Smart Lists are dynamic; anyone who qualifies for the logic you set up will always appear in the list. If you need someone to not qualify, you can try adding a "Email Address is no...
You're calling the schedule campaign endpoint, which is meant to schedule a batch campaign to run in the future, but your campaign is a trigger campaign. You want to use the Reques...
Hi Hidenari,It was an issue unrelated to the maintenance to our RCA servers. However it has now been patched. Please file a Support ticket if you are still running into errors.
There's a few other moving cogs like caching based off your session that could cause that. I'll agree that it can be hard to predict at times close to the time of lead creation.You...
Most customers with large databases are provisioned onto our Smart List indexer which uses Blackcat/Corona technology (and in process of fully transitioning towards our Project Ori...
The links are only built at run time because they are appended with parameters to identify the recipients so that dynamic content in the message is built properly in the web view. ... "Both the Get Lead by Id and Get Leads by Filter Type will also accept a “fields” query parameter, which accepts a comma...
If you have a dedicated IP address you can file a Support ticket to see if our Deliverability team has any options to help. I believe they can assist in some whitelisting options.
Her situation was different. Your wait steps are set to wait for a specified date, but that date is now in the past, so her lead record just kept moving through the flow. Step #6 a...
I sent a message to the agent helping you as well, but it looked like you triggered the campaign twice a few minutes before you switched the campaign setting to only allow someone ...