Thanks for the response, Sanford. It's not a matter of crossover but a matter of not populating when there's a duplicate. For example, if I have a simple $object.attribute in an em...
Thanks for the response, Greg. We use various custom objects ranging from transactional nature (e.g. order history) to a reference table (e.g. onboarding status). The dedupe fields...
As we continue to try and roll out Related Contact functionality, we still have an issue with duplicates in Marketo--mostly leads and contacts with matching email addresses. Normal...
Thanks for the tips, Sru. Actually ended up using a similar constraint on the custom object (a date field). I think your additional 2 recommendations will help narrow things down s...
I've already tried using similar unique qualifier. The issue is, Marketo's smart list aren't only bringing back that record--it brings back the oldest version of that record. One t...
Use Case: Display Transaction Tables for each Store within an Email (this part has been solved with #foreach)Catch: In SFDC, the same Contact Email Address owns multiple stores, th...
Hi Jan,A quick solution we did for Montreal was to paste the English email HTML into a Rich Text object on a blank landing page. We then just link to it from our French emails. Jus...