We use Marketo for all of PPC landing pages and in Russia we need to tailor these landing pages to the different regions. Most of the content on the page will stay the same, but we...
Anybody figured out how to comply with the new Russian law:Background:The basics of this law come down to:-No data shall be stored outside of Russian unless it was first stored in ...
As we were troubleshooting some synchronization issues, we discovered that the Marketo Lead Management app is not currently installed in our Salesforce instance.None of the fields ...
In this document: Step 2 of 3: Create a Salesforce User for Marketo (Enterprise/Unlimited) - Marketo Docs There is a link to something called Set Sharing Settings - these are guide...
Now that forms 2.0 allows us to use the Date input type farily easily, how can I use the min attribute.I'd like to set the minimum date two weeks from the current date?
Alison,I am looking for the same thing. This is a pretty big shortcoming in Marketo. It's odd that you can do this for email templates but not for LP templates.
Josh,Your instructions have nothing to do with the question at hand. Appraently you cannot mass approve any landing pages that are part of a test group.
It seems that any new landing page has the default values of index, nofollow populated in the Meta Robots field. IS there a way to override this or mass update this?We want all of ...