Hi Grant, thanks for your suggestion. As Sanford says, that form is not intended for support cases, but you know how angry people are... They will go great lengths to file their c...
When you use Visibility Rules, you're actually removing the fields from the form, not "hiding" them (despite the name). So fields that aren't shown aren't required.I didn't know ab...
So the required field function depends on javascript and if it is turned off or doesn't load for whatever reason, people are able to submit with empty required fields? I'm having a...
Wow! Thanks for the insights! I see.. so actually everything is a long interpreted string of zeroes and ones, and input types are just an agreed upon standard for information excha...
Trying to implement this I encountered another issue... I don't want the custom, mirror "created date" fields you suggested to show up in the form, so i have tried to set them as h...
You mean you can browse inside your computer with chrome for instance? See, I just learned that the "U" in "URL" means universalIt's fascinating how ignorant we can be of how thing...
Mr Whiteman, I believe some face palming is in order... I am learning so many different things in this forum Thank you so much for taking the time to enlighten me (us)
Hi Sanford Whiteman, I was trying to have a look at your script by typing this "//codepen.io/figureone/pen/85e4921f8206e9bb73ac1829c6b0d05f.js" into the search bar and it gave a "f...