Sanford's answer is complete. Pre-fill will not work when the form is embedded on non-Marketo pages without a developer writing custom code. It is documented here Embed a Form on Y...
Since you were able to retrieve the headers, I suggest you file a Support ticket. We have subject matter experts that know how to read headers to identify the source instance, sour...
In what way is it not working? Is it not firing? Is it not writing the values you're expecting? There's no errors and not enough details in the screenshots to go off of (this is st...
Go to Design Studio and click on the Forms item in the tree. It will show you a chart, and one of the columns is a count of how many Marketo landing pages each form is used on.
When using A/B Testing, you will not see the email available for reference until the email program is approved. When you approve your email program you should be able to reference ...
Just by looking at it and making an educated guess, your integration is set up to not leave a connection open for more than one minute but the call made to Marketo took longer than...
I noticed you said 2 pages had the munchkin code embedded and the 3rd has a Marketo form to capture the user details.but you didn't specify if the page with the Marketo form had Mu...
Hi Niti,You may want to blur out that name and email address.If you have more than one campaign generating interesting moments, you will probably want to make sure that one of thos...