Hi Elliot,I am using the SFDC user in the "Assign To" field of the Sync Lead to SFDC flow action. Is that wrong? You see when someone fills out a form from our website, the lead is...
Hi Elliot,I'll look into your suggestion. Myboss just told me told me that only contacts sync to Marketo from SFDC, so if I sync a lead to a user does it sync as a lead object auto...
So I have a lead in Marketo that I synced to sfdc to a particular user. However, after the flow ran, the user couldn't find the record I synced anywhere in salesforce. Any advice?
Oh I see! Thanks Adam! I'm going to test. I'll try Google Chrome then and see. Many thanks. Is there a work around to not having to logon to a social network? My company just wants...
Thanks Jep and Adam, so where would I actually made the edits? Is it the property sheet within the landing page? I actually don't use Google Chrome, but I do use Firebug in Firefox...
So I created a poll on a landing page and when I had a few internal staff test it, a couple of people were confused because it looks like you have to sign on to either linkedin, tw...
I've experienced this problem myself and it happens a lot on firefox on a mac you can't download the pdf, and some versions of safari on a mac as well. Either you can't download th...
In your program, look at the campaign that delivered the email. Click on the email tab and scroll all the way to the right, you can see the first Activty Date. That's probably the ...
I have a PPC campaign that targets customers in asia. When they click on the ad, it lands on a Marketo form landing page. However, when I get the form fill alerts, the forms come o...