Also, all this would probably not be necessary of this idea was impemented Be able to inject easily CSS classes on Form fields, labels, columns and rows-Greg
Hi Dave Roberts Web designers for Marketo need to address 3 constraints :Basically, in most of the teams, the people who create templates and CSS are not the ones who create the fo...
Hi again,So here would be the global JS to use :<script>MktoForms2.whenRendered(function (form) { /*! @author Sanford Whiteman @license MIT */ /* common vars & aliases */ var ANCES...
An also, agreed it's not a replacement for the wrappers with field names.On the community being very slow, I posted a question in the "about community" group.
Hi Sandford,the display thing is weird, I do not have such an issue on my own laptop (using Chrome, though)I knew you would make the code much better Thx a lot.-Greg
Many of us have been fighting with the lack of handlers that would enable to easily style forms. Combining multiple ideas, I propose you here a framework that will enable to add sp...
Hi Sheila,Yes, you are correct, the Marketo lead will become an orphan. I gather the lead in Marketo with be notified of the conversion and of the ID of the contact (since these ar...
Kayleen,Yes, you should exclude all members of this list from the LLC campaigns. The easiest to do this is to add a FILTER to your trigger LLC campaign:member of list NOT IN durabl...