Our team uses it primarily for informing their conversations and understanding the person's marketing activities. I like Oliver Zosel's mention of entering leads/contacts into mar...
Hi Felicia Escolin are you looking to create a Web Personalization Segment using a lead score filter? You can enable the score field(s) for Web Personalization (Account Settings >...
Hi Cecile Maindron is this an exact copy+paste of your email? If so, take a look at your second to last line - the token is incomplete. You need one additional bracket (in red bel...
Since you're already using a nurture campaign, would it work for you to drop these offers into the top of your stream(s)? We've done that a couple times to get a timely message out...
Screenshots would be helpful... can you confirm if in the Smart Campaign Schedule tab, you have the settings set to the person only being able to run through the campaign once? Tha...
The way I read your post makes me think we went through something similar... we ultimately got Marketo to help build a modified customMunchkin code for us to capture in-page activi...
Hi Jeremy Gendelman -What you're thinking is the case is correct.Once you start editing your snippet the default version won't copy to the other segments. Depending on how many se...
Hi Josh Mullenix - You can havemore than 20 segmentations in Marketo as long as only 20 of them are approved. You'll just get an error when you're ready to approve the 21st.Keep i...
Hi Melanie Kavalowskas... welcome to using Marketo!I'm assuming the request to be contacted checkbox on your form corresponds to a field? You can edit the form to see which field ...