Hi @SanfordWhiteman,
Can you please give me a insight on how would that be implemented with trigger, not sure where the token part goes, and in flow step also, would the webhook h...
Does anyone had any situation with data not showing in RCE. I tagged the analytics behavior for the program as Inclusive and also period cost for one month is added (not sure that'...
Hi there,
Is it possible in Marketo to add link in email that when clicked would drive to a specific section on a landing page, to be precise at the bottom?
Hi John,Thanks for this solution, I was just wondering does it needs to be added in the beginning of the smart list the filter member of list, or is it just enough to put open emai...
Hi there,Yes, I'm aware of that. I was just wondering if there's a way to use some combination of filters in smart list to show people who at least opened 3 out of 5 emails?
Hi there,I'm setting up a campaign where I will be sending 5 emails to a smart list. Is there a possibility to use filter "3 open emails", in a way to showleads who at least open 3...
Hi there,Can anyone be kind to explain me if there's a way to pull in external social media data for programs. If I'm running a program that incorporates email, landing pages and a...