Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

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Opt out of a particular campaign

Anyone know how to allow someone to opt out of a particular campaign, but not all other campaigns? 


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

Yep - Greg is right. I've created unsubscribe pages for certain activities, then a specific form submission with page designation populates a list (smart list data doesn't save forever, so I use a list instead). Then you just suppress that list from any future invites moving forward. The main concerns are that you have to be very careful how you phrase opt-out and unsubscribe -- if you tell someone they're unsubscribing and then you forget to suppress the list, there could be potential spam concerns. Just ensure diligence and you should be good.  I've also looked at adding certain mailings or events to our preference center so you can manage it through a checkbox.. but that gets out of hand quickly if done too 'willy-nilly'.

Good luck!


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Level 10

Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

Hi Karen,

This is not possible as you state it. You will need to have a field that identifies leads who have opted out and exclude them from the smart list. You also will have to use a "remove from flow" flow step to remove leads who are already in the flow and want to stop, unless you have already set up choices in your flow step to exclude them.


Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

Yep - Greg is right. I've created unsubscribe pages for certain activities, then a specific form submission with page designation populates a list (smart list data doesn't save forever, so I use a list instead). Then you just suppress that list from any future invites moving forward. The main concerns are that you have to be very careful how you phrase opt-out and unsubscribe -- if you tell someone they're unsubscribing and then you forget to suppress the list, there could be potential spam concerns. Just ensure diligence and you should be good.  I've also looked at adding certain mailings or events to our preference center so you can manage it through a checkbox.. but that gets out of hand quickly if done too 'willy-nilly'.

Good luck!


Marketo Employee

Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

Well, you CAN put a link on your emails or web pages offering to opt the person out for this single campaign. Or, a form that writes the value to a temporary field (we have 4 "flex fields" that get cleaned out every day)  You'd have a campaign listening for a click on that link (or a data value changes, etc) that would write the person to a list called "Opt Out".

In your SC that runs the campaign, put a filter in there for "And not in OPT OUT list". This way subsequent runs would exclude them.

Robb Barrett
Not applicable

Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

Thank you for the replies; much appreciated.

Level 10

Re: Opt out of a particular campaign

Hi Karen and all,

You may want to vote here: and here
