I think that even if you end up adding inline styles for the desktop display (assuming somewhere between 600 and 700px width), this'll still get squished in the mobile display and ...
Try using the "checkboxes" field type instead of the "checkbox" field type. The difference between the two is that the "checkboxes" field type has a "Display Value" (text to the ri...
Blame Outlook... always blame Outlook😂While the rest of the world was working hard at improving it's code base, Microsoft got to work connecting their applications into an ecosyst...
Awesome, glad to hear you were able to get that figured out.
I normally don't use the "Save as Template" functionality but it's good to see you've got that working. Rather than cr...
As Sanford mentioned, this update needs to happen at the template level for each template that you'd like to update.
However, it IS possible to have one template that does "all th...
You should probably trust very little of what yousee when it come to email displays in the Marketo application -- this includes the Preview panel, but also extends to the working c...
This is really slick, thanks for posting this concept and the code to dig into.
I think the flip and reveal part turned out really sharp -- good stuff here, you got my gears spinni...
Hey Mike,
In code, this sort of thing can be accomplished by using thebox-shadow css property to create that drop-shadow. However, in the email universe this is not well supported...