Someone just asked this yesterday. Answer is here: Email Invalid Flag & Creating a Smart Campaign to Update It"there is no out-of-the-box smart campaign to uncheck email invali...
Becky,When you use the score tokens you are going to append them with the {{my.}} which means it will only look for programs tokens that house that specific smart campaign. So even...
Karen,You first create the tokens in the operational program (ex. Registered for webinar). When you create the scoring smart campaign, the flow will look like: "change score: lead ...
Zack,I believe merging leads would be the only option here. Is there a specific reason you do not want to merge the leads? If they are the same person, I don't see why merging woul...
Amanda,The email link performance report is going to show all clicks (left column) along with the number of leads (right column), this means that links were clicked multiple times ...
Hi fellow Champions,It was great to meet many of you in person last week at Summit!I wanted to ask a question (might be a dumb one). I was inducted as a first-time champion in Wint...
Lisa,Are you subscribing to Marketo system notifications? You can receive an alert if leads did not sync and for which reason. As for errors that may have occurred in the past, the...
Anne,I like Marketing Operations because it is always evolving. Because of this, it forces yourself to adjust your skill-sets and remain marketable in the job market. It is a very ...