Murphy,You can edit the emails that are published to MSI. That way any of the emails they send through MSI will have the signature available. I would create custom fields for such ...
Conor,Marketo will de-dupe automatically during batch sends of emails. Which means if the email is sent through a single email program or a single batch campaign. If two leads with...
Mitchell,Not sure if this is the best solution, but you can create a custom text area Marketo field and title it "Last webpage viewed" or something similar. Create a smart campaign...
Eric,Correct, there is no out-of-the-box smart campaign to uncheck email invalid if the email address is updated. So what you have here will work. I would make sure you adjust the ...
Hunter,It is best practice to always include a text-only version along with the HTML version. The reason for this is that many recipients as well as their server may turn off downl...
RJ,To get more traction for this job opening, I would move this discussion to Job Opportunities. Marketing Central is meant for discussion about marketing topics in general.
Dave,Please move this discussion to Products which is specifically for questions about the Marketo product.As for your question, I would run an email performance report for that e...
David,I would also make sure you have SFDC campaigns sync turned on. Navigate to Admin > Salesforce > Sync Options and check the box at the top of the window "Enable Salesforce Cam...