Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

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Level 10

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Dan, if it's any help, I was under the impression that request campaigns function separately and those do not need to complete before going to the next step in the original campaign. Just the act of requesting the campaign needs to complete, then the next flow step is actioned.

It is certainly frustrating when there is conflicting information received from consultants!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Thanks for your input and confirming, Dory Viscogliosi​, Josh Hill​, and Steven Vanderberg.  Now back to the drawing board on some of our campaigns.

Level 10

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

HI Dan,

Sorry for not answering earlier, but connections for us in Europe are still difficult.

I concur, the "request campaign" is a "fire and forget" flow step and the called campaign will run it's own life totally independantly from the calling one.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Dan, it was always my understanding that the called campaign functions independently of the calling campaign. I have never heard anything otherwise.

Both Ed and I have written about this

How to Architect a Robust and Scalable Marketo Instance

Smart lists on the other hand, do have to wait for all nested smart lists to be tabulated before giving a final count.

Marketo Employee

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

I'd say file a Support ticket.  It's going to be hard to diagnose without being able to see the whole campaign, how the lead qualified for the campaign, and the source of the qualification (if it's a trigger campaign that is sending the email).

Level 10

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Hi Tom,

I strongly suspect that you are having duplicates in your database. The lead Tom Tolios is present twice in the campaign and therefore the trigger is called twice.

To check this hypothesis, click the lead name in the results. The lead detail pages will open and you will be able to check form the URL if the lead ID's are the same.


Level 4

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Grégoire MichelSteven Vanderberg Thanks for helping out here.

The strange thing here is that:

- the lead is not a duplicate

- the smart campaign is not used for other webinars then only this specific webinar

I did request a support ticket, but the support agent is facing the same issues as I am. They have not been able yet to resolve.

The smart campaign is triggered by "Fills out form X". A lead can only run through it once.

After the wait step with the token, the email should go out.

The only 'new' thing about this set up for me is the usage of tokens in the wait step, but I cannot imagine that to cause an email to be sent twice.

Marketo Employee

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

I sent a message to the agent helping you as well, but it looked like you triggered the campaign twice a few minutes before you switched the campaign setting to only allow someone to run through the flow one time.  You've had two iterations of your record hanging out and exiting together in your Wait steps.

Level 4

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Hi Steven,

Thanks for helping out!

This could be a reason yes. I did see, however, the support agent having the same issues with the email being sent twice.

I think for now I should set up another campaign, and test it again. See if the issue happens again.



Marketo Employee

Re: smart campaign sends the email twice after a wait step

Her situation was different.  Your wait steps are set to wait for a specified date, but that date is now in the past, so her lead record just kept moving through the flow. Step #6 and Step #8 send the same email so she got them in succession. If you check the Step IDs on those emails you'll see they are different.