Are you referring to the MQL as a stage in your revenue cycle or an actual stage value in your CRM?If the latter then yes, you can do as Devraj has outlined to search for the campa...
Yes, it is possible to include the Sales Insights data into the activity history. I would definitely recommend being intentional with what you have populated in the activity histor...
Is it a requirement to have specific dates and times populated in the email? It might be more trouble than it's worth to try to get that content to dynamically populate. Lets say, ...
Got it. The fields that are being evaluated are integer fields not score fields. I changed the "$oppScoreField" for "$oppIntegerField".Thanks for all your help.
Regret to say but this didn't work for me either. Going to go an alternate route and create a Boolean field that gets updated by the 2 fields I need evaluated and run my script off...
Sorry dude, very new to velocity scripting.I just tried the following and again it didn't work:#if( $convert.parseNumber($OpportunityList.get(0).Highest_Score__c) > 0 || $convert.p...
The second part of that statement is a different field I also want to evaluate. Are you saying to drop the "$convert.parsenumber" piece?I just tried the following and it did not wo...
Thank you Sanford.To turn this into an OR statement, would the logic need to be:#if( $convert.parseNumber($OpportunityList.get(0).Highest_Score__c) > 0 || $convert.parseNumber(${Op...