For the 2nd part, you can target just the 1st row in your form using the following CSS:form.mktoForm > .mktoFormRow:nth-of-type(1) {background-color:red;}This targets the 1st form ...
You might also think about trying something like "visits webpage with URL= _____" and using UTMs on the email buttons/images to track clicks in an email instead of actually countin...
To help out with email edits, I'll slow down considerably and make sure that I actually can "see" an update live on the canvas before I go in to make another. On the best of days, ...
Hey Michelle-I've setup a basic template to house an example of the form here: FLEX Form CSS - Digital PiThe CSS for this form is included below, you should be able to copy/paste t...
I haven't tested the code from Stipo or any of the other free Email coders but I did just have a look at the Stipo demo and I'd just include a word of warning that you carefully te...
Hey Michelle,I've got a little work to do on this still, but was able to get started on this yesterday. I've got a test page setup here:
Hey Michelle, I had a look at the form here: Contact M-Files for Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Solutions and it looks like there might be a better way to set this up so ...
It might be worth mentioning as well that sometimes when you forward an email, say to a colleague or reviewer instead of sending a direct email you might also experience this issue...
Hey Will,I think that mktoDefaultSnippetId="" is part of the email template syntax and not a part of the Landing Page syntax for snippets.I haven't had any luck including a snippet...