Hi Adrian Cardelle - when you say that the email is approved and finished, you mean that it got sent out, right?If it's just two more people, I'd create a smart campaign and send ...
So, you could get at 3 of your 4 asks using smart lists...Contacts - Use the "was sent email" or "was delivered email" (based on what the campaign owner wants to see), and this wil...
I prefer to batch leads into their current revenue stage. If you don't, your qualification rules will push these leads along more quickly through stages, or skip stages, which won'...
Make sure each program that you're pulling in has a smart campaignwith aSmart List that references the person being a member of the engagement program (and any other criteria you w...
Hey Robyn Hatfield - just double-checking, is the engagement program set to "on" in the settings, too?https://docs.marketo.com/display/public/DOCS/Turn+an+Engagement+Program+On+an...
There's a good thread here about nested programs:https://nation.marketo.com/thread/46624-nurture-ahem-engagement-programs-best-practicesWe use nested programs to control not sendin...
I readAmy's inquiry as what to do after a lead has been created and exists in both systems, but they no longer want the lead in Marketo. At this point, the flag (which was original...
We've taken on the flagging of our custom sync rule to FALSE on the Marketo side, otherwise you won't know. So, we agreed with our SFDC admin team that if a lead/contact met certai...