anyone have good/bad experience sending email the week of a summer holiday in the US? Specifically Memorial Day? We anticipate lower open rates as some people make take the rest of...
I need a TRULY gated asset. I don't want to just require a form-fill before sending someone to another un-gated page. My thought was to use the Known Visitor part of a form to disp...
Are you sure you're nesting programs? I don't believe email programs will nest under event programs -- only emails sent with a smart campaign. If that was the case then the ics fil...
The "double-click for details" is just a command that will open the rich text editor - it's not the value of the token. You have to edit the text within an editor (which adds an ex...
are you using Member.Status to pull the list of people to email to? Perhaps you're calling just email addresses and there are duplicates and it's pulling a different lead with the ...
Yah - I'm hoping to populate a token that says "In 30 days, on {{token}}, you will ..." so I primarily (and only, for that matter) need it to populate the text... I'll look into th...
I have a date field that I need to populate to be 30 days from the triggered campaign start date. I was hoping I could do a Change Data Value flow utilizing the {{}} +30...
I have a template for a landing page. When I activate the mobile version it removes all my cool stuff (presumably to tone it down). I tried to create a few divs with the class="mkt...
I have a marketo field that I'd like to insert in to an email as a token. I can't think how to do it; I'm sure it's easy and I'm just missing it, but hoping someone out there can p...