Hi Stephen Schimmel - get the vendors to append a small segment of your data. I've gone through that process at two different roles. In each case I evaluated several different ven...
Well, the article isn't 100% garbage, but it is misleading. Consider the source of this article - the author is using scare tactics to get you interested in her product. If you're ...
Hi Justin, Thanks for the great ideas. Josh's idea actually works for me because my marketers do want to see lifecycle stage that the leads are in right now (its a long discussion ...
Hi Marketoers, I feel like there is (or should be) an easy answer to my question and maybe I'm just missing something. Is there an RCE Report that will answer my question "How can ...
Hi Danielle - I had a similar situation at a previous role. We sent out a large volume of automated sales 'from-rep' emails with CTAs of 'contact me'. To report on these direct res...
I'd get around it by funneling all leads into this one program - that way they can only be in one campaign at once. Campaigns then can have logic to push to other campaigns.