Did you miss the action item to change the fieldname?"Where fieldname is the Marketo field name (you can get this from field management)."Also - when I did it, it needed the first ...
These are really good ideas and will find ways to track and distribute your content, simply. I would point out that you may get unknown people to your page, or, if the click isn't ...
You'll always need to make sure you allow enough time from the time of form submission to get to GTW and back to Marketo before the email is sent. Sometimes 5-10 min for safety.A s...
You should just be able to override it at the local level with & n b s p ; (without spaces)That's HTML for a space. I tested with basic Text Token and it worked in my email.
I'm not following the value of a having an empty token? Can you provide use-case?Global tokens can always be overridden at the program level, so even if you didn't want it to be th...
No difference for us. Generally email opens and clicks give low incremental scores -- but are you saying that if someone reacts to an email batch it differs in your quality than so...
Yep - Greg is right. I've created unsubscribe pages for certain activities, then a specific form submission with page designation populates a list (smart list data doesn't save for...