Maybe I was 'out of the game' for too long before starting here... so, I should use member of smart list and then manage it that way? that's a much better idea.thanks for the point...
I want to filter out a set-but-changing list of 'junk' from firing certain steps of my SC Flow, but I can't figure out if, or how, I can put a token to list out the multi-value cho...
When Marketo setup our instance they imported an example scoring campaign to grow & decay lead scores. It was spot on and very useful. But I noticed that they grow & decay both Lea...
I know how to track UTMs during a form submission, but if I want to put a URL in my reps email sig and track how many clicks we get, shouldn't I be able to run a report or smart li...
if you do 'lead is created' how would you limit it to a certain field? I'mtrying to track UTMs and not every lead will have them, so it would beoverload if we ran it through the UT...