Valli,1. IE 8 is not supported. Use the latest Chrome or Safari and you should be fine. Firefox too.2. Authorize Account can reset if you reset the browser or at other random times...
Matt,There are some articles on this. had more but they seem to have disappeared.
Cecile,In terms of migration from 1.0 to 2.0, you must do this manually. I don't know if I have a recommendation on what to do. I'd say it's easier to start using Forms 2.0 for new...
Can you share an image of your trigger campaign? I'd imagine it would be:Send Email Campaign 12:Clicks Link In Email Campaign:Smart List: Clicks in Email, Email IS "X" and Link IS ...
scoring.Qualification Rules sounds possible here, but scoring is what they are looking for. This was my big beef with the certification exam are odd Q&A like this where neither goo...
Hi Heather,Since Marketo is only looking at individuals, it won't take out the entire Account.It might be possible to do something more complex, (and I just realized you left Marke...
Yes, Will is correct here.BUT you should be using a subscription management system where you would invite people to different kinds of content so that they could say No to some and...
The inferred company name is based on IP reverse lookup, so I wouldn't rely too heavily on that when you see Comcast, Level 3, and other network providers.Inferred Company is only ...