"Delete person from Salesforce" Is that the Activity subject? If so, you can set up a smart campaign/smart list to pull when "Activity Was Logged" and enter that into the subject f...
My most "creative" engagement program was with my previous company where we didn't even use an engagement program. We knew that our team wasn't large enough to offer the most relev...
When I came on board, we were a little engagement stream happy. We had too many streams running to update in a timely manner. Combining streams now allows us to make sure the most ...
I'm unable to add a wait step when building out flow steps for score and data value. So I would have to build a campaign for each % of the random sample?
I'm trying to set up a campaign to slowly change scores one day apart. If I have a flow of...1. Change Score-Choice 1: Random Sample = 10% Change Score =702. Wait 1 day3. Change Sc...
I think scoring should reflect quality (or sale-ability) of that lead. So, if you make more sales to those interested in the iPhone 7 those interested should have a higher score. W...
I could write about this for days! I've held positions in both sales ops and marketing ops, so here are a just a few things I've learned. 1. Work on your relationship. One way to k...