Jasmine Kyles - Can you elaborate on what you want to do? In Email Editor 2.0, the contents of all rich-text elements will auto-copy to the text version. Are you wanting something...
Yes, that is exactly what I'm referring to. You can read this quickly, then enable it:Turning On/Off Email Editor 2.0 - Marketo Docs - Product Docs When we released Email 2.0 in th...
There is no way to do this unless you have a way to share data with them. It's their website so they control anything that happens on their pages and any data that is transmitted. ...
Yeah, it's not technically possible to know if someone opened only a text version of an email. I recommend you move to Email 2.0, where contents of rich-text elements are auto-copi...
Do you mean the hero background image? It should be. If you're seeing weirdness somewhere, please send me an email with a screenshot and I'll have our developers look into it. jcoo...
+1, and see mine. Our product offers support for local or global variables. Whether a variable is local or global is determined by how it is defined in the email template. If you m...
Greg is correct. We have delivered product functionality to enable variables to be either local or global in scope.Our syntax is defined here: Email Template Syntax - Marketo Docs ...