Hey Michelle,Just wanted to follow up and see if you had any questions / were able to get this into play? Let me know if you've got any questions or if there is anything that'd be ...
For the 2nd part, you can target just the 1st row in your form using the following CSS:form.mktoForm > .mktoFormRow:nth-of-type(1) {background-color:red;}This targets the 1st form ...
You might also think about trying something like "visits webpage with URL= _____" and using UTMs on the email buttons/images to track clicks in an email instead of actually countin...
To help out with email edits, I'll slow down considerably and make sure that I actually can "see" an update live on the canvas before I go in to make another. On the best of days, ...
Hey Michelle-I've setup a basic template to house an example of the form here: FLEX Form CSS - Digital PiThe CSS for this form is included below, you should be able to copy/paste t...
I haven't tested the code from Stipo or any of the other free Email coders but I did just have a look at the Stipo demo and I'd just include a word of warning that you carefully te...
Hey Michelle,I've got a little work to do on this still, but was able to get started on this yesterday. I've got a test page setup here: http://na-ab24.marketo.com/lp/980-YPY-938/t...
Hey Michelle, I had a look at the form here: Contact M-Files for Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Solutions and it looks like there might be a better way to set this up so ...