I'm fairly certain that "Mobile Enabled" has something to do with the legacy (Free-Form) version of Landing Pages. Guided Landing Pages are inherently "Mobile-Enabled" -- it's a mo...
I think this depends on your specific instance so it's probably different from place-to-place but as someone who sees a lot of different instances from mid-to-large companies acro...
I wouldn't recommend putting an image inside a paragraph module or within a set of <p> tags because it will usually show up cut off in Outlook which uses the line-height of the par...
Hey Vincent --
I'd recommend placing any CSS for Marketo Forms on the web property on which they exist rather than packaging them with the form itself in the Custom CSS. It's cert...
Part man, part machine -- as usual, Sanford's alllllll over it!Here's a link to a recent post with some more info, maybe this'll help shed some light on the topic?https://nation.ma...
I think that even if you end up adding inline styles for the desktop display (assuming somewhere between 600 and 700px width), this'll still get squished in the mobile display and ...
Try using the "checkboxes" field type instead of the "checkbox" field type. The difference between the two is that the "checkboxes" field type has a "Display Value" (text to the ri...