Is there a way to create a program performance report by month? I noticed that you can't select a date range. It would be nice to be able to see if within the last month, a new lea...
If you have 2 lists, list A and list B and the leads can only be in one listHow do you create a campaign that will automatically remove someone from list A if they are added to lis...
Hi Andrew,Check out this discussion regarding reports:
Which reports are the most important to you?
Hi Erik,What I meant was, on my landing page, there's a logo to links to one of our websites and I want the link, when you click on it to open a new page instead of replacing the p...
To monitor your marketo database, look at your leads database and and see how many leads you currently have and know what your database limit is, and how much you want to grow it. ...
Lead scoring, lead life cycle campaigns, set up some reports for email performance and web activity report to start out, if that's what you need to track. Monitor the health of you...
As a work around, you can probably do a multipart (HTML/Text version) email and test the link clicks on the HTML, and do another test just on a text-only version of the email to te...