ExactTarget doesn't natively support the related relationship but you can query SFDC through its API and build a data extension of that relationship. We ended up still going with M...
Although frustrating there's isn't native functionality, a SFDC admin with SOQL skills combined with an API developer can build a Marketo custom object for you and push data in. We...
Sorry, ExactTarget. Leveraging Data Extensions like Marketo Custom Objects, we're able to roll-up 1:N relationships with more flexibility and much less code.
We actually had to pivot to ET because of this functionality. The lack of Velocity depth we have on our team combined with the inability to see Related Account info means we can't ...
Facebook campaign data is available via the API, just not in the GUI. I agree it would be helpful to be able to store it as a token to tie to the record. "id": 131, "name": "Fill O...
We ended up creating a Marketo custom object which is updated via the API whenever a new 1:N relationship is added in Salesforce. It's incredibly flexible and useful but becomes an...
From experience, Marketo's ability to trigger off-of Account updates isn't 100% reliable. However, batch campaigns are more accurate when qualifying records based on Account-level ...
This is a big use case for Uber. In a restaurant Franchise model, Contact1 could own 5 different locations. Thus we "related" Contact1 across 4 other Accounts. We have a Contact Ac...
Absolutely agree. We put the subject lines within tokens or the description to help save time but the preview would dramatically speed up the search process.