Hicham,"Global Emails" may be a system folder, you will need to create a new folder. Another possible reason is that there needs to be assets in the folder in order to share. You c...
We've run into a couple issues like this as well. If your customers are open to whitelisting your company's domain, then you can send that to their IT team to update. Many will not...
David,You cannot import new leads into Marketo and assign them as contacts in SFDC, Marketo only sees people (leads and contacts). After importing into Marketo, you can then conver...
Emily,When you say "test" it, are you referring to the preview function or send sample function? By default, both will display the default version of the email without dynamic cont...
Darrell,As long as the event program is synced with GoToWebinar, the statuses will sync back and forth, the reminders being on or off have no effect on the program status. So you c...