Hi Rohit,
Before setting up a scoring model, it's imperative to know what type of engagement you are trying to analyze or what is the purpose of that engagement program you are tr...
Hello Mike,
Usually, this filter brings you the correct results still can you recheck if the report has the correct email selected and the email is existing as well?
Secondly, we ...
Hi Matthew,
The easiest way to identify whether the correct audience is getting enrolled based on smartlist rules is to check under Campaign members>Qualified People. If you chang...
Every time we need to develop a lead flow logic, smart campaigns are required in the first place. Sometimes we have to create multiple test campaigns for achieving the desired resu...
There are various tools available for measuring IP reputation. You can use mxtoolbox, Cyren, Google's postmaster tools can also be leveraged in this case.
Hi Peter,That's correct. You'll have to use a trigger Added to SFDC Campaign and flow step Add to Engagement Program, Stream 1 or any and the cadence will work its way down.Hope th...