Victoria,Yes, emails can be both delivered and bounce. And yes, that activity log will provide details of the bounce, so in this case, the email did bounce because of hitting a spa...
Christina,Since it's a batch, the person will only ever run through once per run. For your scenario, let's say you reward +5 for attending a tradeshow, are these people supposed to...
Casey,Please move this question to Products as Marketing Central is meant for general marketing questions and discussions.All you need to show is the created date of the leads who...
Kevin,I would keep those who haven't opened the email in this stream (stream 1). Then run a trigger smart campaign that looks for those who have opened one of the stream 1 emails a...
Aubrey,Assets in the same program with the same asset type cannot have the same name, so this is definitely not a user cloning the assets, this is a bug and I'd open a ticket with ...
Anne,I've found there is so much variation in industry benchmarks for email, especially when considering that email metrics are not always easy to monitor and can be deceiving. Hon...
Jamie,Adding those additional steps will run for new leads entering the flow as well as leads already in the flow, if they have not entered those steps yet. So if these new steps a...
Alec,When you send the email as a sample, you need to choose a lead to view the email as, then the token will populate.More info: Send a Sample Email - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
Alec,When you send the email as a sample, you need to choose a lead to view the email as, then the token will populate.More info: Send a Sample Email - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
David,What you can do is export your Marketo database and compare that spreadsheet to this new one. You can remove duplicates based on email address and then the remaining leads wi...