Hi Michael,In our instance we do the first part pretty similar to you. We developed a lead score system and certain demographic and behavior actions pushes that score higher and hi...
I am the most interested in how the integration with Sales and Marketing will take place. Will sales be added into our instance of Marketo to view the analytics or will it be a par...
Are you thinking that the landing pages would be a place for lead gathering or event registering? Or just a place for them to know what future events your company is attending and ...
It might have something to do with the back-end system in Salesforce. The link below shows you that if your Marketo Integration sync user does not have create access for leads, acc...
From what I gathered they had already selected companies to beta test the system and only those individuals had it. I'm not looking for it until the beginning of the year honestly ...
Did you click on the setting icon and clear the content? You also have to go on the right side module to the box with Facebook tag in it and remove the text.
Something that I have found to be helpful is to create different folders based on the common programs we run. Some examples are products, newsletter, events, branding, etc. We do h...