Yet another Velocity question for Sanford Whiteman or someone with similar experience.We create URL's based on an ID of the most recently updated custom object. The issue is, even...
Thanks, Sanford Whiteman. I was able to get it to work great. You can ignore my response on your forum. If the user has cookies disabled on that site, responses don't play nice be...
I briefly touched on this with Sanford Whiteman's help onSorting a Marketo Custom Object with Velocity but we're now looking for a work-around due to Marketo not supporting $Trig...
Humbly appreciate the help, Sanford Whiteman. You saved us quite the headache over here. I didn't realize you could throw objects into an array and then reference the fields withi...
This topic has been briefly touched on a few other threads (e.g. Velocity Snippets #1: Sorts and seeks) with Sanford Whiteman but hoping to further clarify.Use Case: Display a tab...
Thanks, Kenny Elkington. Does this work as well for Marketo custom objects? We have restaurant store data which gets upserted into a custom object. We want to #foreach loop throug...
Thanks for the reply, Justin Cooperman. This isn't necessarily just focused on Custom Objects but how smart campaigns qualify duplicates. Use Case: Load a roll-up table of Uber Ea...
"Incorrect smart campaign qualification due to duplicate records causing Email Script to load incorrect values."Understood. I'll try to work on phrasing it's just unfortunately Vel...
Thanks, Sanford Whiteman. Considering how prevalent duplicates are, I'm surprised more customers are not complaining about email scripts not loading values. Even if you reference ...
Justin Cooperman are you aware of any tricks to make smart campaigns ONLY pull in the record with the matching criteria and not its duplicate? (e.g. If there's a Contact and Lead ...