We do have built-in polling functionality and you have a couple options for implementing this. The way most customers would do it is something like you see here: http://go.kokopop....
Using an image variable would also be a good solution for this. You can learn about our variable types here: https://docs.marketo.com/display/DOCS/Email+Template+Syntax
Hmm, I still can't reproduce even with Japanese characters. Can you send me a link to your email so I can look at the actual structure of your rich text element?Takehiro Masaki
When you say "edit message body at HTML" tab, what do you mean? Remember, the only thing that gets copied is the text contents of a rich-text element, nothing else. No other part o...
The true answer is no for the time being but we will be adding that functionality soon.Here is what we currently support for email tracking links:We do currently offer a SKU for se...
The best way to do this in Marketo is via the rest API. Is this something that would work for you? This will allow you to clone a program every week and send the same email with dy...