Have you examined the response JSON? It should be denoting that the records aren't updating because multiple records match the lookup key (email address). You need to specify a fie...
I regularly receive marketing emails where in the unsubscribe footer they'll have included something like, "This email was sent to xxx@gmail.com. If you would like to unsubscribe o...
I'm unfamiliar with how Brighttalk works but someone else here may know (or Brighttalk support). Basically you need the connector configured to stop calling that endpoint since it ...
BrightTalk is trying to call one of the endpoints for Company (Account) operations. If you integrate natively with SFDC or Dynamics, you are not allowed to use these endpoints and ...
There is a pretty comprehensive blog post on what you should do to warm up your new domain Changing your Email Sending Domain or Brand . You will want to give it a bit of time befo...
Support doesn't have any special way of seeing this on the backend, but Email Insights will do this for you. You can separate the batches from the triggers by clicking the cog in t...
You can create a program in Marketing Activities and create an email asset using each of the templates. Then import that program into your production environment to pull over the t...
What is the source of the lead creation? Leads can be created without an email address by way of List Import, CRM integration, form fillout without a mandatory email field, or API....