You'll find many ways to build mobile-friendly emails all across the web and we have templates for use at http://templates.marketo.comSee this thread for more details:https://commu...
Because you are only saving a subset of the info to Marketo, it would probably be best to have your dev team write their own form on your website with the desired fields and then r...
That won't work if the person editing the landing page drags content onto the page. All elements are absolute-positioned that are dragged onto the page. The only way to make conten...
Add this to your template:<div style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;height:100px;width:200px;">{{my.RichTextToken}}</div>Then tell them to simply create a rich-text program t...
Not sure how good your HTML/CSS/JS skills are, but you could write that yourself:<p>Welcome back, {{lead.FirstName}}</p><p>Select series: </p><select id="series"> <option value="-...