Hi Elizabeth,Could possibly be a cross-domain issue if the lead is not identified.Is this problem from already identified visitors (cookied leads) or ones that have filled out a fo...
Hi Travis,It's a bit hard to give you tips on a fix if I can't see the live version.My recommendation would be to try media queries for your class as I guess your div has a class ....
Hey Mathias,Maybe try to access the YouTube API, found example below here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-startedI'd see it as similar to the GA API access to Get...
Hi Sandy,If you are using a My Token you can always check where you are sending the email from. Whichever program is sending the email will have either a defined or inherited My To...
Hi,No you're right they shouldn't be in the list if they don't meet the criteria but in this case you added a trigger and you should only see an update once this comes in. If there...
Hi,When creating Email Templates in the new 2.0 with variables I added Local Variables to each module for both the link and the utm tag.Here's an example:Variables defined:<meta cl...
Hi,By clear do you mean empty it? If it says "Unassigned" it means you have not yet added a Poll there. If it is unassigned it should show up as a blank space in the template.If th...
Hi Tylee, If you want to combine the two with each other I'd recommend using a filter for one of the two. If you're using a naming convention it could be kinda simple to make a tri...
Hi Laura,Yeah, like Jim mentioned, setting up customization would be on the template level.If you, or anyone you know has HTML/CSS knowledge you can add local (module-level) variab...