So you are talking about two different things:1. Email Sign Up System - yes, create a simple Campaign or Program for Subscription Management. The trigger can be Fills Out Form that...
One of the ways you can use Tags is to segment Channels by Region or anything else. Mostly useful for RCA though.So you'd create a Region Tag and have EMEA, Americas, Asia, etc...
Can you post a screen shot?You could use hidden form fields and parameter values - that might work better.Also check if you are field blocking at the wrong time.I'm not sure why SF...
I haven't heard about supporting this. Ask Support!I'd use DKIM+SPF anyway since DomainKeys was a historical version that seems to be obsolete as you noted.
Not that I know of. Try searching around.One easy way is to have the link "Read more" and have it go to your blog post or landing page with the rest of the info.
The default for Engagements is Member and Engaged (when that person reaches a score).It is possible to create a new Engagement Channel and add statuses of your choosing. Take a loo...