MKTO since it has been requested for over 6 months...Do it like this MKTO.

In Users and roles allow us to select users that should bypass unsubscribe, marketing suspend and communication limits. That's all that is needed here.

Not applicable

This is basic ESP functionality that I would expect Marketo to provide. - Please can we get this added ASAP? It was a product request on the old community site too....

Level 4

how does this not exist yet?! cant imagine it is rocket science to add a section into the Admin communication limits tab with an exception list for any emails inputted.