Hi Lana, please email marketocares@marketo.com with that screenshot and someone on the Customer Care team will be able to get whatever's going on fixed.
Keep in mind that email clients that do not load images will not have Opened Email activities tracked, so you may be re-sending the same email to people that have indeed opened and...
In this scenario you would use a Champion/Challenger email with a trigger campaign or engagement program. Add an Email Champion/Challenger - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation
Pop-up blocker, maybe (since the designer opens in a new tab on a new sub-domain)? Chrome does this to me all the time until I whitelist the Marketo domain.
If you have any Smart Campaigns (trigger or batch) running that use any of the SFDC flow steps (Sync Lead, Add to Campaign, Change Owner, etc), Marketo will attempt to make API cal...
Use a trigger campaign.Trigger:Data Value Changes : (Field you're looking to track)Flow:Change Data Value: Attribute = (Field holding your timestamp), New Value = {{system.datetime...