Re: How can I find a specific email signature token?

Not applicable

How can I find a specific email signature token?

Is there a way to find all active email signature tokens that are in use?  I need to replace the name/contact info of a sales rep with the new hire's info, but have no idea how many emails are in use with the old token.  I tried using the "campaign inspector" and using the search box to look for {{my.Email sender signature}} but nothing shows up.  Is there a way to find all or a specific email signature token?

Level 7

Re: How can I find a specific email signature token?


You can find your email signature in the snippets folder in the design studio. On the main window you can see the list you asked.




Ronen Wasserman
Not applicable

Re: How can I find a specific email signature token?

Unfortunately, we didn't use snippets; only token on the local level.

Level 8

Re: How can I find a specific email signature token?

Hi Sandy,

If you are using a My Token you can always check where you are sending the email from. Whichever program is sending the email will have either a defined or inherited My Token {{my.Email sender signature}}.

If you can't see which program is sending it try opening a lead ID that received it, go to Activity Log and see the most recent data of which Smart Campaign/Program sent the email.


Marketo Employee

Re: How can I find a specific email signature token?

This is where Folder Level tokens become very valuable. If you put them at the highest level you are centrally managing them.

Robb Barrett